Rules of air transportation and Conduct on board of an Aircraft - SkyUp Airlines

Rules of Conduct on Board of an Aircraft


    • Airline service is a specific field where passenger safety is a priority target. Protection of passengers, members of aircraft crew and staff of Civil Aviation of Ukraine from acts of unlawful interference is provided by a comprehensive set of Aviation Safety measures, which constituent part is conducting of defined norms, rules and procedures by all participants of air transportation.

      Rules of conduct on board of an aircraft (hereinafter - an AC) of SKYUP AIRLINES, LLC (hereinafter - the Airline), aim to provide safety and are mandatory for all passengers.

      We offer to review rules of conduct on board of an AC during flight:

      A passenger reserves rights:

      • for his own safety to be provided;
      • to refuse from flight in case of reasonable uncertainty as for his safety to be provided;
      • to apply to aircrew members and call for their protection in case of any threat to his life, health or dignity.

      A passenger is responsible for:

      • following discipline and rules of conduct on board of an AC;
      • following instructions and recommendations of aircrew members;
      • placing carry-on baggage and personal items in designated locations defined by a flight steward;
      • fastening seat belts while signal panel «fasten seat belts» is on.

      A passenger is prohibited:

      • to create situations which threaten flight safety or life, health or personal dignity of passengers and members of the aircrew;
      • to express disrespect, aggression toward other passengers and members of the aircrew;
      • to afford any form of abuse or physical violence toward other passengers and members of the aircrew;
      • to prevent members of the aircrew from performing their duties;
      • to intake drugs and other substances which result in intoxication;
      • to drink alcoholic beverages, except those offered by the aircrew;
      • to smoke on board of an AC, including vapes;
      • to leave his seat and move over the cabin of an AC, when it is prohibited by the aircrew;
      • to block passages, emergency and service doors and access to emergency exit doors;
      • to damage any equipment and property on board of an AC;
      • to carry any Airline-owned equipment or property out of an AC;
      • to use any emergency equipment if the aircrew has not given such command;
      • to make a video or a snapshot of an AC, passenger cabin, members of the aircrew and other personnel of the Airline without prior permit (approval) from the Airline management;
      • to use communication devices, such as a mobile phone, radio, etc. during the whole flight;
      • to use electronic devices, such as a laptop, tablet, player, etc. during take-off and landfall of an AC;
      • to create any other unlawful situations which threaten or can threaten flight safety;
      • to make psychological pressure or explicit intimidation, express violence, threat or make intentional damage to life, health or property of passengers, aircrew or the Airline;
      • to spread untrue information which can create a threat to safety of an AC;
      • to enter or try to enter the cockpit of an AC;
      • to open doors and emergency doors of an AC without authorization;
      • any other actions which create any threat to flight safety or have elements of crime, which responsibility is envisaged by criminal legislation of Ukraine or country of destination.

      With purpose to provide flight safety the Airline reserve the right to prohibit or limit usage of electronic devices, mobile phones, portable PCs, portable tape-recorders, portable radios, CD/MP3-players, transmitters, including wireless-controlled toys, portable radio sets, etc. (excluding assistive listening devices and electric cardiostimulators).

      In case of breaching the above-mentioned rules AC commander reserves rights:

      • to give orders and instructions which are subject to unconditional fulfilment by both members of the aircrew and passengers;
      • to apply all necessary measures, including those of compulsory nature, toward individuals who, with their actions, create a threat to flight safety and did not fulfil his orders;
      • to fulfil emergency landing at the nearest aerodrome (airport) to transfer the delinquent passenger to law enforcement officials.

      The Airline rules in place and the existing practice of their exercising foresees such sanctions:

      • reimbursement by a passenger any additional costs incurred to the Airline as a result of delinquency committed on board of an AC;
      • reimbursement of loss of property incurred to the Airline by the delinquent passenger;
      • the Airline will deny further air transportation the passenger;
      • providing the incident for the maximal public coverage by the mass media and Internet.

      Passengers can review Rules of Conduct on Board of an AC:

      • on the Airline official website;
      • on board of an AC;
      • at the Airline representative offices and tour operators;
      • at box offices.

      Legislation of major countries in the world foresees penalty for breaking rules of Aviation / flight safety.

      Delinquent passengers, due to distinctions of national laws, can be fined (fine amount from 340.00 UAH to 250,000.00 USD) and/or prosecuted (detention for from 15 days to 20 years).

    • General provisions
    • Scope of application
    • Providing information to passengers
    • Carriage contract. ticket
    • Stopover or agreement on stopping places
    • Tariffs and charges
    • Reservation of air transportation of passengers, baggage
    • Passenger servicing
    • Transportation of some categories of passengers
    • Check-in for passengers and baggage registration
    • Refusal to transport passenger and baggage by air to ensure safety of flight
    • Baggage
    • Transportation of some categories of baggage
    • Schedule
    • Flights delay and cancellation
    • Rights of the passengers in case of refusal to air transport, cancellation or delay of flights
    • Reimbursement for delay in baggage transportation
    • Obligations of the airline to inform passengers about their rights
    • Refund
    • Behavior onboard
    • Arrangements between airlines
    • Consecutive carriers
    • Multimodal transportation
    • Air transportation carried out by non-contract carrier
    • Charter transportations
    • Administrative formalities
    • Obligations of the airline and the amount of damage compensation
    • Complaints and claims

      • 1.1 Rules of air transportation and passenger and baggage service (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) of SkyUp AIRLINES LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Airline) comply with the Aviation rules of Ukraine «Rules of air transport and service of passengers and baggage» approved by the Order of the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine (hereinafter – SAAU) on November 26, 2018 No. 1239 “On approval of the Aviation rules of Ukraine «Rules of air transport and service of passengers and baggage», registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 02/08/2019 under No. 141/33112 with changes introduced by the order of the SAAU No. 1126 dated 14.08.2020, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 19, 2020 under No. 1022/35305 (hereinafter the Rules of SAAU), are developed taking into account the requirements:
        - of the Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 05, 2006 1107/2006 on the rights of persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility when using airspace;
        - Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council of February 11, 2004 No. 261/2004 coming into force of general rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in case of denied boarding and cancellation or long delay of flights;
        - Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 13, 2006, New York;
        - Council Regulation (EU) of October 9, 1997 No. 2027/97 on the liability of air carriers in case of an incident, as amended by Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 13, 2002 No. 889/2002;
        - Regulation (EU) No 785/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on insurance carrier requirements for air carriers and aircraft operators; - the Convention on the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air signed on 28 May 1999 in Montreal; - General conditions of Carriage of passengers and baggage established by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) (“General Conditions of Carriage (passenger and baggage)”); - resolutions and recommended practices of the International Air Transport Association (IATA); - Standards and Recommended Practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
      • 1.2 Aviation security during air transportation of passengers and baggage is carried out in accordance with the legislation, in particular with the Law of Ukraine "On the State Aviation Security Program for Civil Aviation" dated March 21, 2017 No. 1965-VIII.
      • 1.3 These Rules have been developed to establish general conditions for the transportation and servicing of passengers and baggage by flights of the Airline, and to ensure flight safety and quality of service. In case of disagreement in the interpretation of the provisions of these Rules, preference is given to the textual rules of the SAA and the provisions of the Air Code of Ukraine.
      • 1.4 The terms used in these Rules have the following meanings::
        • Airline – LLC “SKYUP AIRLINES”;
        • automated reservation system/global distribution system is a system that provides information on flight schedules, availability and tariffs of air carriers and with the help of which reserving of air transportation services is carried out (hereinafter – ARS/GDS);
        • air carrier (hereinafter referred to as the carrier) is a business entity that provides services for the transportation of passengers and cargo by air: in the case of a Ukrainian carrier – on the basis of a license, as well as an operator certificate issued by the authorized body in the field of civil aviation of Ukraine; or in the case of a foreign air carrier - on the basis of the relevant document of the competent authority of another country that meets the requirements of international treaties, which are mandatory for Ukraine;
        • operating air carrier is a carrier that performs or intends to perform a flight under a contract with the passenger or on behalf of another person, legal or physical, who has a contract with this passenger, transports or undertakes to transport the passenger and/or his baggage according to the ticket, and also undertakes to provide all other services related to such transportation, regardless of whether this legal or natural person is the actual carrier or the contract carrier. The term "carrier" includes agents, workers, representatives and contractors of the carrier, unless otherwise provided by these Rules;
        • service agent is a ground handling entity authorized by the carrier to carry out operations on ground handling of passengers and baggage;
        • - baggage identification tag is a document issued by the carrier to identify the checked baggage;
        • excess baggage is a part of baggage that exceeds the rate established by the carrier for free baggage transportation or requires mandatory payment regardless of the specified rate;
        • exceptional conditions are the conditions under which the transportation of passengers and baggage does not fall under the usual operations and operating procedures of civil aircrafts, including the conditions under which the peacekeeping contingent is transported, transportation to eliminate the consequences of a natural disaster or accident, etc.;
        • domestic transportation is the transportation of passengers and baggage between points that are located on the territory of Ukraine;
        • group transportation is the transportation of a group of persons having a common purpose of travel. The minimum number of passengers in group is set by the air carrier;
        • day is the calendar day, including all seven days of the week, holidays and non-working days. To determine the period of validity for transportation documents, acts and other documents, as well as the deadlines for transportation, the statutes of limitations for making claims, the countdown starts from 00 hours (00:00) of the day following the day when the event occurred or the action took place. Remaining time of these days is not taken into account. If the end of the period indicated above falls on a holiday or day off the end date is the first working day after it;
        • inspection is a security control procedure using technical or other means to detect weapons, explosives, objects or devices that can be used to commit an act of unlawful interference;
        • contract of aircraft charter (affreightment) is an agreement under which one party (freighter) undertakes to provide the other party (charterer) for a fee with all or part of the capacity in one or more aircraft for one or more flights for the transportation of passengers, baggage;
        • damaged ticket is a ticket which condition, due to the fault of the passenger, does not allow to identify or read the information contained in it;
        • multimodal transportation is a transportation carried out using various modes of transport according to one transportation document involving air transport;
        • stopover is a temporary stoppage previously agreed between the carrier and the passenger at any point, except for the departure and destination points;
        • interline agreement is an agreement on the mutual recognition of shipping documents and the relevant settlements;
        • carrier code is a conditional letter or alphanumeric designation of the air carrier provided by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in accordance with the established procedure, which is used to identify the air carrier in ARS/GDS;
        • commercial agreements are all agreements between carriers, except for an agency agreement regarding the provision of common services related to the air transportation of passengers and baggage;
        • Itinerary receipt (itinerary/receipt) is a document (documents) that is (are) a part of an electronic ticket and contains (contain) the necessary information (for example, passenger's name, route, tariff, etc.), notifications and messages;
        • international transportation is a transportation during which the point of departure and the destination, regardless of whether there is a break in transportation or overloading, are located either on the territory of two different countries, or on the territory of one country, if the agreed stop is provided for on the territory of another country;
        • place of departure is the point indicated in the ticket from which the transportation of the passenger and his baggage begins;
        • place of destination - the point specified in the ticket, where the passenger and/or baggage transportation ends;
        • Montreal Convention is the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, done on May 28, 1999 in the city of Montreal;
        • extraordinary circumstances are the circumstances that lead to a long delay or cancellation of one or more flights, even if the carrier has taken all reasonable steps to prevent delays or cancellations. Extraordinary circumstances include, in particular, but are not reduced to: hostilities, public riots, sabotage, embargoes, fires, floods or other natural disasters, explosions, actions or omissions of public authorities, strikes, and technical obstacles caused by failures and malfunctions of power supply systems, means of communication, communications, equipment, and software. The technical malfunctions of the aircraft are not the extraordinary circumstances;
        • normal tariff is a full tariff without any restrictions on use, established for servicing first, business, premium and economy service classes, providing maximum flexibility regarding reserving a seat, issuing a ticket, stopping time, combining tariffs, re-reservation and changing the date and route, refusal of transportation etc.;
        • principal place of business of the air carrier is the location of the main office, in which the main administrative, organizational and financial functions of the air carrier are carried out;
        • principal and permanent place of residence is one fixed and permanent place of residence of the passenger at the time of the incident. Citizenship of a passenger is not a determining factor for determining permanent place of residence;
        • final passenger and baggage clearance time is the time after which passengers who did not have time to check-in or board the plane are not accepted for transportation on the corresponding flight;
        • transit passenger is a passenger who, according to the air carriage contract, is further transported by the same flight by which he (she) arrived at the intermediate airport;
        • transfer passenger is a passenger who, according to the air carriage contract, is transported to the transfer point by one flight, and then transported by another flight of the same or another air carrier;
        • confirmed reservation is a reservation made in an automated reservation system and confirmed by the carrier. It is marked in the ticket (electronic ticket) by the mark “OK”;
        • air transportation is the transportation of passengers and, baggage, which is carried out by an aircraft on the basis of air transportation contract. Transportation may be international or domestic;
        • flight coupon is a part of a passenger ticket or, in the case of an electronic ticket, an electronic coupon which defines the corresponding points of departure and arrival, between which the flight coupon is valid for the transportation of passengers and baggage;
        • potentially dangerous passengers are the category of passengers who subject to administrative procedures, namely: inadmissible persons, deportees and persons in custody;
        • boarding pass is a document (paper or mobile) confirming the passenger’s right to board the aircraft, which is provided on the basis of the passenger’s check-in for the flight. Mobile boarding pass is a boarding pass adapted for displaying on the screen of an electronic device, containing, in addition to personal data, flight information and a special bar code for reading by the scanner at the airport. Email or SMS is not a mobile boarding pass;
        • carrier rules are the rules, instructions and technologies established by the carrier that are used in the transportation of passengers and/or baggage by air, including the rules of air transportation of passengers and baggage, the rules for the application of tariffs, standards and guidelines for servicing passengers and baggage, and the procedure for handling claims;
        • rules for the application of tariffs are the conditions for using tariffs established by the air carrier that provide for determining the sales territory, sales season and flights for which you can purchase tickets for a certain type of tariff, the possibility of combining with other types of tariffs and stops at an intermediate point, child discounts, rules for refunding for an unused ticket or a part of it, re-reservation conditions, free baggage allowance, the possibility of transferring a passenger for transportation to another airline, etc.;
        • claim is a written request of an interested party for renewal of rights of reimbursement for the damage caused as a result of domestic or international air transportation, payment of reimbursement etc;
        • flight is an aircraft flight (scheduled or non-scheduled), performed in one direction from the starting point of departure to the final destination point of the route;
        • flight with excess reservation is a flight for which the number of passengers having a confirmed reservation and arriving at check-in before the final clearance time exceeds the number of available seats on the flight;
        • reasonable measures are adequate measures taken by the carrier to prevent or reduce damage (loss) caused to the passenger;
        • reasonable time is a period of time, the reasonable limit of the duration of which for air transportation of a passenger (baggage) is 2 or more hours – for all flights with a distance of 1500 kilometers or less; 3 hours or more – for all flights with a distance from 1,500 to 3,500 kilometers; or 4 hours or more – for all other flights;
        • route segment is a part of the transportation between two points, which is an integral part of the full route and is issued out on one flight coupon;
        • service animals are the animals (usually dogs or other animals) that are controlled by the passenger with disability or reduced mobility and the person accompanying such passenger in order to provide the passenger with disability or reduced mobility with physical and/or emotional support, provided that the presence of animals on board the aircraft does not jeopardize flight safety, does not pose a threat to other passengers and complies with sanitary and hygiene standards;
        • special drawing right (hereinafter – SDR) is the monetary unit of account used by the International Monetary Fund (hereinafter referred to as the IMF);
        • special tariff is a published by the carrier tariff that has certain restrictions in terms of its use;
        • special conditions are the conditions for the transportation of passengers and baggage arising from the non-compliance of the provisions of these Rules with the rules of another country, or if the rules of another country establish a lower level of transportation conditions than those established by these Rules, or if another country requires compliance with its rules and at the same time threatens the fulfillment of the air carriage contract;
        • an entity providing agency services for the sale of air transportation (hereinafter referred to as the sales agent) is a legal entity engaged in the sale of air transportation on behalf of the air carrier or the general agent on the basis of the contract;
        • tariff standards are the tariffs and rules for their application established and published by the carrier;
        • agreed stopping places are the points (except the points of departure and destination) that are specified in the ticket or are indicated in the air carrier’s schedule as planned stopping points on the transportation route;
        • charter flight for business purposes is a charter flight for which the entire aircraft capacity is reserved by one individual or legal entity solely for its own needs (without the right to sell the capacity to a third party) for the purpose of transporting passengers and/or cargo and is not shared between other charterers. At the same time, the number of the transported passengers cannot exceed 15 people, and the cargo – 2 tons;
        • family members are married persons, parents of married persons, children, including adopted children, guardians, grandmother, grandfather, siblings, grandchildren, dependents recognized by law. In the rules of the air carrier, the list of persons belonging to family members can be expanded.

      Other terms used in these Rules are used in the meaning given in the Air Code of Ukraine.


