Update. Attention of foreign citizens: SkyUp has opened ticket selling for some flights from Ukraine · p. 169 - SkyUp Airlines

Update. Attention of foreign citizens: SkyUp has opened ticket selling for some flights from Ukraine

19 Mar 2020

As previously reported, starting from March 19, 2020, SkyUp Airlines will operate non-scheduled special flights to allow Ukrainians and foreigners with a residence permit in Ukraine to return home from abroad.

Some of these flights may be used by foreign nationals, but only for departure from Ukraine.

Flights for which tickets for foreign citizens are open for sale as of 03/19/2020 (update):

03/20/2020 - Larnaca, Zurich
03/21/2020 - Berlin, Paris (Beauvais),  Vienna, Istanbul
03/22/2020 - Tbilisi, Prague, Madrid, Lisbon, Munich, Tallinn
03/23/2020 - Naples, Barcelona

Schedule information is as of the time of this message publication. Flights for which tickets can be purchased for departure from Ukraine may be added. Follow the information on the airline's website, and social media page.

Tickets are already available on the airline's website and in the agent network. All information about the timetable, the cost of the ticket and the conditions of its purchase are available on the skyup.aero

Please note that these flights are only available for foreigner citizens who have not left Ukraine before the official air traffic ban, and only on routes departing from Kyiv.

Security measures taken on special flights from Europe: what happens to the crew, aircraft and passengers

Crew. The crew is provided with protective masks, gloves and disinfectants. Crew members do not leave the aircraft in the quarantine zone, so they have no need to self-isolate.

Airplane. In accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, after performing all flights, preventive disinfection is carried out on board. After this, the aircraft is aired and is cleaned out.

Passengers. During the flight, passengers fill out special questionnaires: they answer questions about their place of stay and leave their contacts – name, surname, phone number and address of residence.

Upon arrival in Ukraine, passengers undergo the temperature screening and the medical examination at the airport.

For more information on other safety measures applied to passengers upon arrival in Ukraine, please contact the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.