SkyUp updates summer season flight schedule SkyUp partially optimises the summer programme, and in some destinations postpones the start of flights. 18 Jul 2020 7159 #destination #summer-2020
SkyUp returns to the sky: how we’re going to fly after lifting the restrictions What will be the new rules for Ukrainian aviation is still being agreed upon by the regulator and the competent authorities. In the meantime, we share our plans and what we’re working on now. 28 May 2020 12995 #attention
Over 12,000 flights, almost 2 mln passengers, retrofit planes, and new international and regional destinations: what 2019 was like at SkyUp Airlines In 2019, SkyUp Airlines managed a lot. Began to fly in an eco-friendly way and with better comfortability. Transported almost 2 million passengers. Have grown the team. Expanded the map of destinations and hub airports. 31 Jan 2020 2111 #fleet #statistics #new directions #important information #SkyUp
In February and March, luggage for 1 hryvnia on SkyUp flights to Yerevan Promotional tickets are available until February 14th 22 Jan 2020 980 #Yerevan #special_offer