      General conditions of transportation

      1. These Rules are obligatory for any international and domestic transportation of passengers and/or baggage, of free of charge, from/to airports located on the territory of Ukraine.
      2. These Rules are obligatory for the passenger who travels on a flight(s) according to the ticket. The definition of an airline as a carrier for such a flight is a confirmation of the existence of air carriage contract for such a flight between this carrier and the passenger specified in the ticket.
      3. All transportations of passengers and baggage specified in paragraph 2.1.1 are subject to the rules of the air carrier, as well as the tariff standards of the air carrier, valid on the date of the ticket issue (electronic ticket issue), and if such a date cannot be determined – on the date when the transportation commenced. When transporting passengers and baggage, the Rules, tariffs and fees applicable on the date of ticket issue are used.
        The rules and tariff regulations of the airline, with changes made to them after the date of ticket issuance, cannot be applied to the contract of carriage of the passenger and baggage without notifying the passenger, except in cases where otherwise provided by the applicable laws.
      4. The air carrier has established these Rules with the purpose of improvement of the efficiency and quality of transportation that meets the quality standards and norms, responsibility for passenger servicing, established by requirements of SAAU. These Rules are agreed upon by the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine.
      5. The air carrier is entitled to carry out transportation of passengers and baggage in respect of which it is impossible to ensure compliance with these Rules only under special conditions provided for in clause 2.2 of this section.
      6. These Rules do not apply during the transportation of passengers and baggage carried out under extraordinary conditions that are not subject to the usual operations and procedures for organizing of the transportation of passengers and baggage.

      Specific conditions of transportation

      In the event of an emergency situation, in which the airline is unable to fulfill the provisions of these Rules in terms of ensuring the general conditions of passenger and baggage transportation under normal circumstances, the airline has the right to ensure the fulfillment of its transportation obligations through the use of alternative means of transportation, in accordance with the law of order. The general level of quality and safety during such transportation should be at least equivalent to the level that would be ensured if all the requirements established by these Rules were met, and should comply with the requirements of the SAAU Rules.

      Carrier’s rules upon the application of special tariffs and transportation of certain categories of passengers and baggage are also special conditions of the carriage.


      • 3.1. The provisions of this section are applied to the Airline and its sales and/or service agents involved in issuing tickets for air transportation in Ukraine.

      • 3.2. The Airline, its sales agent, in the transportation clearance office is required to place the following information in a visible and accessible for consumers place:
        • its full name, location;
        • copies of the documents (licenses, certificates, attestations) regarding the performance of air transportation (sale of air transportation);
        • contacts of the State Aviation Administration (phone number, email and postal addresses);
        • SAAU Rules;
        • the book of comments and suggestions.
        When issuing tickets, the Airline and its sales agent are required to inform the passengers and provide in writing the terms of the contract (of the airline for which the ticket was issued), the rules for applying tariffs according to which the ticket was purchased, administrative formalities during the trip on a certain route, important messages regarding the transportation of dangerous substances in baggage and cabin baggage, other messages that the Airline considers necessary to bring to passenger's attention.
        In the case of the sale of air transportation using the website, this information is communicated to the passenger electronically through the website using which the air transportation is reserved.

        Carrying out promotions, the Airline provides consumers with full information about the cost of transportation, which should include the amount of the tariff and all state taxes and fees, airport charges/tariffs and charges/tariffs of the Airline.

        By paying for a ticket for a flight of the Airline the passenger agrees with all the terms of the contract of air transportation and the rules of the Airline.

      • 3.3. The Airline publishes its rules on the website as well as contact information, including the contacts of a 24-hour help desk. (+38044-330 00 13; +38044-339-90-03).

      Contract of transportation of passengers and/or baggage

      1. Air transportation is carried out on the basis of the contract between the Airline and the passenger. The conclusion of the contract of air transportation and its conditions are confirmed by the ticket that is issued to the passenger by the Airline or by sales agent.
      2. The ticket entitles the passenger specified in the ticket to be transported with the corresponding flight(s) and obliges the Airline to carry out the corresponding transportation of the passenger and his (her) baggage, as well as to provide other services in accordance with the terms of the contract of air transportation, except as specified in paragraph 4.1.4.
      3. The terms of the contract of air transportation that are attached to the ticket and should contain information for passengers about the limitation of liability during the transportation of passengers and baggage, taxes and fees; time of the beginning and end of check-in for the flight, boarding the aircraft; information about checked baggage and cabin baggage; time limits for making claims regarding the improper transportation of passengers and baggage; information on the prohibition of the transportation of certain items in checked baggage or in cabin baggage; rights of the passenger in case of denial of transportation, cancellation or long delay of the flight; address of the Airline whereon the passengers can send their requests; other information that the Airline considers necessary for the passenger.
        The terms of the contract of carriage that are attached to the ticket must not contradict the Montreal Convention, the Air Code of Ukraine and the Rules of the SAAU.
      4. The person is not entitled to the transportation by the flight, and the Airline or a person authorized by the Airline has the right to invalidate a ticket if:
        • the person will present a damaged ticket or a ticket in which modifications were made not by the Airline or its authorized sales agent;
        • it was found that the ticket was purchased using a fake/stolen or invalid payment card (credit card);
        • the person will not present a ticket containing a flight coupon for the corresponding flight, all other unused flight coupons, as well as the passenger coupon;
        • the error in the sequence of flight coupons usage took place due to the passenger’s fault;
        • the name of the passenger on whom the ticket is issued does not match the name of the passenger who presented it;
        • the ticket is falsified or counterfeit;
        • the ticket was purchased from a legal or natural person who is not a representative or Agent of the Airline;
        • tariff was applied incorrectly or the cost of air transportation not paid by the passenger in full on the day of air transportation through no fault of the Airline and/or the sales agent;
        • the person is not able to confirm that the electronic ticket was provided to him (her) properly (in the case of issuing an electronic ticket).
      5. The tickets held invalid because of the fault of the Airline shall be reissued if the passenger needs transportation. Tickets held invalid for a reason beyond the control of the Airline shall be withdrawn without reissuance. In all cases, the Airline or a person representing its interests draws up an act, the original of which is provided to the passenger, and the copy remains with the Airline.
      6. A person found on board an aircraft without a ticket or with a ticket that the Airline held invalid shall be disembarked.
      7. In the case of detection on-board of the person without a ticket an appropriate act shall be concluded, and authorized body for Civil Aviation the competence of which includes monitoring aviation security shall be reported about the case.
      8. The passenger is required to keep the ticket and other transportation documents until the end of the transportation, and in the event of a claim until the time of its resolution. A ticket and other transportation documents issued to the passenger must be presented on demand to the official representative of the carrier (airport operator, service agent, etc.).

      Lost or damaged ticket

      1. In case of loss or damage of the ticket (or a part of it) by the passenger, the Airline may, at the request of the passenger, replace such ticket (or part of it) by issuing a new ticket provided the passenger signs the agreement to reimburse the Airline in the amount of the original ticket cost for any losses incurred by the Airline in connection with the use of the original ticket by a third party. If the passenger does not sign such an agreement, the Airline, if it issues a duplicate ticket, has the right to require the passenger to pay full cost of the ticket. The Airline has the right to charge a passenger a fee for services of issuing a duplicate ticket, unless the loss or deterioration because of the negligence of the Airline (its agent). In case of loss or damage to the ticket of another carrier, a duplicate ticket is issued only with the written consent of such carrier.
      2. The Airline shall be entitled to refuse to issue a duplicate ticket to the passenger if:
        • the passenger did not sign the agreement provided for in paragraph 4.2.1 and refused to pay for the services for issuing a duplicate ticket;
        • the passenger requires the issuance of a duplicate ticket at the airport on the day of the flight, if less than three hours remain before the scheduled flight departure or in the hours when the office of the Airline, which must grant approval, is not working.

      Prohibition to transfer the ticket

      1. The ticket can be used only for transportation of the person whose last name and first name are shown in the ticket.
      2. The Airline has the right to demand the identification of the passenger in order to fulfill the requirements of paragraph 4.3.1.

      Validity of the ticket

      1. Validity of the ticket includes:
        • general validity period of the ticket;
        • validity period for transportation.
      2. The general validity period of the ticket entitles the passenger to use the ticket for all operations provided for in these Rules, including for obtaining a seat on a certain flight and date, reimbursement of the cost of fully or partially unused transportation and other payments established by these Rules.
      3. The general validity period of the ticket covers the period from the date of its issuance until the expiration of the period provided by the rules for applying tariffs of the Airline for a refund for an unused ticket.
      4. The ticket with a guaranteed date of departure gives the right to transport a passenger and his (her) baggage from the first airport indicated in it, the airport of transfer, stop or airport of return transportation only on the day and flight indicated on the ticket.
      5. The ticket with an open date gives the right to transport passenger and baggage from the corresponding airport only after making a reservation and entering the departure date, time of the departure, and flight number into the ticket by the Airline or its authorized person.
      6. The ticket issued according to a normal tariff is valid for transportation within one year from the date of commencement of carriage, if a part of the ticket is used, or from the date of issue, if the whole ticket is not used.
      7. The ticket issued according to a special tariff is valid for transportation only until the date indicated in the ticket, and subject to the conditions established by the rules for applying tariffs of the Airline.

      Prolongation of validity term of the ticket

      1. The validity of the ticket, regardless of the type of tariff applied, is extended if the Airline:
        • cannot provide a seat on a flight for which the passenger has a confirmed reservation;
        • cancels the flight for which the passenger has a confirmed reservation;
        • will not perform the flight within a reasonable time after the departure time indicated in the ticket;
        • by its actions caused the situation when the passenger does not have time to transfer to another connecting flight for which the passenger has a confirmed reservation and which is indicated in the same ticket as the previous flight;
        • cannot provide services in accordance with the paid class of service; in this case, if the passenger agrees to further transportation, the validity of his (her) ticket shall be extended until the first flight, on which there is a seat for such a passenger in a paid class of service;
        • as well as in case of illness of the passenger or the member of his (her) family who travels with him (her) on the aircraft, subject to the presentation of a corresponding certificate from a healthcare institution.
      2. If the passenger after the commenced of the trip cannot continue it during the period of validity of the ticket for transportation because of an illness or other circumstances, the Airline extends the validity of such a ticket until the time when the passenger can continue the journey, or until the first flight of the Airline which has a seat in paid class of service after such a date and from the point where the journey was interrupted. The fact of illness or other circumstances must be confirmed by the corresponding certificate of the healthcare institution. In such a case, the Airline may also extend the validity of tickets of the persons accompanying such a passenger.
      3. In case of a death of spouse or a family member of the passenger who has not started the trip, or in the event of the death of the passenger on the route, persons accompanying the passenger can extend the term of tickets, as well as the period of the minimum stay at the event point. The prolongation of validity of tickets should be carried out after receiving an appropriately issued death certificate and for a period not exceeding 45 days from the date of death of the passenger.
        When applying these Rules, family members of an individual are considered to be: his (her) spouse, his (her) parents and parents of his (her) spouse, children of individual and his (her) spouse, including adopted children, guardians, grandparents, relatives brothers, sisters, grandchildren and other dependents recognized by law. The Airline may also expand the list of persons belonging to the family members of the deceased passenger.

      Sequence of flight coupons

      1. The Airline shall accept flight coupons only in sequence, starting with the first airport of departure indicated in the ticket.
      2. The ticket in which the passenger violated the sequence of used flight coupons through no fault of the Airline or its authorized agent (sales and/or service) is declared invalid.
      3. The passenger coupon and all unused flight coupons that have not previously been returned to the Airline remain with the passenger during the trip and should be provided to the Airline upon request. In case of violation of the sequence of flight coupons because of the fault of the passenger, the Airline has the right to deny transportation and refuse to refund the cost of unused flight coupons.
      4. If the passenger refuses from transportation on one of the segments of the route, which leads to the violation of the order of usage of flight coupons, and is willing to use other segments of the route or return flight, then the passenger must inform the Airline about this and reissue the ticket.

      Class of service

      1. The Airline provides the passenger with servicing according to the class of service paid by him (her). The Airline (its sales agent) informs the passenger when making reservation and/or issuing a ticket about the service available in the respective class.
      2. The passenger is accepted for transportation in the service class specified in the flight coupon, on the date and the corresponding flight for which the passenger has a confirmed reservation.
      3. If the ticket is issued without a confirmed reservation (the booking status is different than “OK”), the seat will be reserved at the request of the passenger during the check-in procedure, in case of availability of such a seat in the paid class of service on the corresponding flight. If there is not enough time to make a reservation, the passenger can be accepted for transportation without making a reservation.
      4. The Airline has the right to raise or lower the class of service for both technical and commercial reasons. In the case of lowering the class of service, the Airline should inform the passenger as soon as possible and offer appropriate compensation, taking into account the provisions of chapter 16.5 of these Rules.

      Terms and conditions for submitting tickets in order to refund the paid amount

      1. The ticket may be submitted to the Airline for refund the amount paid for partially or completely unused transportation, if such a refund is permitted by the rules for applying tariffs of the Airline:
        • prior to transportation, or
        • during the validity period of the ticket for transportation, or
        • within 30 days after the expiration of the validity of the ticket for transportation.

        The Airline taking into consideration the circumstances that made it impossible to submit a ticket for a refund operation may extend this period.
      2. The refund for unused tickets is subject to the requirements of the rules for applying tariffs established by the Airline.
      3. The expiration of the period specified in chapter 1 of this clause shall not deprive the passenger of the right to file a claim with the Airline in accordance with section 28 of these Rules.


      1. The name of the Airline may also be given on the ticket (itinerary receipt) in the form of the IATA code of the Airline (PQ) or ICAO code of the Airline (SQP).
      2. The Airline (its sales agent or service agent) shall provide the passenger when making reservation (check-in) information regarding the full name of the Airline indicated in the ticket in the form of a code:

      3. PQ – IATA code of the Airline;
        SQP – ICAO code of the Airline.

      A stopover is allowed only under condition that it is previously agreed with the Airline and is indicated in the ticket.

      If the passenger has a ticket issued at the normal tariff, stopovers during the validity period of the ticket shall be permitted at any point along the route.

      If the passenger holds a ticket issued according to a special tariff and makes a stopover, the passenger may be charged extra fee for this.


      • 6.1. Applicable tariffs are the tariffs approved and published by the Airline or on behalf of the Airline (or if not published, calculated in accordance with the tariff standards of the Airline) for the flight or flights from the point of departure to the point of destination indicated in the ticket, which are valid for the respective class of service as of the day of payment for the ticket. Each tariff provides the rules of its application, which establish the validity term of the ticket, the application of tariff and refund of amounts for the unused part of the transportation, other conditions, and may include surcharge(s) to the tariff which are its integral part. The rules for applying tariffs shall be approved by the head of the Airline and are posted on the website of the Airline ( ) and are available to passengers for review.

      • 6.2. The tariffs do not include transport services between airport terminals and between airports and city terminals.

      • 6.3. Airport charges (taxes) for the provision of services to passengers when servicing them at the airport shall be established and approved in accordance with applicable law and published in a form accessible to getting acquainted.

      • 6.4. Airport charges (taxes), taxes and levies established by the state of the airport of departure/destination, charges (taxes) of the Airline are not included in the tariff, and together with the tariff comprise the full cost of transportation. The Airline and the sales agent collect payment for arranging the air transportation and for performing the refund. The fee for the operation of registration of the transportation is not included in the cost of ticket and is paid separately.

      • 6.5. Airport charges (taxes), taxes and levies established by the state of the airport of departure/destination, charges (taxes) of the Airline established for using any services or equipment may be included in the cost of transportation or be paid separately with the provision of the document confirming the payment for these services.

      • 6.6. The tariffs, charges (taxes) for air transportation to/from and within Ukraine are published by carriers and airports in ARS/GDS in the currency approved by the authorized body for Civil Aviation and agreed with the IATA Conference on tariff policy coordination.

      • 6.7. Payments on the territory of Ukraine for the services of air transportation are carried out in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. The exchange rate is set in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

      Reservation requirements

      1. Reservation a seat on the aircraft and transportation capacity for the transportation of excess baggage for a certain flight and date is a prerequisite for the transportation of passengers and excess baggage by air transport.
      2. ARS/GDS shall be used for reservation. It is possible to reserve places and tonnage using stationary and mobile communications, the Internet, specialized self-service machines, etc. Basic condition for the usage of such methods of reservation is reflection of the conducted reservation in the reservation system of the Airline.
      3. Bookings are made within the terms and in the order established by the carrier and published on its Internet site or in another way determined by the carrier. Entering passport data of the passenger to the reservation is carried out in accordance with applicable law and international treaties of Ukraine.
      4. The Airline or its sales agent that made the reservation shall inform the passenger (or his (her) representative) about the conditions for applying the tariff according to which the reservation was made, the terms of payment and ticket issuance, and about changes in the schedule as soon as possible. The passenger making a reservation using the website must check the specified information himself (herself). The Airline must enter information about changes in the flight schedule into the ARS/GDS no later than 8 hours before departure. Otherwise, the sales agent is not responsible for timely informing the passenger about changes in the airline's flight schedule.
        The Airline is responsible for informing passengers in the event of changes in the schedule less than 8 hours in advance.
      5. Until the passenger (his (her) representative) has paid the full cost of the transportation, the reservation is considered preliminary and, if necessary, can be canceled with a notice to the passenger.
      6. If the passenger (his (her) representative) has not paid the cost of transportation within the period determined by the Airline (its sales agent), the reservation will be canceled without notice to the passenger.
      7. If the passenger has not arrived on the flight (for check-in or boarding an aircraft - “NO-SHOW”) for which he (she) has a confirmed reservation and fails to inform the Airline about changes in his trip prior to check-in, the Airline has the right to cancel the reservation for the next segments of the route or the return flight.

