Cheap flights from Kyiv to - Marseilles from 27 USD UAH - SkyUp Airlines

Cheap flights from Kyiv (KBP) - to Marseilles (MRS)

Find the cheapest plane tickets to Marseilles from Kyiv


Wayward, noisy and ambiguous. The second largest in France, Marseille has a powerful port on the Mediterranean coast. It has the soul of Provence and unchallengeable charisma. Let's get deeper.

How to move

The best and the cheapest way to get to the city is by bus. Head to the second platform, where buses run every 15 minutes. From here you will reach Marseille Central Station, which is located very close to the center. The ticket price for an adult is €8.2*, for students — €5.8*. But buy a round-trip ticket, because it's cheaper — €13.1*, and the final date can be adjusted.

In the city itself, there are many transport alternatives:

Bus: buy a ticket from the driver. Estimated cost — €1.9*.

Tram or Metro: Buy tickets at the ticket offices at stations. Estimated cost per hour — €1.5*. And if you are traveling with a company, there is an opportunity to purchase a ticket for 4 persons. It costs €4.8*.

What to see

Start your walk from the Panier quarter. From the old port, you can walk along Rue de la République to Sadi Carnot square, admiring the magnificent architecture.

There will be a staircase in the square. If you do not miss it, you find yourself on the Rue des Belles Ecuelles. Go straight and in just a few minutes you will get in the heart of old Marseille.

Then head towards Place de la Major. Two of the most famous cathedrals in Marseilles are located here. And there is new and modern building of the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations just across the road.

And, of course, everyone must see the embankment of the Old Port. By the way, there is a cool local market here: a lot of spices, sweets and souvenirs.

And if you want to look at the city and the sea from a bird's eye view, go to Notre Dame de la Garde. This is the famous basilica and, concurrently, the highest point in the city. From here you can see the Château d'If, made famous by Alexandre Dumas in his novel The Count of Monte Cristo.


Traditional French breakfast: fresh croissant with jam and strong coffee. The vast majority of local establishments offer such breakfasts as a "package", which is much more efficient for customers.

The same goes for lunch and dinner. But remember that the French have a clear dietary timing. So, for example, you can have lunch only from 12 pm to 2 pm. And for dinner from 7 pm to 10 pm. At other times, establishments are open for take-out, or are generally closed.

The average bill for a hearty dinner at a local establishment will be around €35*.

Explore (things to see out of the city)

Cassis — 34 km and you are in an atmospheric and peaceful place. Every half an hour a train leaves from Marseille and takes you to Cassis for €6* and 18 minutes.

Les Baux-de-Provence is a place with a castle carved into the rock. Its area is 7 hectares and it is worth seeing. But you can't get here without transfers. First you need to take the train to Arles (50 minutes, ≈ €18-23*), and then take the bus (40 minutes, ≈ €3*).


Marseille is also known for the fact that after 10 pm it is better not to stay on the streets. Grab wine and cheese and move to your favorite apartments. For tourism and a cool vibe, we recommend staying in areas near the Old Port. This option will cost you €30* per night.

Book a flight

Kyiv — Marseilles flights are available via SkyUp Airlines website. Click and choose the date you want. 

We also provide an opportunity to purchase Kyiv — Marseilles airline tickets by installments. Fly now, pay later.

* All prices in the text are as of the date of publication.



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