      Passenger’s personal data

      1. During the reservation the passenger shall provide the Airline or its sales agent with the necessary information about his (her) personal data and special conditions of transportation. In addition, during reservation the passenger is obliged to provide the Airline or its sales agent with reliable information regarding his (her) phone number, address and other possible reserve contact for timely notification and informing the passenger. In the absence of proper communication with the passenger, if this fact is documented by the Airline and the communication company, the passenger is responsible for the consequences of untimely notification and informing about changes in transportation. Entering the contact details of the sales agent instead of passenger’s contact details is prohibited. The sales agent is responsible for the absence of the necessary personal and contact details of the passenger upon the reservation.
      2. If the passenger refuses to provide necessary for reservation information the reservation shall not be made.
      3. Protection and processing of the passenger’s personal data when making the reservation for air transportation is carried out in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and the country of destination of air transportation.
      4. By providing own personal data during reservation, the passenger thereby authorizes the Airline and provides consent to personal data processing, storage and transfer to third parties for the purpose of reservation or reissuance of the transportation, servicing flights and passengers, receiving additional services, arrangement of baggage search and warning/detection of fraud with transportation documents, providing information assistance regarding entry/departure along the route of transportation, and passenger escorting.

      Providing a seat

      1. Reservation of a seat may be made either with or without allocation of the specific seat for the passenger on board an aircraft.
      2. The Airline has the right to change the given seat even after the boarding of the passenger for safety and technical reasons.
      3. If a ticket is issued with the open date of departure, seat reservation is carried out on a common basis, subject to availability of seats on the flight.
      4. If the passenger has a ticket with an open date of departure and asks for a seat, and the Airline does not have such an opportunity, the Airline or the authorized sales agent should propose to the passenger to make a reservation for the next flight with available seats.
      5. The priority and out-of-order right for seat reservation on the flight is determined in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. The Airline may make additions to the list of persons that have the priority and extraordinary right for the seat.
        Extraordinary priority to obtain the seat on the flight is available to:
        • war invalids of 1-3 groups;
        • disabled workers of 1-2 groups;
        • persons who participated in the war;li>
        • passengers with children under 3 years old, as well as passengers with two or more children under 8 years;
        • “VIP” persons.

      Reconfirmation of the return flight reservation

      1. The Airline has the right to require the passenger to reconfirm the return flight. Flights on which the procedure for confirming the return flight is introduced are established by the Airline. The passenger must be informed about the necessity to confirm the return flight.
      2. Reconfirmation of the return flight is not required if the return flight is expected to be completed less than 72 hours or the flight reservation was made less than 72 hours before the scheduled departure time. If the passenger has several segments of the flight route, confirmation is carried out for each segment.
      3. The Airline is obliged to inform the passenger when and how his reconfirmation can be done. If the passenger does not meet the requirements of the Airline regarding reconfirmation of the reservation, the Airline has the right to cancel the unconfirmed reservation but not earlier than 72 hours before the scheduled departure time of the flight.

      Reservation and sale of the transportation via the Internet

      1. It is possible to reserve the ticket online using the websites ) or sales agents.
      2. Placing an order is the confirmation that the user agrees to the terms of the carriage contract, is familiar with the Rules and conditions of the Airline, as well as the conditions for applying tariffs.
      3. Placing an order is the confirmation that the user agrees to the terms of the carriage contract, is familiar with the Rules and conditions of the Airline, as well as the conditions for applying tariffs.
      4. The passenger cannot independently cancel the paid and issued reservation via the Internet. This operation is carried out by the Airline or sales agent provided that the passenger filed an application a refund application.
      5. The Airline and its sales agent, through the website whereof the reservation was made, are obliged to inform the passenger in a timely manner about the changes in the reservation made by the Airline. The Airline must make information about changes in the reservation to the ARS/GDS no later than 8 hours before departure. Otherwise, the sales agent is not responsible for timely informing of the passenger about changes in the reservation.

      Passenger servicing at the airport

      1. The airport operator or service agent provides passengers at the airport with visual and/or acoustic information regarding:
        • time of departure and arrival of the aircraft;
        • place, start and end time of check-in for the flight;
        • delays or cancellations of the flights and the reasons for delays and cancellations;
        • methods and routes of transition between the airport terminals or routes of transition between airports and from the airport to the city;
        • rules and procedure for conducting inspection for aviation security of passengers and baggage, their cabin baggage cabin baggage;
        • general rules for passengers to comply with requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and epidemiological, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with applicable laws;
        • location of the baby care room, law-enforcement bodies station, information desk, medical center, dressing room, etc.;
        • place of baggage receipt and actions to be taken by the passenger in case of delay, damage, destruction of the baggage.
      2. All announcements in the airports of Ukraine should be made in Ukrainian and English. At international airports announcements are additionally made in English and/or the language of the country from/to which the flight is performed.
      3. At the airport the Airline or service agent shall provide:
        • check-in of passengers and baggage registration for transportation;
        • ground transportation of passengers and their baggage to the aircraft parking lot and arranges boarding of the passengers and loading of their baggage on board of the aircraft;
        • organization of disembarkation of passengers from the aircraft and unloading of baggage, their ground transportation to the corresponding airport terminal of arrival and baggage dispensing;
        • notification regarding flight delay/cancellation no later than 10 minutes before the aircraft arrival time according to the schedule.
      4. Beginning and ending of check-in time for passengers and baggage, the boarding time is set by the airline taking into account the security procedures and may differ depending on the airport of departure and arrival.

        Start and end time of passenger registration and boarding at an airport located on the territory of Ukraine:
        • registration starts 2 hours 30 minutes before departure time;
        • end of registration 45 minutes before departure time;
        • time of boarding of passengers on board the aircraft: 20 minutes before departure time.
        The start and end time of passenger registration and boarding at airports outside Ukraine is set by the Airline taking into account the characteristics of the airport and noted on the website
      5. The start and end times of check-in and boarding the aircraft are indicated in the ticket or in another document which is provided to the passenger when selling the ticket.

      Passenger servicing on board of the aircraft

      1. he Airline shall provide the passengers on board the aircraft with a range of services, depending on the type and arrangement of the aircraft, flight duration, time of the day whereby the flight takes place, and the class of service indicated in the ticket. The scope of services and the procedure for their provision are determined by these Rules.
      2. The Airline provides:
        • equipping of the passenger cabin of the aircraft with technical means and systems for ensuring passenger safety, maintaining appropriate temperature in the cabin, means of individual use for passengers (individual lighting, fan, table for meals, seat belt system, oxygen masks, etc.);
        • maintaining proper sanitary and hygienic condition of the aircraft cabin;
        • serviceability and completeness of the equipment, inventory and passenger handling facilities;
        • availability of seats for passengers with children;
        • possibility to accommodate people who are transported on a stretcher, and passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility (if provided for by the aircraft structure);
        • services that create comfort and match the duration of the flight.
      3. The Airline on board the aircraft has trained personnel in sufficient numbers to provide passenger services, including the first aid provision, as well as to ensure flight safety in accordance with the current standards and rules of Civil Aviation of Ukraine.
      4. The Airline provides the following free-of-charge services on board of the aircraft:
        • assistance to the passengers during boarding or deplanement from board of the aircraft (searching for the seat, placing cabin baggage, etc.);
        • information and reference services – timely and reliable informing of the passengers about the rules of behavior on board an aircraft, services (paid, free), flight conditions, use of rescue equipment, locations in the aircraft cabin of personal protective equipment and inflatable ramps, the location of the main and emergency exits, conditions for leaving the aircraft in emergency situations;
        • first aid
        • usage of toilet rooms
        • provision of drinking water on request of the passenger.

        • The Airline is obliged to inform passengers about the services provided on board the aircraft for free and the procedure for their provision immediately after the start of the flight.
      5. Passenger servicing on board the aircraft can be carried out in the following classes:
        • first;
        • business;
        • premium or comfort (improved economy);
        • economy class.
      6. Food and hot drinks are provided on board of the aircraft in accordance with the standards established by the Airline and according to the order for food and hot drinks paid for by the passenger.
      7. The Airline may provide the passenger with additional services during the flight. The list of additional services, the procedure for their provision and payment are established by the rules of the Airline. The Airline informs passengers about additional services by placing of the corresponding information on own website ( ).
      8. To provide first aid during the flight the Airline has on board the aircraft first aid kits in the following quantity:
        • the number of passenger seats from 0 to 99 – 1 unit;
        • the number of passenger seats from 100 to 199 – 2 units;
        • the number of passenger seats from 200 to 299 – 3 units;
        • the number of passenger seats from 300 and more – 4 units

      Quality requirements to the services that are provided to the passengers on board the aircraft depending on the service class

      1. Passenger servicing in the cabin of the first and business class is provided in a separate cabin which is located in the nose of the aircraft.
        The layout of the cabin of the first and business class depends on the type of aircraft being operated. The number of seats in the cabin of the first and business class depends on the layout of the specific aircraft.
      2. Premium class (comfort class) is a superior comfort class in which the service standards (food and baggage transportation standards) are higher than the service standards in the economy class. The premium class (comfort class) cabin is equipped with the seats provided for the economy class cabin.
      3. The premium class (comfort class) cabin is separated from the business class cabin and the economy class cabin by a partition (hard or soft).
      4. The economy class cabin is located behind the business class cabin or the premium (comfort) class cabin if available. Passengers are accommodated in the passenger cabin with standard seats.
      5. All the types of additional services are provided without sacrificing safety and compulsory services.
      6. The provision of services to provide passengers with food should be carried out with the strict observance of food storage time.

      Safety requirements on board the aircraft

      1. The aircraft shall be equipped with the necessary set of emergency equipment and means for emergency evacuation of the passengers in an emergency situation.
      2. It is prohibited to take on board the aircraft packing materials, inventory and equipment for which no sockets, racks or special fasteners are provided.
      3. The maximum number of persons on board the aircraft must not exceed the number of seats and chairs equipped with seatbelts.
      4. Before take-off, landing and in special cases passengers shall fasten their seat belts, and flight attendants shall control fastened position and belt tension of each passenger. Children under two years transported without a separate seat shall be placed on the lap of an adult passenger, who has to hold them tightly in hands and fix by special belts that are fixed to the adult's seat belt.
      5. On each flight attendants shall:
        • timely and correctly inform the passengers about the location of emergency equipment and the rules of its use;
        • familiarize the passengers with safety instructions;
        • thoroughly inspect all passenger areas of the aircraft in order to detect foreign objects;
        • during the reception and accommodation of the passengers on board the aircraft, carefully comply with the requirements of centering, prevent the placement of bulky items on baggage racks and the placement of any items in the aisles, near the entrance doors and emergency exits;
        • during the flight in the turbulence zone, require passengers to be in the seats with seat belts fastened;
        • in extreme situations, maintain composure, confidence in their actions and in themselves; the actions of the cabin crew should be clear, the voice should be calm, the words should be convincing;
        • before boarding and disembarking passengers check the correct installation of the plane ladder;
        • before takeoff and landing of the aircraft check the installation and the reliability of fastening of equipment and inventory;
        • not allow passengers to walk along the cabin during turning off the "Fasten seat belts" panel.
      6. Cradles for infants must be installed after the aircraft takes off and the "Fasten seat belts" sign is turned off and removed no later than the "Fasten seat belts" sign is turned on before the aircraft lands (if provided by the aircraft design).
      7. The Airline shall ensure safety in the cabin, proper and reliable placement of cabin baggage, baggage, removable equipment, soft equipment and service facilities.

      Transportation of passengers with disabilities or with reduced mobility

      1. The Airline and the sales agent are not entitled to refuse to reserve a seat for persons with disabilities or reduced mobility, except as specified in paragraph 9.1.2.
        The Airline and the service agent are not entitled to refuse persons with disabilities or reduced mobility boarding the aircraft in the presence of valid ticket and reservation, except as specified in paragraph 9.1.2.
      2. The Airline, sales agent, service agent may refuse a person with disability or reduced mobility to confirm a reservation, boarding the aircraft, and also require that such person be accompanied by another person who can provide him (her) with the necessary assistance:
        • in order to comply with safety requirements established by international law, legislation of Ukraine, and safety requirements established by the authority that issued this operator certificate;
        • if the size of the aircraft, its doors makes it impossible to board the aircraft or transport the passenger with disability or reduced mobility.

        In case of refusal to confirm the reservation for the reasons specified in this paragraph the Airline, sales agent must first of all make every effort to offer such a person an acceptable alternative variant of transportation.
      3. The Airline should first of all offer to refund the cost of the ticket or change the route in accordance with paragraph 16.2.2 of these Rules to the passengers with disability or reduced mobility who were denied boarding the aircraft for the reasons specified in paragraph 9.1.2 of this chapter, as well as to any person who accompanies a passenger with disability or reduced mobility. Reimbursement is not paid in this case. The right to return flight or change of the route is provided subject to all safety requirements.
      4. The Airline, the sales agent are obliged to publish on its website ( ) in Ukrainian and English, as well as, if necessary, in other languages, the safety rules, rules of accompaniment and conditions of transportation of passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility, as well as any restrictions regarding their transportation or transportation of mobile vehicles, taking into account the technical capabilities of the aircraft.
        The tour operator and the sales agent shall inform the passengers about the safety rules, rules of accompaniment and restrictions for flights included in complex travels, tours, which it organizes and/or offers for sale.
      5. If a person with disability or reduced mobility is refused a reservation or boarding an aircraft for the reasons specified in paragraph 9.1.2, the Airline, sales agent or service agent should immediately inform such a person about the reason for the denial and at the request of the person, who is refused a reservation or boarding the aircraft, within five business days from the date of receipt of the request to provide an additional written notification about the reasons for the refusal.
      6. The airport operator together with airport users and with the involvement of organizations representing the interests of the persons with disabilities or reduced mobility have to determine the location of arrival and departure points to/from the terminal building or terminal within the airport where passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility could freely inform about their arrival and request assistance.
        Departure and arrival points may be located in one or in different places.
        General information about services, location of servicing points etc. in the format comprehensible for passengers with disabilities or the passengers with reduced mobility has to be placed in the determined locations of the points of arrival and departure.
      7. In order to ensure the rights of passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility while using air transportation services, airport operators and the Airline should create groups (services) to assist people with disabilities or reduced mobility.
        Such groups (services) can be either permanent (for example, at airports with a large volume of transportation of passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility), or temporarily (organized from the number of shift workers for specific cases of servicing passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility)
      8. Before the beginning of the trip, the passenger is obliged to decide on the possibility of using air transport, taking into account his (her) health condition. The Airline should provide the relevant flight information in a comprehensible for the passenger form.
      9. The Airline and sales agents shall take all necessary measures to ensure the provision at all points of sale, including when selling by telephone and mobile phone, the Internet, information on assistance to passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility provided by the Airline, the conditions and order of such assistance.
        The sales agent, having received a request regarding the necessity of provision of assistance to a person with disability or reduced mobility, should send such a request to the Airline within 24 hours from the receipt of the request.
      10. A request for assistance in transporting a person with disability or reduced mobility must be sent by the sales agent who received the request, or by the passenger (his (her) representative) to the Airline no later than 48 hours before the announced departure time of the flight. The Airline must transmit the relevant information not later than 36 hours before the announced departure of the flight:
        • to the airports of departure, arrival and transit;
        • to the operating carrier, if such a carrier has not made a reservation.

        In all cases other than those specified in this paragraph the Airline and its sales agent must convey the information as soon as possible.
        If the event which caused loss of mobility occurred less than 24 hours before the departure or the request for assistance was not made during the reservation, the issue regarding the possibility of transporting of the person who has lost mobility is resolved promptly using the phone numbers that are posted at the website of Airline (
      11. After departure of the flight, the Airline or service agent should as soon as possible send a message to the destination airport about the number of passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility on the flight, informing about the necessary assistance.
      12. If a passenger with disability or a passenger with reduced mobility arrives at the airport for the purpose of making the air transportation for which he (she) has a reservation, the airport operator must ensure providing of the assistance specified in paragraphs 9.1.18, 9.1.19, provided that a request for assistance during transportation of persons with disabilities or reduced mobility was sent to the Airline at least 48 hours before the departure time of the flight indicated in the ticket.
        The request for assistance in transporting a passenger with disability or reduced mobility applies to the return flight if the agreement has been concluded with the Airline for the departure flight and the return flight, and the passenger has to be notified about it.
      13. If it is necessary to use a guide dog or other service animals the Airline should provide transportation of a passenger with disability or reduced mobility together with a guide dog or other service animals. The passengers that are accompanied by the guide dog are placed in areas where there is plenty of space for a guide dog, not far from the emergency exit. Guide dogs and service animals are transported free of charge.
      14. In case of failure to deliver the request on assistance in transporting a person with disability or reduced mobility the airport operator should take all possible measures to provide the necessary assistance specified in paragraphs 9.1.18, 9.1.19.
      15. The provisions of paragraph 9.1.12 are applied provided that the passenger with disability or reduced mobility was present at check-in at a time determined by the Airline (tour operator), and the passenger was informed about this time in the written (including using electronic means), or no later than one hour before time of the departure of the flight indicated in the ticket.
        The provisions of paragraph 9.1.12 are also applied if the passenger arrives to the place designated for servicing passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility within the airport:
        • at the time determined by the Airline (tour operator), service agent servicing the flights of the Airline, and the passenger was informed about it in written (including using the electronic means); or
        • not later than two hours before the departure time of the flight that is indicated in the ticket if it was not informed about the time of arrival to the airport.
      16. If the passenger with disability or reduced mobility makes a transfer at the airport located on the territory of Ukraine, the airport operator or the service agent who provides services for the Airline at the transit airport should provide the assistance specified in paragraphs 9.1.18, 9.1.19.
      17. The assistance during the transportation of passengers with disability or reduced mobility specified in paragraphs 9.1.18, 9.1.19 must meet the needs of such persons and is provided free of charge by the airport operator.
      18. The airport operator or the service agent should ensure that the passenger with disabilities or reduced mobility is able to:
        • inform about his (her) arrival to the airport, including using the “call button” or communicating device in the accessible place and on the most comfortable for such passengers level, and to request assistance in the determined places within and outside the buildings of the airport terminal;
        • move from the determined point to the check-in desk;
        • check-in and register the baggage;
        • move from the check-in desk to the aircraft with completion of migration, customs and other formalities;
        • board the aircraft/disembark from the aircraft using elevators, wheelchairs, cabin wheelchairs or other necessary support;
        • move from the doors of the aircraft to his (her) seat;
        • store and retrieve baggage in the aircraft cabin;
        • move from his (her) seat to the doors of the aircraft;
        • move from the aircraft to the baggage claim terminal and to get baggage with completion of migration and customs formalities;
        • move from the baggage claim terminal to a determined control point;
        • move to the exit for boarding a connecting flight in case of transit with assistance in the air and on the ground, and also, if necessary, within and between the airport terminals;
        • if necessary, move to the toilet room within the terminal;
        • obtain the necessary for flights information in acceptable formats;
        • carry out temporary replacement of damaged or lost mobile means on a similar basis.
        Also, the airport operator must provide servicing of guide dogs if necessary.
      19. The airport operator or the service agent should ensure the servicing of all necessary mobility devices, including wheelchairs with electric drive, subject to the advance notification 48 hours prior and taking into account possible space restrictions on board the aircraft and in accordance with ICAO, IATA and the legislation of Ukraine in the field of dangerous goods transportation.
      20. If the passenger with disability or reduced mobility is assisted by the person accompanying him (her), such a person should be given the opportunity to help the passenger with disability or reduced mobility at the airport during boarding and disembarking from the aircraft.
        The Airline must provide the passenger who accompanies the passenger with disability or reduced mobility with a seat on board the aircraft, which is located next to the seat provided to the person who is accompanied
      21. The Airline must provide transportation of up to two units of mobile vehicles per each passenger with disability or reduced mobility, including wheelchairs with electric drive, subject to the advance notification 48 hours prior and taking into account possible space restrictions on board the aircraft, and in accordance with ICAO, IATA and the legislation of Ukraine in the field of dangerous goods transportation.
      22. To meet safety requirements, passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility are located in the aircraft cabin near the emergency exit so as not to impede the quick evacuation of passengers from the aircraft.
        The Airline must provide assistance to such passengers while traveling in the cabin of the aircraft.
      23. If wheelchairs, other mobile vehicles or assistive devices were lost or damaged during servicing at the airport or during transportation on board the aircraft, the passenger who owns such equipment is entitled to receive reimbursement for the cost of such property.
      24. The obligation to the passenger with disability or reduced mobility in accordance with the provisions of this chapter may not be limited or not fulfilled.
      25. The Airline is not responsible for aggravation of passenger's health state or other consequences that may occur due to the passenger's age, his (her) mental or physical condition during boarding/disembarking to/from the aircraft, during the flight or after air and ground transportation within the airport.
      26. The passenger whose physical condition causes concern to the Airline is allowed to travel by air in the case of presentation of the relevant certificate from a health care institution stating that his (her) physical condition allows him to travel by air, and in some cases that his (her) disease does not pose a danger to others. Such a certificate must be issued no later than 5 days before the date of the planned departure.
      27. Seriously ill passengers and passengers on a stretcher should be transported only if accompanied by a person who provides care for such a passenger during the flight, and with the provision of seat (seats) on board the aircraft with payment at the tariff set by the Airline.
      28. If the passenger cannot be moved from the stretcher to the seat during the flight, the possibility of transportation is determined beforehand by agreement between the Airline and the person who accompanies the passenger on a stretcher.
      29. he Airline has the right to refuse to transport the passenger on a stretcher in the absence of aircraft conditions necessary for his (her) transportation.
      30. Air carriers, airport operators and service agents should ensure that their personnel providing assistance to persons with disabilities or reduced mobility are adequately qualified.
      31. Whenever possible, the Airline, airport operators and service agents shall determine a separate check-in desk for persons with disabilities or reduced mobility. If possible, the personnel of these subjects of airport activity should undergo appropriate training, including sign language, in particular international language.
      32. Assistance must be provided to passengers with disabilities or with limited mobility, without degrading the dignity of the individual, and ensure that this category of passengers receives the services provided for all categories of passengers, taking into account the requirements of flight safety, aviation safety and safety equipment on board the aircraft. Services for the transportation and service of passengers with disabilities or with limited mobility must be adapted to the needs of such passengers and provided taking into account the instructional material given in the Manual on Access to Air Transport by Persons with Disabilities (Doc 9984).

      Transportation of children and pregnant women

      1. Infants (INF) under 2 years old and children (CHD) from 2 to 12 years old are considered to be children on air transport.
      2. Children under 2 years old are transported without a separate seat, and children from 2 to 12 years old are transported on a separate seat.
      3. Children can be transported both accompanied and unaccompanied by an adult passenger, subject to compliance with the requirements specified in paragraphs 9.2.4 - 9.2.9.
      4. In the category of “unaccompanied minors” are being registered children from 5 to 12 years old for domestic and international transportation.
      5. At the request of the child's parents or persons performing their duties, under the "unaccompanied minors" category, children between the ages of 12 and 14 can be registered for domestic transportation, and children between the ages of 12 and 16 for international transportation. In the case of transfer transportation, where there is an international segment, children aged 12 to 16 can be registered.
      6. The age of the child shall be determined at the start date of transportation from the airport of departure indicated in the ticket.
      7. Unaccompanied children shall be accepted for air transportation in case their parents or persons performing their duties complete the appropriate duly executed documents and pay for the services as defined by the Airline rules.

        An airline that transports an unaccompanied child shall enter the following information in the accompanying documents:
        - surname and first name(s), passport or identity document number, as well as contact information (country of residence, home address and telephone number) of the child being transported unaccompanied, the person who sends such a child on departure and the person, who meets the child at the destination;
        - surname and first name(s), as well as contact information (country of residence, home address and phone number) of one of the parents or the person performing their duties.
      8. Each adult passenger is allowed to carry with him (her) no more than two babies – one without providing a separate seat, and the second on a separate seat, with payment for such transportation according to the tariffs established by the Airline for transporting of children aged from 2 to 12 years. The infant the separate seat for whom was paid should be transported in a car seat for transporting children certified for use in air transport. If the passenger does not have such a car seat and if he (she) does not fulfill the specified conditions, the Airline has the right to refuse to transport the infant in a separate seat.
      9. Passengers with children under 2 years old are provided with seats equipped with an additional oxygen mask.
      10. Pregnant women may be accepted for transportation by air, if the term of pregnancy does not exceed 35 weeks, and in the case of multiple pregnancy – 32 weeks.
      11. The conditions for the carriage of pregnant women, lying-in women and newborns are determined by the rules of the Airline posted on the website ( ).
      12. It is not recommended to transport lying-in women and newborns during the first 7 days after labor and birth of the child. The Airline may prohibit the transportation of this category of passengers.

      Transportation of deported persons and persons who are denied the right to enter the country.

      1. The Airline is not responsible for the refusal of state authorities to provide the passenger with permission to enter the country.
      2. The passenger must, at the request of the Airline or state authorities, return to the point of departure or another location in the case of refusal to enter a country, regardless of whether this country is the destination or transit, and also pay the appropriate cost of return transportation.
      3. The Airline may use for payment for such transportation any funds from amounts previously paid to it by the passenger for the unfulfilled transportation remained at its disposal, or from any other funds of the passenger that are at the disposal of the Airline.
      4. Amounts paid by the passenger for transportation to a point where he (she) was refused entry or deported from the country of destination are non-refundable.
      5. The cost of a ticket for the transportation of deported persons shall be paid by the state authorities of the country that decided to deport such persons to the country the deportation to which is carried out.
      6. State bodies that have made a decision regarding the transportation of potentially dangerous passengers on passenger flights of air transport, in accordance with the established procedure, notify the Airline at least 48 hours before departure.

        The Airline must be provided with all the information concerning the presence on the flight of potentially dangerous passengers that are forced to use air transportation. When transporting persons in custody on board the aircraft the appropriate entries must be made in the flight documents.
      7. The Airline has the right to refuse to transport deported persons in accordance with chapter 11.1 of these Rules, if there are no documents necessary for transportation or there is reason to believe that deportees can pose a threat to the life and health of other passengers or cause damage to the flight safety.
      8. Potentially dangerous passengers are not accepted for carriage on flights carrying: groups of children; persons who are protected by the state in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On state protection of state authorities of Ukraine and officials", officials of foreign countries who, according to the protocol of their stay in Ukraine, are subject to state protection.
      9. Delivery and boarding of these categories of passengers is carried out before the general boarding of the passengers; disembarkation is carried out after the disembarkation of all other passengers of the flight.
      10. It is forbidden to serve these categories of passengers with alcoholic beverages and provide them with metal cutlery and hot meals.
      11. The seats for these categories of passengers are provided only in the tail section of the passenger cabin of the aircraft. If possible, potentially dangerous passengers should be separated from the other passengers by one or more rows of free seats.
      12. Potentially dangerous passengers are not accepted for transportation according to the decision of the Airline.
      13. Potentially dangerous passengers are not accepted for transportation according to the decision of the Airline.
        • the relevant state authority that carries out deportation (departure) at least 24 hours before the flight has informed and provide the Airline with sufficient information about the deported persons (flight number, number of deportees, reasons for deportation, presence of deportees brought to criminal responsibility, presence of infectious and mentally ill patients and a list of officials accompanying these deportees);
      14. Deportees are accepted for transfer air transportation, only provided that:
        • reservation of transportation is confirmed on all sections of the transfer route;
        • transfer is not connected with the transfer/relocation of deportees to another terminal or airport;
        • transfer is not connected with an overnight stay at the transfer point, the minimum connection time for flights cannot be less than that expected for this airport and has to take into account additional time for transportation and accommodation of such persons at the transfer point for another flight.
      15. It is forbidden to separate deported families during the transportation. In case of transportation of large deported families, it is allowed to exceed the maximum number of civilian deportees per flight.
      16. Number of persons in custody who are accepted for transportation should not exceed one per flight and they should be escorted by at least two security guards (authorized persons of the relevant state body).

      • 10.1. For transportation of passengers and baggage the Airline or service agent, in accordance with the carriage contract, ensures the check-in for passengers and baggage registration using automated departure control systems (DCS), with the exception of airports (runways) that are not equipped with automated departure control systems.

        Registration at the airport is free of charge if:
        • this is stipulated by the rules of application of the tariff according to which the ticket was purchased;
        • you cannot check-in using the Airline's website or using a self-service kiosk.
        Otherwise, the Airline may charge an additional fee for registration at the airport.

      • 10.2. The passenger shall be accepted for transportation, if he (she):
        • has the properly issued ticket;
        • presents one of the documents referred to in chapter 5 of this section;
        • meets the requirements of immigration and customs control;
        • passes aviation security control;
        • follows the rules of the Airline.

      • 10.3. The end time for passenger registration and baggage check-in at Ukrainian airports is set by the Airline's rules and is 45 minutes before the scheduled flight departure time. The time of the end of passenger and baggage check-in at airports outside Ukraine is set by the Airline taking into account the characteristics of the airport and noted on the website The check-in time on the website of the Airline is set taking into account the time required to deliver (arrive) the passengers and baggage to the airport of departure, to board (load) the aircraft and to go through the administrative procedures and requirements necessary before the flight related to border, customs, sanitary-epidemiological, veterinary and sanitary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

      • 10.4. In order to comply with the formalities related to the dispatch procedure, the passenger should arrive to the check-in point of the Airline and to the security checkpoint with the documents necessary for travel no later than the time stated by the Airline (its sales agent) (see paragraph 8.1.4). If the passenger arrives to the check-in point and security checkpoint after check-in is ended or arrives without the necessary travel documents, the Airline shall be entitled to cancel the reservation and is not required to delay the flight.

      • 10.5. Check-in of the passengers and baggage registration are carried out on the basis of the ticket and one of the documents proving the identity of the defined by the legislation of Ukraine or electronic display of the information contained in these documents.Airline shall check the documents

      • 10.6. The Airline shall check the documents stated in the chapter 10.5 and in case of international transportation, of appropriately issued entry (transit) visas in accordance with the requirements of the countries of destination or documents required for travel, does not allow the passenger to fly. In the absence of any document necessary for travel, the Airline is obliged to prevent the passenger from air transportation.
        In this case, the refusal from the flight will be considered voluntary.

      • 10.7. Upon the check-in the passenger is provided with a boarding pass indicating the passenger's last name and first name, IATA code or ICAO code of the Airline, flight number, date and time of departure, start and end time of the boarding the aircraft, number of boarding gate, and number of his (her) seat (if present) on board the aircraft.

      • 10.8. The end time for boarding an aircraft depends on the characteristics of the airport, the circumstances of the departure of the flight and is set by the Airline. The passengers receive the information about the time of boarding the aircraft directly at the airport of departure.
        The boarding time for passengers at an airport located on the territory of Ukraine is 20 minutes before the departure time of the flight. The time of boarding of passengers at airports outside Ukraine is set by the Airline taking into account the specifics of the airport and noted on the website
        In case of passenger’s delay or no-show for boarding the aircraft, the Airline has the right not to accept such a passenger for air transportation in order to avoid tAirline shall check the documents he flight delay. In case of the passenger’s delay or no-show for boarding an aircraft, it shall be deemed that the passenger refused from the flight voluntarily, unless this was because of the fault of the Airline or the service agent.

      • 10.9. During passenger registration and baggage check-in, all passenger baggage intended for air transportation, except for items specified in clause 12.2.1 of these Rules, is subject to weighing.

      • 10.10. The Airline or the service agent shall note in the baggage receipt of the ticket the quantity and weight of baggage accepted for transportation and issue a tear-off coupon of the baggage identification tag for the checked baggage. If the passenger has a ticket in the electronic form, information about the number and weight of baggage shall be specified in electronic form in the DCS system.

      • 10.11. To indicate special conditions of the checked baggage transportation by air in addition to the baggage identification tag a special warning baggage label without a number – “Fragile”, “Priority”, “Live Animals", “Transfer”, “Wheelchair”, “UM", “Delivery at Aircraft”, etc. – shall be attached. The form of baggage tags must comply with IATA resolutions.

      • 10.12. After check-in and baggage registration the Airline is responsible for the integrity and safety of the checked baggage.
        The integrity and safekeeping of cabin baggage shall provide the passenger.
        The safekeeping of the baggage with the affixed tag “Delivery at Aircraft” ensures the passenger till the moment of its transfer for loading in the baggage compartment near the air craft.

      • 10.13. The payment for the air transportation of baggage, the weight of which exceeds the free baggage allowance established by the Airline should be charged in accordance with the tariff established by the rules of the Airline. The payment for the transportation of such baggage shall be confirmed by the receipt for excess baggage or miscellaneous charges order.

      • 10.14. The conditions for check-in and baggage registering using the site are determined by the rules of the Airline.

      • 10.15. In the case of check-in using the website, the Airline provides the passengers with the opportunity to register the baggage at the airport free of charge, if the transportation of the checked baggage is provided for by the rules for applying the tariffs according to which the ticket was purchased.

      • 11.1. The Airline has the right to refuse to transport at any stage of air carriage, to cancel the reservation or to disembark the passenger from the aircraft, if such an action is necessary:
        • in connection with necessity to comply with the requirements of the current legislation of the country of departure, arrival or transit;
        • upon the demand of the authorized state bodies of Ukraine.
      • 11.2. To ensure flight safety, the Airline has the right to refuse to transport at any stage of transportation, cancel a reservation or disembark the passenger from the aircraft on the basis of its own informed decisions, if:
        1. the mental or physical condition of the person gives the reason to presume that the passenger requires special aid from the Airline, which was not demanded or which the Airline cannot provide in certain circumstances; will cause discomfort of other passengers; will cause to any risk for himself (herself) or other passengers or the property of passengers and the Airline;
        2. the passenger has not complied with the instructions of the Airline related to flight safety assurance, quality and comfort of passenger transportation, creates inconvenience for the transportation of other passengers, and therefore the Airline fails to perform its obligations to passengers that are on board the aircraft;
        3. the passenger behaves in such a way that causes concerns for proper assurance of flight safety during the transportation, namely, the passenger demonstrates aggressive behavior with threats to other passengers, staff of the Airline and the crew of the aircraft;
        4. he passenger refused to undergo the inspection, which is carried out by the staff of the security service of the Airline, airport or relevant state bodies;
        5. the passenger may constitute or already constitutes a danger for other passengers (baggage, cargo) or the aircraft;
        6. the passenger did not pay the corresponding tariff or fees that must be paid;
        7. the passenger did not present documents necessary for the trip for inspection;
        8. the passenger attempts to enter a country without a valid entrance document;
        9. during the flight the passenger damaged or lost identification documents that makes it impossible to establish the identity of such a passenger;
        10. the passenger is under alcoholic or narcotic intoxication;
        11. the passenger has previously committed the actions provided for in items from two to eleven of this paragraph and gives reason to believe that such behavior may be repeated;
        12. the ticket presented by the passenger is not valid for transportation, it was purchased from a party that is not the Airline or its sales agent, it was declared lost, stolen, invalid, it contains the signs of forgery;
        13. the passenger has presented the flight coupon that was damaged or corrected by another party than the air carrier or its sales agent;
        14. there is the first unused flight coupon in the ticket, and the passenger begins his (her) trip at any other stopping place on the transportation route according to the new tariff that is not regulated according to the tariff standards of the air carrier;
        15. the person who presented the ticket cannot identify himself (herself) as the person indicated in the ticket.
        16. in other cases provided for by the Rules of the SAAU.
        17. In all cases of withdrawal of the ticket the Airline draws up the relevant act, the original of which is provided to the passenger, and a copy remains with the Airline.
      • 11.3. The Airline has the right to withdraw the ticket, declare it invalid and refuse to refund its value, if:
        • the ticket was purchased from a party that is not the Airline or its sales agent;
        • the ticket has been declared lost, stolen, has signs of forgery;
        • the person who presented the ticket cannot identify himself (herself) as the person indicated in the ticket;
        • the fact that the passenger has purchased the ticket using a fake/stolen or invalid payment card has been established;
        • the tariff was applied incorrectly, or the passenger did not pay the full cost of the air transportation on the day of the air transportation not to the fault of the Airline and/or sales agent.
          The Airline has the right to withdraw the ticket, declare it invalid and return its value in accordance with paragraph 19.2.3 of the Rules, if the validity of the ticket has been violated or there is the first unused coupon, and the passenger begins his (her) trip at any other stopping point on the transportation route by the new tariff, not regulated according to the tariff standards of the Airline.
        • The Airline has the right to withdraw the ticket, declare it invalid and issue a duplicate ticket if the passenger has presented a damaged flight coupon.

      • 11.4. If the passenger is refused to be transported or further transported for the reasons provided for in chapter 11.2, the Airline may inform the passenger in writing that in the future such passenger will be refused to be transported on the flights of the Airline.

      • 11.5. The passenger who was refused to be transported or further transported by air for the reasons specified in chapter 11.1 has the right to enforce the return of amounts paid by him in accordance with paragraphs 19.2.1 and 19.2.2 of these Rules.

      • 11.6.The passenger who was refused to be transported or further transported by air for the reasons specified in chapter 2 of this section is entitled to receive voluntary return of amounts paid by him in accordance with paragraph 19.2.3 of these Rules.

      • 11.7. In case of unreasonable delay of the passenger related to passing control in order to ensure the safety of civil aviation, the Airline should at the passenger's choice provide him (her) air transportation on the next flight or fully reimburse the cost of the ticket or its unused part.
    12. BAGGAGE

      Baggage requirements

      1. Baggage of the passenger shall be accepted for air transportation upon its registration at the airport of departure, airport of transfer, airport of stopover or at another point of registration.
      2. Depending on their size, weight and peculiarities, the passenger's goods can be transported as checked baggage or unchecked baggage (cabin baggage).
      3. Pieces of baggage with a maximum weight of 32 kg may be carried as checked baggage. The sum of three dimensions of a single piece of baggage (length, width, height) should not exceed 158 cm.
        Excess baggage, oversized baggage and baggage weighing more than 32 kg shall be accepted for transportation only with the consent of the Airline and if there is a free space on board to transport such baggage, and provided the passenger has paid for this baggage, unless the transportation of such baggage has already been agreed with the Airline and paid. Baggage that does not meet the requirements of this paragraph the passenger shall register for air transportation as cargo.
      4. Information about the maximum quantity and weight of the baggage accepted by the Airline for transportation without payment is entered into the rules for applying tariffs and is indicated in the rules of the Airline and the carriage contract provided to the passenger.
      5. Information regarding payment for air transportation of excess baggage is provided by the Airline, the sales agent and/or the service agent during reservation of the air transportation or during check-in of the passenger and baggage registration.
      6. Payment for air transportation of excess baggage is carried out in accordance with the tariff established by the rules of the Airline, valid on the day of issuing a miscellaneous charges order or receipts for excess baggage payment and on the departure date indicated in the ticket. Such payment may be made in advance with the consent of the Airline when issuing the ticket or at the airport during the registration.
        In case of non-payment by the passenger of the corresponding tariffs and charges, the Airline has the right to refuse to transport the excess baggage by air.
      7. If the passenger has registered the baggage for air transportation and it is in fact in a smaller amount than what the passenger has preliminary paid, the Airline is obliged to return to the passenger the difference between the paid amount of money and the cost of air transportation of the actual amount of baggage.
        In the event that a passenger has registered the baggage for air transportation in fact in a larger amount than baggage for which he (she) has previously paid, the passenger must make an extra payment for the transportation of the actual amount of baggage.
      8. In case of an overload of the aircraft or in the absence of free tonnage, the Airline, having informed the passenger about this, has the right to transport his (her) baggage by the next flight or the flight of another airline as soon as possible.
        The Airline independently determines what baggage will be transported by the next flight or the flight of another airline.
      9. The maximum weight and quantity of baggage accepted for air transportation for free is determined by the rules for applying tariffs and is indicated in the air carriage contract.
      10. The Airline is obliged to take measures to carry out the transportation of the passenger and his (her) checked baggage on board the same aircraft, especially if, in accordance with current legislation, the presence of a passenger is required during customs procedures with baggage.
        In the case of transportation of checked baggage on board another aircraft, the Airline is obliged, at the passenger’s choice, to deliver the baggage as soon as possible to the address provided by the passenger in the Property Irregularity Report (PIR) or to reimburse the cost of transportation associated with the delivering of such baggage in accordance with the requirements of the rules of the Airline.
      11. Baggage registration at the choice of the Airline can be carried out in accordance with a baggage weight concept or a baggage piece concept, i.e. a combination of characteristics of weight, size, and number of pieces.
      12. The Airline is responsible for the safekeeping of baggage from the moment of its registration for air transportation and until the moment of its receipt by the passenger.
        The acceptance of baggage by the Airline for air transportation is confirmed by the tear-off coupon of the baggage identification tag that is issued to the passenger and the baggage receipt regarding the number and weight of pieces that are accepted for air transportation. From the moment of acceptance by the Airline of baggage for transportation and until the time of its issue, passenger access to checked baggage is prohibited, except for cases when it has been identified or additionally examined by the relevant authorized services.

      Conditions of free baggage transportation

      1. As cabin baggage in excess of the norm established by the Airline, regardless of the rules of application of the tariff under which the ticket was purchased, the passenger has the right to transport the following items free of charge: food for the child, necessary during the flight, baby travel cradle (for children under one year old), stroller wheelchair, folding wheelchair and/or crutches, special equipment and equipment used by persons with disabilities, if, in the Airline's opinion, there is sufficient space for this and if it meets safety requirements. The total weight of unregistered baggage (carry-on baggage), with the exception of the items specified in the first paragraph of this clause, is established by rules depending on the rules of tariff application specified on the website of the Airline at
      2. The Airline has the right to expand the list and the total weight of items that are transported for free.
      3. Regardless of the rules for applying the tariffs at which the ticket was purchased the Airline may charge an additional fee for transportation of:
        • things of the passengers (regardless of their name), size and weight of which does not comply with the requirements of the rules of the Airline;
        • things of the passengers not packed in accordance with the requirements of chapter 5 of this section, regardless of their name and purpose;
        • household and television, video, audio, photo equipment, the weight of one piece of which exceeds 10 kg;
        • flowers, plant seedlings, food greenery, dried plants, trees and bushes with a total weight of more than 5 kg;
        • correspondence accompanied by the couriers;
        • animals (domestic or wild), birds, bees and other animals, with the exception of guide dogs, which accompany a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility.
        • The Airline has the right to expand the list of things for the transportation of which additional charges may be applied, regardless of the rules for applying the tariffs.
        • The rules of the Airline do not provide the transportation of checked baggage for free.
        • The norms for the transportation of checked baggage are indicated on the passenger’s ticket in accordance with the established rules for applying the tariffs of the Airline.

      Declared value of the baggage

      1. The passenger has the right to declare the value of his (her) checked baggage
      2. The value of checked baggage shall be declared separately for each piece of baggage. In the case of declaring the value of baggage, the passenger must pay the tariff established by the Airline in accordance with the rules for applying the tariffs of the Airline.
      3. To confirm the payment for the transportation of baggage with the declared value the Airline or an authorized sales agent issues a miscellaneous charges order or a receipt for payment of excess baggage that indicates the points between which the passenger declared the transportation of the baggage with declared value.
      4. In case of the loss of such baggage, the liability of the Airline is limited to its declared value, unless the Airline proves that the amount required by the passenger exceeds the passenger’s actual interest in the delivery of the baggage.

      Group baggage transportation /p>

      1. Upon the request of the passengers traveling in a group or members of one family the Airline is obliged to pool their baggage.
      2. Baggage pooling only refers to free baggage allowance. The baggage must be registered separately for each passenger. The pooling of the baggage pieces of the group of passengers or members of one family refers joint free baggage allowance for each passenger.
        Group baggage with the consent of the passenger is registered at one person authorized by each passenger who is member of the group of these passengers or the family. Therewith the transportation documents of each passenger should indicate the number of pieces and the weight of his (her) baggage.

      Baggage packing requirements

      1. Each piece of baggage must have proper package, which would ensure its safety during the air transportation and handling and make it impossible to cause damage to passengers, crew members, third persons, aircraft, baggage of other passengers or other property, and also exclude free/random access to baggage content by outside persons. The Airline has the right not to accept the baggage for transportation as checked if this baggage does not meet the requirements of this paragraph, and to require the passenger to pack the baggage additionally. Serviceability and conformity of the baggage package is determined by the Airline
      2. Baggage which has external damages that do not affect its integrity during the air transportation and handling and cannot cause damage to passengers, crew members, third persons, aircraft, other passengers' baggage or other property, may be accepted for transportation as checked baggage with the consent of the Airline. In this case, the presence and type of damage to the baggage shall be indicated in the baggage receipt («Limited Release» tag) by the Airline or its service agent and shall be confirmed by the signature of the passenger.

      Restrictions on items accepted for transportation as the baggage

      1. Items forbidden for transportation in the baggage:
        • goods, items, liquid and other substances that can pose a significant risk to the health of passengers, flight safety or property of the Airline or other passengers during the transportation, in particular explosives, compressed gases, corrosive materials, oxidizing agents, radioactive materials, magnets, flammable materials, poisonous, harmful or irritating substances, as well as any other items and substances specified in The Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284) and Aviation regulations of Ukraine "Instructions for the organization and implementation of security control at the airports of Ukraine", approved by the order of the State Aviation Administartion of Ukraine dated March 15, 2019 No. 322, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 7, 2019 under No. 594/33565 as prohibited for transportation by passenger aircraft.
      2. Items that should not be included in checked baggage:
        • fragile, brittle items, breakable and perishable items, money, keys, jewelry, electronic equipment, photo and video equipment, products made of precious and semi-precious metals and stones, glasses, antiques, artworks, photographs, fur products, technical documentation, business documents, securities, valuables, medicines, medical documentation, identification documents;
        • goods, items, medicines, the transportation of which is prohibited or limited by the applicable laws of any country from the territory of which, to the territory of which or through the territory of which the flight will be performed;
        • goods that are not suitable for transportation by their nature, weight, size, shape or smell;
        • live animals and birds, except as provided for in chapter 13.2 of these Rules.
        • If these things are put in checked baggage, the Airline is not responsible for their safety.
      3. Items that are recommended to be carried in cabin baggage: fragile, brittle items, breakable and perishable items, electronic equipment (photo, video equipment, computer equipment, storage media), software, money, keys, jewelry (precious and semi-precious metals and stones), glasses, antiques, artworks, photographs, fur products, technical documentation, business documents, securities, medicines in the amount required for the trip, medical documentation, passports and other identity documents, unique or irreplaceable items, other valuable items.
      4. Things that may be accepted for transportation as checked baggage with the prior consent of the Airline: firearms (including military, hunting, sports), pneumatic, gas weapons, pistols and revolvers designed to shoot cartridges loaded with rubber or similar in properties bullets, edged weapons of all kinds and constructively similar products, cartridges and spare parts for weapons, as well as training, diluted, museum, souvenir, collection and fake weapons, provided that a natural or juridical person has appropriate permission on its storage, carrying and transportation, and also guns and pistols for spearfishing.
        Items and substances prohibited for transportation by passengers and crews of civil aircrafts are determined by the aviation regulations of Ukraine.
      5. The passenger has the right to include in the checked baggage his (her) household items, alcoholic beverages, non-radioactive medical items and things for the toilet and basic necessities, including containers with medical aerosols and other things and substances permitted for transportation in limited amounts in accordance with The Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284) and in the amount permitted by the relevant regulatory authorities.

      The right to refuse to accept baggage for transportation

      1. Checked baggage of the passenger who did show up to boarding is subject to unloading from the aircraft.
      2. The Airline has the right to refuse to accept baggage as checked if it is not properly packed in suitcases with locks or other appropriate containers that ensure safe baggage transportation and handling using conventional means of cargo handling.
      3. The Airline has the right to refuse to transport or further transport as baggage the items specified in paragraphs 12.6.1.-3 on the basis of the relevant documents if it finds that such items contain any prohibited materials or objects.
        The Airline is not responsible for items that it refused to accept for the transportation as baggage.
      4. The Airline may, at the passenger’s request, transport the items specified in paragraphs 1, 2 of chapter 6 of this section as unaccompanied baggage (cargo) subject to the requirements of chapter 12.9.

      Right of inspection

      1. In order to ensure flight safety and detection of items determined in paragraphs 12.6.1 and 12.6.2, the Airline has the right to require the passenger to undergo security control, which is carried out by the aviation security services of the Airline, the airport and provide baggage for inspection, and also has the right to inspect or arrange baggage inspection in the absence of the passenger. If the passenger refuses to fulfill such a requirement, the Airline may refuse to transport the passenger and/or the baggage.
      2. The Airline is not responsible for the damage caused to the passenger or his (her) baggage in case of detection of items prohibited for air transportation during the safety inspection, for example: X-ray or other scanning, except in cases of negligence of the Airline.
      3. The Airline or the service agent shall perform the procedure for identifying the checked baggage of the passengers who did not arrive on board the aircraft or left it before the departure.

      Unaccompanied baggage

      1. At the request of the passenger and with the consent of the Airline, the baggage may be checked as unaccompanied baggage.
      2. Unaccompanied baggage is accepted for air transportation between the same points between which the passenger travels, according to the ticket and only after the passenger has independently cleared the baggage.
      3. Air transportation of unaccompanied baggage is confirmed by the air waybill, is carried out in accordance with the rules of cargo air transportation, which are approved by the Airline, and is paid according to the tariffs for transportation of goods established by the Airline.

      Cabin baggage

      1. As cabin baggage are accepted items that have weight and dimensions established by the rules of the Airline and indicated in the ticket of the passenger in accordance with the applicable tariff, which allows to place them safely in the aircraft cabin on the baggage racks or under the seat.
        It is forbidden to place cabin baggage and things allowed for the transportation in the aisles of the aircraft cabin.
      2. For items that do not comply with the requirements for cabin baggage established by the Airline or which are not allowed to be carried in the passenger cabin of the aircraft the rules for checked baggage shall be applied.
      3. Cabin baggage should not contain any cutting or sharp items, medical injection needles, knitting needles, metal knives, corkscrews, objects, devices and toys that imitate all types of weapons, cigarette lighters in the form of pistols and other types of weapons, as well as items with blunt edges which can cause bodily harm.
        It is also forbidden to transport any liquids, suspensions, creams, pastes with a capacity of more than 100 ml (grams) in one bottle (tube) on board the aircraft in cabin baggage. The total volume of these substances in cabin baggage, packed in containers with a capacity of up to 100 ml (grams), should not exceed 1 liter (kg) per passenger. In the case of using equipment for testing liquids, aerosols and gels, their volume for air transportation is not limited.
        Items and substances prohibited for carriage in the passenger cabin, but allowed for carriage in baggage are determined by the aviation regulations of Ukraine.
      4. The passenger is responsible for the cabin baggage during the whole transportation.

      Baggage transportation in the cabin of the aircraft/p>

      1. The Airline has the right to accept for air transportation in the cabin of the aircraft the items that are indicated in paragraph 12.6.2 of the Rules and require special preventive measures during air transportation or special handling conditions.
      2. Items that the passenger considers unsuitable for transportation in the cargo compartment of the aircraft are accepted for transportation in the passenger cabin only by prior agreement with the Airline. The transportation of such items is paid by the passenger in accordance with the tariffs of the Airline and depending on the number of passenger seats required for their transportation.
      3. The weight of one non-standard piece of baggage transported in the cabin of the aircraft should not exceed 80 kg, and its size should make it possible to place this piece on a separate passenger seat(s). Package of the baggage transported in the cabin of the aircraft must ensure its proper fastening on the passenger seat(s) and meet sanitary standards.
      4. Delivery of baggage which is carried in the cabin of the aircraft to the aircraft, its loading, placement in the cabin of the aircraft, unloading and transportation within the airport terminals is carried out by the passenger or, upon his (her) preliminary order and payment for these services, by the relevant airport services.

      Transportation of animals (birds)

      1. Air transportation of dogs, cats, birds and other animals is subject to permission from the Airline upon reservation prior to transportation. Animals shall be properly placed in containers/cages and shall have valid certificates pertaining to vaccination and health status, permission to import into the country of destination or transit. Animals must be clean, tidy and free from unpleasant odors. The Airline has the right to determine the transportation method and limit the number of animals allowed for transportation on one flight.
      2. Transportation of animals accepted as checked baggage together with a container and food shall be paid for as an additional service for which the passenger must pay the corresponding fare in accordance with the rules for the application of tariffs of the Airline established by the Airline.
      3. Service dogs that help government employees, rescue teams are transported free of charge with containers and food for them. Such transportation must be previously agreed with the Airline.
      4. In the passenger cabin of the aircraft it is allowed to carry:
        • service dogs, accompanied by a dog handler; guide dogs for blind and deaf passengers, provided that the animals have a collar and a muzzle. A service dog, a guide dog should stay near the feet of the passenger/dog handler;
        • small animals, the weight of which together with the means of transportation does not exceed 10 kg.
        • It is allowed to transport no more than 4 containers with live animals on flights of the Airline.
          The size of the container for transporting live pets in the passenger cabin of the aircraft should not exceed 50х40х25 cm
          The container with live animals must be placed under a seat during the transportation by air. It is forbidden to place the container with the live animal on baggage racks or on a separate passenger seat.
      5. Animals weighing more than 10 kg with a means of transportation are transported only in the cargo compartments of the aircraft (except guide dogs and service dogs).
      6. The passenger is obliged to provide all the documents necessary for the transportation of animals, provided for by the current legislation of the country of departure, destination or transit. When transporting animals, the passenger is responsible for such an animal, and also ensures the provision of the necessary documents provided for by applicable law. The Airline shall not bear responsibility for injury, loss, delay, illness or death of such animals in case of refusal to entry into the country of destination or transit, unless such damage was caused as a result of the negligence of the Airline.
      7. If the passenger fails to fulfill the conditions of paragraphs 13.2.1-13.2.7 the Airline has the right to make a final decision on air transportation or refusal to transport animals at its discretion during check-in of the passenger.
    14. SCHEDULE

      1. iled by the Airline, published in ARS/GDS and posted on the website of the Airline The Airline may publish advertising schedule to inform the public.
        By placing the data in ARS/GDS the Airline guarantees that the information placed by it or provided for placement in other automated systems is accurate, faithful and exhaustive.
      2. The Airline shall not bear the responsibility for errors and omissions in schedules or other published flight timetables of other airlines.
      3. The ground service agent and/or airport operators are entitled to issue joint schedule of all carriers operating flights to/from the airport
      4. .The departure time of the flight and the type of aircraft indicated in the schedule or other published flight timetables of the Airline, with the exception of the departure time indicated in the ticket, are not guaranteed and are not an obligatory condition of the air transportation contract.
      5. The Airline has the right to change the type of aircraft without notifying the passenger about it.
      6. The Airline or the service agent (airport operator) provides passengers at the airport with visual and/or acoustic information (if technically possible) regarding:
        • time of departure and landing of the aircraft;
        • place, opening and closing time for check-in
        • place, start and finish time for boarding the aircraft;
        • delay or cancellation of the flight and the reasons for the delay (cancellation) of the flight.

      1. The Airline has a right to delay or cancel the flight both for commercial reasons and for reasons beyond its control.
      2. The Airline shall take all necessary measures to avoid delays in the transportation of passengers and baggage.
      3. In case of extraordinary circumstances, the Airline has the right to cancel or delay a flight or cancel a previously approved reservation without notifying the passenger. In other cases the Airline or its sales agent is obliged to notify the passenger about the delay or cancellation of the flight no later than 3 hours before the start of check-in.
        The Airline shall enter information on the delay or cancellation of the flight to the ARS/GDS no later than 8 hours before the departure. Otherwise, the Airline independently informs the passenger about the delay, cancellation of the flight or cancellation of the reservation and is responsible for the timely informing of the passenger.
        In case of extraordinary circumstances, the Airline may land at an airport not provided for in the flight schedule. In this case, transportation to the airport where the passenger was supposed to arrive on the flight indicated in the ticket is carried out at the expense of the Airline.
      4. In case of a flight delay, the Airline independently or through the service agent (airport operator) shall inform the passengers by available means at the airport of departure every 30 minutes about the estimated time of flight delay and the expected time of departure.
      5. In case of delay beyond a reasonable time or cancellation of the flight, the Airline no later than 12 hours after the departure of the delayed flight or the decision to cancel the flight shall inform the authorized body for Civil Aviation about the reasons for the delay (cancellation) of the flight and the services that were provided to passengers during such a delay or flight cancellation.
      6. In case of registration of transportation with different tickets and causing the passenger losses related to being late to the transfer point to continue the trip, the question of reimbursement for losses by the Airline that delayed the flight is considered in a complaints procedure.

      Procedure of reimbursement application

      1. The provisions of this section are applied to the passengers (of scheduled and charter flights) who were denied transportation against their will or whose flight was canceled or delayed, provided that the passenger has a confirmed reservation for the corresponding flight, except for the case of cancellation specified in section 15 of the Airline Rules, and who were present for check-in at the time provided for in these Rules and indicated in writing (including electronic means), or, if the check-in time was not specified, not later than 45 minutes before the specified time of flight departure, or who have reserved a flight that was delayed/rescheduled by the Airline or by the aircraft charterer (tour operator) to another flight, regardless of the reason
        In case of denial of transportation, cancellation or delay of the flight, regardless of the duration, passengers with disabilities or limited mobility and persons accompanying them, as well as unaccompanied children, in accordance with this chapter, are entitled to get assistance first.
      2. The provisions of this section are not applied to the passengers traveling free of charge or at a reduced cost, which is directly or indirectly not available to other passengers. However, these provisions should be applied to the passengers whose tickets have been issued under the frequent flyer program (loyalty program) of the Airline, if one exists.
      3. If the Airline pays the compensation or provides the services provided for in this section, no provision of these Rules can be interpreted as limiting its right to demand reimbursement by the way of recourse from any person, including third parties, in particular claims for reimbursement from a tour operator or another party with which the Airline has concluded an agreement. Respectively, none of the provisions of these Rules shall be interpreted as limiting the rights of the tour operator or third parties, other than the passenger, with which the Airline has concluded an agreement, to demand reimbursement or compensation from the Airline in accordance with the law.
      4. The distances indicated in this section are measured using the method of orthodromic distance of the route.
      5. In the case of obligations to passengers on a flight that is performed on the basis of a codesharing agreement, the actual carrier is responsible for providing the service and paying reimbursement. If the number of passengers having a confirmed reservation exceeds the number of available seats in the unit, the airline which carried out the resale provides the service and payment of reimbursement.
      6. In case of non-payment of the monetary reimbursement provided for by this section at the airport where the transportation was refused or the flight was canceled, the reimbursement provided for by this section is paid upon written request from the passenger. The Airline should give an answer within the time period stipulated by the Law of Ukraine “On citizens' appeals”.
      7. A flight is considered completed if its execution is transferred to another air carrier, which provides transportation of all passengers of the transferred flight on a specially organized flight. Changing the airport of departure or arrival within the same administrative-territorial unit cannot be considered a flight cancellation. In addition to cases of cancellation of the flight by the Airline, the flight is considered canceled if the departure is delayed for more than 48 hours.

      Reimbursement to the passenger in case of denied transportation

      1. If the Airline reasonably expects that the passengers will be denied boarding, it first looks for volunteers who are ready to refuse their confirmed reservation in exchange for an agreed remuneration between the passenger who voluntarily refuses to board the flight and the Airline.
      2. In addition to paying remuneration, the Airline offers to the passenger to choose:
        • reimbursement of the cost of air transportation within seven days which must be paid in cash, by electronic bank transfer, bank order or bank cheque or (if there is a witnessed written consent of the passenger) in the form of traveler cheques and/or other services, reimbursement of the full cost of the ticket at a price by which it was purchased, for the unused part of the ticket and for the used part or parts of the ticket, if the flight no longer meets the passenger's needs, and also provision (if necessary) of the return flight to the initial point of departure at the earliest opportunity;
        • or a change of the route that should be carried out under relevant transport conditions: to the final destination at the earliest opportunity or to the final destination at a later time at the request of the passenger and subject to availability.
      3. Transportation of the passenger from the airport where denied transportation has occurred to the airport from which the alternative route proposed by the Airline starts, and from the airport of alternative landing to the airport where the passenger was supposed to arrive on the flight transportation on which was denied, is carried out by the Airline at its expense.
      4. If there are no passengers who agree to voluntarily refuse to travel on this flight, or their number is insufficient, the Airline has the right to deny the passenger transportation against his (her) will.
      5. If the passengers are denied transportation against their will the Airline pays them reimbursement in the following amounts:
        • 250 Euros – for flights with a range up to 1,500 kilometers;
        • 400 Euros – for flights with a range from 1,500 to 3,500 kilometers;
        • 600 Euros – for flights with a range more than 3,500 kilometers.
        When determining the distance, the last point is taken as the basis in which refuse to transport the passenger or non-fulfillment of a previously planned flight, for which at least one seat has been reserved, will create a delay in the arrival of passengers at the scheduled time.
      6. The Airline has the right to reduce the amount of reimbursement specified in chapter 16.2.5 of this section by 50% if the passenger was offered rerouting to his destination point by alternative flights, the arrival time of which does not exceed the scheduled time by:
        • 2 hours – for flights with a range up to 1,500 kilometers; or
        • 3 hours – for flights with a range from 1,500 to 3,500 kilometers; or
        • 4 hours – for flights not specified in the second and third items of this paragraph.
        The distance specified in this paragraph is measured by the method of the orthodromic distance of the route.
      7. Payment of the reimbursement does not relieve the Airline of the obligation to offer the passenger a choice of services and reimbursement of expenses specified in paragraph 16.2.2 and paragraph 16.3.5.

      Provision of service to passengers in case of flight delay

      1. In case of flight cancellation, passengers are offered services in accordance with paragraph 16.2.2 and reimbursement in accordance with paragraphs 16.2.5 and 16.2.6. The passenger has a right to reimbursement if he (she) was not informed about the cancellation of the flight:
        • two weeks before the scheduled departure time;
        • or within the period of not more than two weeks and not less than seven days before the scheduled departure time, and if it was proposed the rerouting that gave the opportunity to leave the departure point not later than 2 hours before the scheduled departure time and arrive at the final destination not later than 4 hours after the scheduled arrival time;
        • or less than seven days before the scheduled departure time, and if it was proposed the rerouting that gave the opportunity to leave the departure point not later than an hour before the planned departure time and arrive at final destination not later than two hours after the scheduled arrival time.
      2. By canceling or delaying a flight the Airline provides the passengers upon their request with an explanation concerning reasons for canceling or delaying the flight. If it is necessary to ensure timely transfer of transit passengers to connecting flights the Airline offers them alternative transportation routes as soon as possible.
      3. The Airline is not obligated to pay reimbursement in accordance with paragraphs 16.2.5 and 16.2.6 if it can provide confirmation that the flight was canceled due to extraordinary circumstances or force majeure that could not be prevented even if all measures were taken.
      4. The evidence of informing the passenger about the rules and conditions of transportation, the procedure for reserving seats on flights, fares, taxes (charges), schedule and terms of the flight lies with the Airline, its sales agent, tour operator and other authorized organizations, etc. upon where the air transportation agreement was concluded.
      5. In case of cancellation of the flight by the Airline and when the passengers continues to travel on another flight(s) or on another route, passengers should be offered and provided free of charge:
        • food and cool drinks according to the new flight waiting time;
        • hotel accommodation in cases where passengers are forced to wait for departure for one or more nights or if the time of additional waiting for the departure is longer than expected;
        • ground transfer on the route airport – hotel – airport;
        • two telephone calls or telex, fax messages or e-mail messages if there are technical specifications at the airport.
      6. The Airline pays special attention to the needs of passengers with disabilities or reduced physical capabilities and persons who accompany them, as well as to the needs of children, including those traveling unaccompanied by adults.

      Reimbursement to the passenger in case of flight delay

      1. The Airline should provide passengers with food and cool drinks according to the standards established by it and the opportunity to make two free calls or send telex, fax or e-mail messages, if there are technical conditions for this, in case of a flight delay for a period:
        • two hours or more after the scheduled departure time of a flight with a range up to 1,500 kilometers or less;
        • three hours or more after the scheduled departure time of a flight with a range from 1,500 to 3,500 kilometers;
        • four hours or more after the scheduled time of departure of the flight for all flights not specified in items a), b) of this paragraph.
        If the delayed flight is postponed to the next day after the day specified in the schedule and indicated in the ticket, the Airline should provide passengers with hotel accommodation, food and transfer on the route airport – hotel – airport.
      2. If the flight delay exceeds 5 hours, passengers are offered services in accordance with paragraph 16.2.2.

      Reimbursement to the passenger for changing in class of service

      1. The Airline shall not require any additional payment if it places the passenger in the class of service higher than the one indicated in his (her) ticket.
      2. If the Airline places the passenger in a service class lower than the one indicated in his ticket then it shall reimburse the passenger within seven days:
        • 30% of the applied tariff for all flights with a range up to 1,500 kilometers;
        • 50% of the applied tariff for all flights with a range from 1,500 to 3,500 kilometers;
        • or
        • 75% of the applied tariff for all other flights not specified in the second and third items of this paragraph.
      3. Reimbursement for placing a passenger in a class of service lower than the one indicated in his (her) ticket is calculated for the segment in which the reduction in class of service was carried out, using the method of prorate division.

      1. Reimbursement for the delay in baggage transportation is determined based on the need to provide the passenger with basic necessities. In any case, such reimbursement is limited by the amount of $ 50 (or the equivalent in another currency).
      2. Reimbursement is offered to the passenger in case of non-arrival of the baggage to the destination point together with the passenger, if the destination point is not the place of passenger’s permanent residence.

      • 18.1. During check-in the Airline provides passengers with legible and clearly visible information of the following content: “If you are denied transportation or your flight is canceled or delayed for at least 2 hours, please ask at check-in desk or exit point a written notification indicating your rights in particular regarding reimbursement and assistance".

      • 18.2. The Airline, if it denies transportation or cancels the flight, provides each passenger whom it may concern with a written message which sets out the rules for providing passengers with reimbursement and assistance. The Airline provides the same message to the passenger whose flight is delayed for at least 2 hours. Contact information for sending inquiries regarding violation of the passenger’s rights for reimbursement or assistance shall be given in the message.

      • 18.3. In order to inform the deaf passengers and those with visual impairments and other significant health deficiencies that make it difficult or impossible for them to independently familiarize themselves with visual or acoustic information appropriate alternative means of information should be used at the airport of departure/arrival.
    19. REFUND

      General refund procedure

      1. Refund for unused ticket (part of it) is made at the place of purchase of the ticket or at the head office of the Airline (transportation sales office of the Airline) and in the currency in which the ticket was paid.
        The refund by the Airline in Ukraine is made in the national currency of Ukraine. Refund at the representative offices of the Airline is made in accordance with the to the legislation of the country where the representative office is located.
        If the payment was made by electronic means of transferring funds (by credit card), the funds are returned to the payment card from which the payment for the ticket was made.
      2. Amount refunded for unused ticket (its part) depends on the applied tariff and tariff standards of the Airline and the type of denial of transportation (voluntary or involuntary).
      3. Refund is made on the basis of an unused (fully or partially) transportation document, miscellaneous charges order, receipts of payment for excess baggage.
      4. Refund is made:
        • to the person indicated in the ticket – in case of payment for transportation by cash or bank transfer;
        • to the account of an enterprise, institution (legal entity) – in case of payment by clearing operations;
        • to the account of the owner of the credit card by which transportation was paid (in case of termination of activities of the bank, funds may be transferred to the account in another bank);
        • to the sponsor who paid for the transportation, in case of issuing a ticket upon the notification about advance payment (Prepaid Ticket Advice – PTA).
        The refund is made subject to the presentation of identity documents and documents confirming the right to receive monetary amounts specified in chapter 19.1.3.
      5. The Airline refunds the funds on the day of termination of the air transportation contract (presenting tickets to the ticket office at the place of issuance, receiving by the Airline information from the passenger about the desire to return money for unused air transportation issued by electronic ticket), and in case of impossibility to return the money on the day of termination of the air transportation contract – in another period by the agreement of the parties, but no later than within seven days.
        The refund period is calculated from the day following the day when the Airline or the sales agent has received the documents necessary for the refund operation.
      6. It is imperative to send the passenger a written request for the refund.


      1. Involuntary refund or re-reservation without penalty is made in the following cases:
        • cancellation, rescheduling, delay of the flight for which the passenger has the seat reservations and the issued ticket;
        • incorrect issuance of transportation document because of the fault of the Airline or the agent;
        • change of class of service or type of the aircraft;
        • impossibility to provide the passenger with a seat in accordance with the reservation;
        • failure by the Airline to provide connection with the flight for which the passenger has a confirmed reservation and which is indicated in the same ticket as the previous one;
        • denial of transportation due to non-payment by a passenger of a tariff, state duties, taxes or charges (fees) in case of changes in tariffs or rules for their application compared to those that were valid on the day of departure of the passenger from the initial airport indicated in the ticket;
        • application by the Airline of its right to refuse to transport for the reasons set forth in chapters 11.1, 11.7 of these Rules;
        • passenger’s death or illness or death or illness of his (her) family members travelling with him (her) if appropriate supporting documents are available;
        • in other cases of passenger’s refusal from air transportation or refusal of the Airline to transport a passenger that occurred because of the fault of the Airline.
      2. In case of involuntary refund the amount refunded to the passenger shall be equal to:
        • the amount that is equal to the full cost of the ticket at the price it was purchased if either part of the ticket has not been used;
        • the amount equal to the tariff for the unused part of one-way transportation and unused state duties, taxes, airport charges (fees) and unused charges (fees) of the Airline from the place where the refusal of transportation occurred to the destination place if any part of the ticket was used. The amounts provided for by this paragraph shall not include the amount of reimbursement provided for in Section 16 of the Rules.
      3. In the case of a voluntary refund, that is, if the passenger wants a refund of the amount paid for the ticket, and such a refund is permitted by the rules for applying tariffs this amount is calculated in accordance with the tariff standards of the Airline. In addition, the passenger is also refunded the sum of all unused state duties, taxes, airport charges (fees) and charges (fees) of the Airline.
      4. In case of a refund for an unused ticket or its part, including involuntary one, the fee for issuing air transportation is not refunded, except for the case of a refund due to the fault of the Airline. The fee for the operation of the refund in case of the involuntary refund is not charged.

      Right to refuse a refund

      1. The Airline has the right to refuse to refund, with the exception of all unused state duties, taxes, airport charges (fees) and charges (fees) of the Airline, if:
        • an application on refund was submitted by the passenger after the expiration of the ticket, as defined in chapter 4.4, as well as in other cases provided for by these Rules;
        • the ticket was purchased at a special tariff and the rules for its application do not provide refund (in case of purchasing the ticket at such a special tariff, the passenger must be informed by the Airline (its sales agent) about this when making the reservation, and the ticket should be marked with a respective mark).
      2. If the ticket has been loss, refund is made by:
        • the airline which is the owner of ticket stock (“contracting carrier”) if the ticket was issued under an interline agreement;
        • airline which is the actual carrier, if the ticket was issued on the stock of the airline that operates the flight.
        Refund can be made if the lost ticket (or its part) was not used or changed and no refunds were made on it.
      3. The Airline has the right to take a penalty (fee) from the refunded amount established by the Airline for such cases.
      4. Funds for the duplicate ticket and for the lost ticket are refunded in a claim and/or judicially.
        Similar rules are established for the refunds in connection with the loss of miscellaneous charges order, receipts for excess baggage.
      5. Refusal to refund to a passenger does not deprive the passenger of the right to file a claim to the Airline or to sue in court.

      • 20.1. Behavior of passengers on board the aircraft must be such that, according to the Rules of the Airline, does not pose a danger or threat to other persons, things, the aircraft or the crew of the Airline.
        The passenger does not have the right to interfere with the crew during the fulfillment of their duties and must follow the instructions of the aircraft commander and the crew to ensure the safety of the flight and the aircraft and the safe, efficient and comfortable flight of the passengers. The passenger must desist from behavior that may cause or causes dissatisfaction of other passengers.

      • 20.2. In order to ensure flight safety, the Airline has the right to prohibit or to limit the use of electronic equipment, mobile telephones, laptop computers, portable tape recorders, portable radios, CD players, transmitting devices, including radio-controlled toys, walkie-talkies, etc. on board the aircraft (with the exception of artificial ear devices and cardiac pacemakers).

      • 20.3. On board the aircraft the passenger has no right to be intoxicated or under the influence of any other substance that could lead to danger or constitute a danger to other passengers, things, the aircraft or its crew. Drinking of any alcoholic beverages on board the aircraft is permitted only in the amounts offered by the Airline.

      • 20.4. Regardless of the flight range, smoking is prohibited on board the aircraft.

      • 20.5. If the passenger does not comply with the provisions of chapters 2 - 4 of this section, the Airline has the right to take such measures as the situation requires and which the Airline will consider necessary to prevent such behavior. Such measures may include limitation of the passenger’s movement on board the aircraft, disembarkation of the passenger, refusal to board an aircraft at any point of the route of transportation, and transferring the passenger to local governmental bodies for taking relevant measures of influence.

      • 20.6. If the passenger does not follow the provisions of this section or acts otherwise without fulfilling the Rules, the Airline has the right to deny the passenger in further transportation.
        The Airline, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 90, 91 of the Air Code of Ukraine, has the right to maintain the established procedure and apply deterrence measures against offenders on board the aircraft.

      • 20.7. If because of the forbidden behavior of the passenger the Airline was forced to take certain actions that incurred additional expenses, the passenger is obliged to reimburse the Airline for such expenses in accordance with applicable legislation.

      • 21.1. These Rules cover air transportations that are carried out in accordance with commercial agreements between air carriers known as agreements about joint usage of codes (codesharing agreements), interline agreements, even if another air carrier than one that actually performs the transportation is specified in the ticket. If there is any such commercial agreement the Airline (its sales agent) must provide the passenger, during the reservation, with information on which air carrier is contractual and which actually performs the transportation. During the check-in for the flight this information is provided to the passenger by the actual carrier or its authorized service agent at the airport of departure.

      • 21.2. If the passenger has concluded an agreement on air transportation with the provision of additional prepaid services, then for failure to provide such services the Airline bears liability to the passenger which is limited by the amount paid for non-provided services.

      • 22.1. Air transportation which will be carried out sequentially by several air carriers is considered a single transportation, if from the beginning of transportation these airlines considered such an operation as a single transportation and such transportation was issued with a joint ticket.

      • 22.2. In case of a single transportation, each air carrier accepting passengers and baggage (cargo) for such transportation and providing its services falls within the scope of the SAAU Rules regarding transportation carried out under the control of a particular carrier.

      • 22.3. The air carrier that issued the ticket or the first air carrier indicated in the ticket or in the joint ticket is not responsible for the transportation that occurred on the segment(s) of carriage of another air carrier(s), including the delay in the transportation of the passenger or baggage.

      • 22.4. In case of destruction, loss, damage, delay in the transportation of the baggage, the passenger has the right to claim or to sue in court against the first or the last air carrier, as well as against the carrier that carried out the transportation during which the destruction, loss, damage, delay in baggage transportation occurred.

      • 22.5. If it is impossible to determine the air carrier that carried out the transportation during which the destruction, loss, damage, delay in the transportation of baggage occurred, the joint responsibility to the passenger shall be borne jointly by the air carriers that participated in the transportation.

      • 23.1. The time period of air transportation does not include any transportation by land, sea (river) modes of transport that are carried out beyond the airport area. However, if such transportation is carried out according to the carriage contract for the purpose of boarding, disembarkation, loading, delivery, reloading, any harm, until the opposite is proved, is considered a result of an event that occurred during the time period of air transportation. If without the passenger’s consent the carrier fully or partially replaces the transportation, which by agreement of the parties must be carried out by air transport, by transportation by any other mode of transport, such transportation by another mode of transport shall be considered as transportation carried out during the period of air transportation.

      • 23.2. In the case of multimodal transportation carried out partly by air and partly by any other means of transport, the provisions of these Rules subject to chapter 23.1 of this section are applied only to air transportation.

      • 23.3. Any provision of these Rules does not prohibit the parties in the case of multimodal transportation to include in the ticket the provisions that concerns transportation by other means of transport, provided that the provisions of these Rules are applied only to air transportation.

      • 23.4. Transportations by other means of transport subject to the provisions of chapter 23.1 of this section will be offered by the Airline only as a by the agent of the carrier by another mode of transport, including if the ticket indicates such transportation under the code of the Airline.
        The liability of the Airline for any improper transportation of the passenger, destruction, loss, damage, and delay in the transportation of the baggage that occurred during the transportation by such other means of transport is limited to reimbursement of the amount paid by the passenger for such transportation.

      • 24.1. The provisions of this section are applied when the air carrier (hereinafter referred to as the contract carrier) as the main party enters into a transportation contract with the passenger or with a person acting on behalf of the passenger, and the actual carrier (hereinafter referred to as the actual carrier) under the contract performs the whole transportation or a part of it, but is not a consecutive carrier in relation to such a part within the meaning of Section 22 of the Rules.

      • 24.2. In the case of the transportation specified by the chapter 24.1 of this section, the contract carrier is subject to these Rules and the SAAU Rules in relation to the whole transportation, and the actual carrier – only in relation to the transportation that it performs.

      • 24.3. The amount of liability of the actual carrier and the contract carrier is limited by the norms established by these Rules and the SAAU Rules.

      • 25.1. The Airline performing charter transportations, when concluding an agreement with the customer should provide the services and refunds provided for by these Rules.
        The Airline concludes a contract for air transportation separately with each passenger. The issue of reimbursement by the Airline for expenses associated with a delay or denial of transportation should be reflected in the agreement between the Airline and the customer of the charter flight (block of seats).
        Tickets for charter flights are considered invalid until the date of payment the cost of the charter flight to the Airline, which actually performs the flight.
        Refunds and confirmation of the reservation are carried out in accordance with the terms of the contract concluded between the Airline and the customer of the charter flight.

      • 25.2. Tickets for charter flights are valid only for transportation on the dates and flights indicated in the tickets. Depending on the availability of free seats, the customer of the charter flight may change the departure and return flight dates, provided that such changes are agreed by the customer of the flight (tour operator – the contract carrier) with passengers and the actual carrier (flight operator – the Airline).

      • 25.3. The provisions specified in paragraphs 4.4, 4.5 of the chapter 4; chapters 5, 6; paragraphs 7.1, 7.4 of the chapter 7; chapter 19 of these Rules are not applied to the charter transportation.

      Travel Documents

      1. The passenger is responsible for obtaining all the documents necessary for the trip, in particular visas, permissions, certificates, etc., as well as for fulfilling the requirements of the legislation regarding the departure, entry, transit of the country of departure, arrival and transit. The Airline is not responsible for the consequences of non-compliance by the passenger with the requirements of the laws of the countries of departure, arrival and transit, or if the passenger does not have the necessary travel documents.
      2. At the request of the Airline, the passenger is obliged to present to the authorized persons of the Airline, representatives of the relevant state bodies all documents for departure, entry, transit, health status and other documents that are required by applicable laws, and allow the Airline to make and keep copies of the documents or otherwise store the data contained in the relevant documents. The Airline has a right to deny transportation to a passenger who does not observe applicable laws or whose documents are not properly issued.

      Denial of entrance to a country

      1. The Airline is not responsible for the refusal to the passenger to enter the country (point of destination, transit).
      2. The passenger is obliged at the request of the Airline or state authorities to pay the corresponding tariff for return transportation, if he (she) is requested to return to the point of departure or another place due to the refusal of the destination country to accept such a passenger regardless of whether this country is the destination or transit country. The Airline may use funds to pay for such transportation from any funds previously paid by the passenger to the Airline and remained at the disposal of the Airline for unused transportation, or any passenger's funds that are at the disposal of the Airline.
      3. The Airline has the right not to return the amounts paid by the passenger for the transportation performed to the place where the passenger was denied entry, or the point of deportation.

      Responsibility of the passenger

      1. . If the Airline is required to pay or deposit any amount, pay a fine, or provide a financial guarantee due to the fact that the passenger has not complied with the requirements of the applicable laws of the country of departure, arrival and transit, or has not submitted the necessary documents for the trip, or presented fake documents, or documents containing false information, the passenger must, at the request of the Airline, reimburse it the amount paid or deposited and the other related expenses of the Airline.
      2. The Airline has the right to use for coverage of such expenses any funds previously paid by the passenger and remaining at the disposal of the Airline for unused transportation, or any funds of the passenger that are at the disposal of the Airline, or may refuse to carry it if the passenger has not reimbursed to the Airline for such expenses.

      Customs examination, safety inspection, border control and other types of control

      1. During the performance of international air transportation, the passengers, their checked baggage and cabin baggage are obliged to undergo inspection for safety, border control, and at the request of by customs and other authorized bodies to undergo other types of control.
      2. During the performance of domestic air transportation, the passengers, their checked baggage and cabin baggage must undergo security controls and, at the request of other authorized bodies, to undergo other types of control.
      3. The personnel of the Airline, airport operators and service agents who are in direct contact with passengers must undergo training on the prevention of human trafficking. The cabin crew must have training on the prevention of human trafficking, taking into account the instructional material given in the Guidelines for Training Cabin Crew on Identifying and Responding to Trafficking in Persons (Circular 352).

      Death and injury to the passenger. Damage to the baggage

      1. The Airline shall be liable for damage resulting in the death or personal injury of the passenger only if the event that caused the death or injury occurred on board the aircraft or during boarding or disembarkation of the passenger to/from the aircraft.
      2. The Airline shall bear the responsibility for damage caused in the case of destruction, loss or damage to checked baggage, only on condition that the incident that caused the destruction, loss or damage to the baggage occurred on board the aircraft or when the Airline was responsible for keeping checked baggage, (however, the Airline is not responsible for damage to baggage due to its defects, characteristics or deficiencies). The Airline shall bear the responsibility for damage caused through its fault or through the fault of its employees or service agents to unregistered baggage, including personal items of the passenger.
      3. If the Airline acknowledges the loss of checked baggage or if the checked baggage did not arrive within 21 days from the date it was supposed to arrive, the passenger may make to the Airline demands arising from the terms of the contract of transportation and the provisions of these Rules.

      Compensation by the Airline for damage caused by delay in transportation

      1. The Airline is liable for damage caused by delays in air transportation of passengers and baggage, however, the Airline is not liable for damage caused by delays if it proves that it, its employees and agents (sales and/or service) have taken all possible measures to avoid damage, or that it (they) did not have the opportunity to take such measures
      2. The liability of the Airline for improper transportation is in any case limited to real losses proved by the passengers, but within the limits of liability for damage.

      Exemption from reimbursement for damage

      1. The Airline is liable for damage caused by delays in air transportation of passengers and baggage, however, the Airline is not liable for damage caused by delays if it proves that it, its employees and agents (sales and/or service) have taken all possible measures to avoid damage, or that it (they) did not have the opportunity to take such measures.
      2. The liability of the Airline for improper transportation is in any case limited to real losses proved by the passengers.

      Exemption from reimbursement for damage

      1. If the Airline proves that the damage was caused or its occurrence was encouraged by the negligence, unlawful action or inaction of the person requiring reimbursement, or the person from whom his (her) rights arise, the Airline is fully or partially relieved of responsibility to the person who requires reimbursement to the extent in which such negligence, unlawful action or inaction caused damage or encouraged its occurrence.
      2. If the request for reimbursement in connection with the death or personal injury of the passenger is made by a person other than the passenger, the Airline is also fully or partially exempted from liability to the extent that it proves that the negligence, unlawful action or inaction of this passenger caused the harm or encouraged its occurrence.

      Compensation in case of death or personal injury of the passengers

      1. The Airline cannot exclude or limit its liability for harm resulting in the death or personal injury of the passenger, under the conditions specified in chapter 27.1 of this section, in the amount of 128821 SDR for each passenger.
      2. The Airline shall not be liable for harm resulting in the death or personal injury of the passenger and the amount of which exceeds the amounts specified in paragraph 27.4.1 of this chapter, under the conditions specified in chapter 27.1, if the Airline proves that:
        • such harm was not caused due to negligence, unlawful action or inaction of the Airline or its employees or service agents; or
        • such harm was caused solely by negligence or due to other unlawful action or inaction of a third party.
      3. The Airline must immediately, but in any case not later than within 15 days after the identification of the individual entitled to receive compensation make an advance payment which may be necessary to meet urgent financial needs. Advance payment in case of death of the passenger should not be less than SDR 16,000.
      4. When issuing a ticket, the Airline shall ensure that the passenger is provided with the basic provisions in writing governing the liability of the Airline to the passenger and his (her) baggage. In addition, the Airline provides the passenger with a written message about the applicable limitations of the liability of the Airline regarding the passenger and baggage.

      Limits of liability for damage caused by delay

      1. The liability of the Airline for damage caused by delays in the air transportation of the passengers of any flights is limited to 5,346 SDRs applies for each passenger.
      2. The liability of the Airline in case of destruction, loss, damage or delay in the transportation of checked baggage is limited to 1,288 SDR applies (for the minimum free baggage allowance established by the authorized body for Civil Aviation) regarding each passenger. The Airline is not liable for damage caused by the delay if it proves that it, its employees and service agents took all the measures that might be necessary to avoid damage, or that it was impossible for it (them) to take such measures.
      3. The provisions specified in paragraphs 27.5.1, 27.5.2 are not applied, if it is proved that the damage is the result of the action or inaction of the Airline, its employees or service agents committed intentionally to cause damage or because of criminal negligence and with the knowledge that damage may be caused as a result of such actions, provided that in case of such action or inaction of the employee or service agent it will also be proved that this employee or agent acted within the limits of his (her) duties.

      General provisions on the submission of claims and complaints

      1. Any claim for improper transportation of the passenger or baggage must be submitted in writing to the Airline and delivered or sent within the time period stipulated by the Montreal Convention and the current legislation of Ukraine. The authorized body for Civil Aviation can consider the claims of passengers if they have been received only after consideration of the claims against the Airline in order to establish compliance of the results of the consideration with the SAAU Rules.
        The claim must be accompanied by all the necessary documents confirming the passenger’s right to claim compensation, depending on what the claim is for, including a ticket (itinerary receipt), fiscal receipts for payment of services (except taxi services), a receipt for excess baggage, a tear-off coupon of the baggage identification tag, PIR – Property Irregularity Report, DBR – Damage Baggage Report, certificates of delays and other documents that can speed up the consideration of the claims requirements. The amount of the claim must be proved by the person concerned.
        At the request of the authorized civil aviation body, the subject providing paid services to the public as an intermediary for receiving compensation from the Airline provided for in these Rules must provide the original of the document(s) confirming the authority, including a copy of the document certifying the identity of the passenger.
      2. Claims should be considered pursuant to the procedure established by the Airline. Having received the claim, the Airline within 15 days from the date of registration of the claim shall send the claimant notification-request informing the claimant about the receipt of the claim and the terms for its consideration, and if necessary shall request additional documents from the claimant and inform him (her) about the terms for consideration of the claim after receiving lacks documents.
      3. The Airline is obliged to consider the claim and notify the claimant of its satisfaction or rejection with justification of the reasons within three months from the date of its receipt, if the transportation in connection with which the claim was made was completely performed by one carrier.
        If other airlines took part in such transportation, the term for consideration of the claim may be extended to six months, taking into account the current rules for resolving claims of such airlines.
      4. A claim for reimbursement for damage caused by the Airline during air transportation may be filed in accordance with the conditions and limits of liability provided for by the Montreal Convention and the legislation of Ukraine, without prejudice to the rights of others to appeal to a court.
      5. Claims on the liability of the Airline during international transportation regarding improper transportation of the passenger or baggage should be submitted at the choice of the plaintiff to the court at the location (registration) of the Airline, at the place of its main activity (main office) or at the place where the company through which the contract on air transportation was concluded is located, or to the court at the place of destination of transportation within two years from the date of arrival at the place of destination, or from the date when the aircraft was supposed to arrive at the place of destination, or from the date when transportation was terminated. For the flights within Ukraine, claims against carriers arising from the contract for air transportation of passengers and baggage are submitted at the place where the Airline is located.
        Claims for the liability of the Airline regarding improper transportation of the passenger can be filed within the time period established by the applicable law without prior raising a claim against the Airline.
      6. The total amount of reimbursement for damage shall not exceed the limits of liability established by these aviation Rules.
        The contract Airline, the actual carrier, sales and/or service agents who acted within the scope of their duties are liable for the damage caused by them in an amount not exceeding the limits of liability established by these aviation Rules applicable to it.
      7. If claims for reimbursement for damage specified by these Rules are addressed to the employee or a sales and/or service agent of the Airline, he (she) is entitled to refer to the conditions and limits of liability to which the Airline itself has the right to refer if proves that he (she) acted within his (her) official duties.
      8. In case of the death of the person responsible for the damages, a claim for damages shall be filed in accordance with the provisions of the Montreal Convention against persons who legally represent him (her) or dispose of the property of that person.
      9. A claim for reimbursement for damage that occurred during the air transportation performed by the actual carrier may be filed, at the option of the passenger, to the actual carrier or to the contract carrier, or to both carriers simultaneously.
      10. Recalculation of the amounts indicated in the SDR into national currency is carried out in accordance with the value of currencies in the SDR at the rate of the National Bank of Ukraine at the date of the court decision or the decision of the Airline on the passenger’s claim.

      The procedure for filing complaints and claims regarding improper transportation of the passenger

      1. If a complaint is made or a claim is filed for reimbursement for damage caused as a result of a delay in the transportation of the passenger, the amount of compensation shall be limited to the amount specified in paragraph 27.5.1 of these Rules. The amount of the claim must be proved by the person concerned.
      2. Claims for the liability of the Airline for damage caused as a result of death or personal injury must be filed at the choice of the plaintiff in one of the courts referred to in paragraph 28.1.5 of this section. For flights between Ukraine and the European Union, a claim may be filed on the territory of a member state of the European Union in which the passenger has a principal and permanent residence at the date of the event and to/from which the Airline carrier provides services related to the air transportation of passengers on its own aircraft or on aircraft of another carrier on the basis of a commercial agreement, and in which this carrier carries out activities related to the transportation of passengers by air, using the premises, rented by the carrier or another carrier with which it has concluded a commercial agreement, or which belongs to it or to such another carrier.
        Claims regarding the liability of the Airline for improper air transportation of the passenger may be filed within the time period established by law without prior raising a claim against the Airline.
      3. The right to reimbursement for damage is lost if the claim for liability is not filed within the time limit according to the Montreal Convention and the current legislation of Ukraine from the date of arrival at the destination point, or from the date when the aircraft was supposed to arrive, or from the date of termination of the transportation.
      4. In case of a claim to the Airline relating refund for check-in at the airport because of the impossibility to register via the website, the obligation to prove the opposite is placed on the Airline.

      The procedure for filing complaints and claims regarding improper transportation of the baggage

      1. The receiving of the checked baggage by a person who has the right to receive it without making any claims provides, before proving the contrary, that the baggage was delivered in a proper condition and in accordance with the carriage document or record stored by other means of storing information.
        The passenger shall testify to the opposite by issuing the PIR (Property Irregularity Report) before leaving the airport baggage compartment or a damage baggage report (DBR - Damage Baggage Report).
      2. In case of improper transportation of the checked baggage, the passenger must send a claim to the Airline immediately after detecting damage, loss of a part of the baggage content or not later than within seven calendar days from the date of receiving of the checked baggage.
        In case of delay in baggage transportation, the claim should be submitted within 21 calendar days from the date when the baggage was handed over to the passenger.
      3. Claims regarding the loss of baggage are presented to the Airline after the baggage is considered to be lost. Baggage is considered to be lost if it is not found by the results of the search within 21 calendar days from the date following that when the baggage was supposed to arrive at its destination point. In this case, the claim against the Airline should be filed within two years (for international flights) and three years (for flights within Ukraine) from the date of arrival of the aircraft to the destination point or from the date when the aircraft should have arrived at the destination point, or from the date when the transportation was terminated.
      4. The liability of the Airline regarding destroyed or lost baggage is limited to the amount specified in paragraph 27.5.2 of these Rules.
      5. If a claim is made for damage to the baggage package, the costs of repairing it shall be reimbursed. In case of impossibility of further use of damaged baggage package, its value is subject to reimbursement, which is confirmed by the person concerned.
        The Airline is not liable for such types of baggage damage:
        • broken wheels and legs of suitcases, bags, etc.;
        • lost straps and eyelets;
        • slight scuffs or scratches, damage as a result of excessive filling of the suitcase;
        • damage to the handle of a suitcase or bag;
        • damage to fragile items or products that deteriorate quickly;
        • damage to improperly packed items.
      6. If a claim is made regarding the reimbursement of partially lost baggage weighing up to 1 kilogram, the weight indicators specified in the recommended practice of IATA 1751 (Appendix A) can be used to reimburse the cost of partially lost baggage.
      7. If a claim is made for reimbursement for damage caused as a result of a delay in the transportation of baggage, the amount of compensation is limited to the amount specified in paragraph 27.5.2 of the Rules. The amount of the claim must be proved by the person concerned.
      8. If there are no claims within the time periods specified in paragraphs 28.3.2, 28.3.3 of this chapter for international air transportation, no claims against the carrier for improper baggage transportation are accepted, except in cases where the carrier has used fraud. Claims for improper baggage transportation on domestic flights are made in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.


  • General provisions
  • Scope of application
  • Transportation agreement. ticket
  • Stopping on the route or agreeing on a place to stop (stopover)
  • Fares and fees
  • Booking of air transportation of passengers and baggage
  • Passengers servicing
  • Carriage of certain categories of passengers
  • Passenger check-in and baggage handling
  • Refusal to carry a passenger and baggage by air in order to ensure flight safety
  • Baggage
  • Carriage of certain categories of baggage
  • Schedule
  • Cancellation and delay of flights
  • Passengers’ rights in case of denial of air transportation, cancellation or delay of flights
  • Reimbursement for delay in baggage carriage
  • Obligations of the airline to inform passengers about their rights
  • Refunds
  • Behaviour on board the aircraft
  • Agreements of air carriers
  • Successive air carriers
  • Mixed transportations
  • Air transportation performed by an air carrier other than the contract carrier
  • Charter flights
  • Administrative formalities
  • The airline's obligations and the amount of compensation for damage caused
  • Complaints and claims
  • Providing information to passengers

    1.1. The Regulations on passenger and baggage handling and air carriage (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) of SkyUp MT Limited (hereinafter referred to as the Airline) comply with:
    - Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council of February 11, 2004 establishing common rules for compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied carriage and cancelled or prolonged delayed flights
    - Council Regulation (EC) No. 2027/97 of October 09, 1997 on the liability of air carriers in the event of an incident, as amended by Regulation (EC) No. 889/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 13, 2002;
    - Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, executed on May 28, 1999, in Montreal;
    - resolutions and recommended practices of the International Air Transport Association (IATA);
    - standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

    1.2. These Regulations are developed to establish general conditions for the carriage and handling of passengers and baggage on the flights of the Airline, to ensure flight safety and quality of service.

    1.3. The terms used in these Regulations shall have the following meanings:
    - Airline means SKYUP MT Limited;
    - Automated Booking System/Global Distribution System means a system that provides information on flight schedules, seat availability and fares of air carriers and through which air transportation services are booked (hereinafter referred to as the ABS/GDS);
    - Air Carrier (hereinafter referred to as the Carrier) means a business entity that provides services for the carriage of passengers and cargo by air on the basis of a license and an Air Operator's Certificate issued by the TM-CAD;
    - Operating Air Carrier means an air carrier that performs or intends to perform a flight under a contract with a passenger or on behalf of another person, legal or natural, who has a contract with this passenger, transports or undertakes to transport the passenger and/or their baggage in accordance with the ticket, and also undertakes to provide all other services related to such transportation, regardless of whether this legal or natural person is the actual carrier or the contractual carrier. The term "carrier" includes agents, employees, representatives and contractors of the carrier, unless otherwise provided by these Regulations;
    - Handling Agent means a ground handling entity authorized by the carrier to perform ground handling operations for passengers and baggage;
    - Baggage Identification Tag means a document issued by the Carrier to identify checked-in baggage;
    - Excess Baggage means a part of baggage that exceeds the free baggage allowance established by the carrier or requires mandatory payment regardless of the specified allowance;
    - Exceptional Conditions mean the conditions under which the transportation of passengers and baggage does not fall under the normal operations and procedures for the operation of civil aircraft, including the conditions under which the transportation of a peacekeeping contingent, transportation to eliminate the consequences of a natural disaster or accident, etc. is carried out and neither under the Airline`s control;
    - Group Transportation means the transportation of a group of persons who have a common purpose of travel. The minimum number of people in a group is set by the air carrier;
    - Day means a calendar day, including all days of the week, holidays and public holidays. To determine the validity of transportation documentation, acts and other documents, as well as the end of transportation, the limitation period for filing claims, the countdown begins at 00 o'clock of the day following the day when the event occurred or the action was performed. The remaining time of the day shall not be taken into account. If the expiry of the period specified above falls on a holiday or weekend, the expiry date shall be the first business day following it;
    - Inspection means a security control procedure with the use of technical or other means used to detect weapons, explosives, objects or devices that may be used to commit an act of unlawful interference;
    - Charter Agreement means an agreement under which one party (charter) undertakes to grant the other party (charterer) with all or part of the capacity in one or more aircraft for one or more flights for the carriage of passengers and baggage for a fee;
    - Damaged Ticket means a ticket, the condition of which due to the fault of the passenger does not allow to read the information contained in it;
    - Multimodal Transportation means transportation carried out using different types of transport on one transport document with the participation of air transport;
    - Stopover means a pre-agreed temporary stop between the air carrier and the passenger at any point, except for points of departure and destination;
    - Interline Agreement means an agreement on mutual recognition of transportation documents and relevant mutual settlements;
    - Air Carrier Code means a conventional letter or alphanumeric designation of an air carrier provided by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in accordance with the established procedure, which is used to identify the air carrier in the ABS/GDS;
    - Commercial Agreements mean any agreements between air carriers, except for the agency agreement, concerning the provision of joint services related to air transportation of passengers and baggage;
    - Itinerary/Receipt means a document (documents) that is an integral part of the electronic ticket and contains the necessary information (for example, passenger's name, route, fare, etc.), notifications and messages;
    - International Transportation means transportation in which the point of departure and the point of destination, regardless of whether there is a break in transportation or transshipment, are located either in the territory of two different countries or in the territory of one country if the agreed stop is provided in the territory of another country;
    - Point of Departure means the point indicated in the ticket from which the carriage of passenger and/or baggage begins;
    - Point of Destination means the point indicated in the ticket where the carriage of passengers and/or baggage ends;
    - Montreal Convention means the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, signed on May 28, 1999 in the city of Montreal;
    - Extraordinary Circumstances mean circumstances that lead to a prolonged delay or cancellation of one or more flights, even if the relevant air carrier has taken all reasonable measures to prevent delays or cancellations. Extraordinary Circumstances include , in particular, but not exhaustively, military operations, riots, sabotage, embargoes, fires, floods or other natural disasters, explosions, actions or inaction of state authorities, strikes, technical obstacles resulting from failures and malfunctions of power supply, communication, communications, equipment, software systems. Technical malfunctions of the aircraft are not considered to be extraordinary circumstances;
    - Regular Fare means a full fare without any restrictions on its application, established for first, business, premium, and economy class services, which provides maximum flexibility in terms of seat booking, ticket issuance, stopover period, fare combination, rebooking and change of date and route, denial of transportation, etc;
    - Main Place of Operation of the Air Carrier means the location of the head office where the main administrative, organisational and financial functions of the air carrier are performed;
    - Main and Permanent Place of Residence means one fixed and permanent place of residence of the passenger at the time of the event. Passenger's Citizenship is not a determining factor in determining the permanent place of residence;
    - Final Time of Check-in of Passengers and Baggage means the time after which passengers who have not had time to check in or board the aircraft are not accepted for transportation on the relevant flight;
    - Transit Passenger means a passenger who, in accordance with the air transportation agreement, is further transported by the same flight on which he/she arrived at the intermediate airport;
    - Transfer Passenger means a passenger who, in accordance with the air transportation agreement, is sent to the point of transfer (connection) by one flight and then transported by another flight of the same or another air carrier;
    - Passenger Coupon (or Passenger Receipt) means a part of the passenger paper ticket that remains with the passenger after the carriage and to which notifications regarding the conditions of the passenger's carriage are attached;
    - Confirmed Booking means a booking made in an automated booking system and confirmed by the air carrier. It is indicated in the ticket (electronic ticket) by the mark "OK";
    - Air Transportation means the transportation of passengers and baggage by an aircraft on the basis of an air transportation agreement. The carriage may be international or domestic
    - Flight Coupon means a part of a passenger ticket or, in the case of an electronic ticket, an electronic coupon, which specifies the respective points of departure and arrival between which the coupon is valid for the carriage of passengers and baggage;
    - Potentially Dangerous Passengers means a category of passengers subject to administrative procedures, such as: persons without the right to enter, deported persons and persons in custody;
    - Boarding Pass means a document (paper or mobile) that confirms the passenger's right to board the aircraft, which is provided on the basis of the passenger's check-in for the flight. Mobile Boarding Pass means a boarding pass adapted for display on the screen of an electronic device, which contains, in addition to personal data, information about the flight and a special barcode for reading by a scanner at the airport. An e-mail or SMS message not to be considered as a mobile boarding pass;
    - Carrier's Rules means the rules, instructions, mode of operation, and technologies established by the carrier that are used during the air transportation of passengers and/or baggage, including the rules of air transportation of passengers and baggage, rules for applying fares, standards and guidelines for passenger and baggage service, and the procedure for handling claims;
    - Fare Application Rules means the conditions for using fares established by the air carrier, which provide for the determination of the territory of sale, the season of sale and flights for which tickets can be purchased at a certain type of fare, the possibility of combining with other types of fares and stopping at an intermediate point, children's discounts, rules for refunds for an unused ticket or part of it, rebooking conditions, free baggage allowance, the possibility of transferring a passenger for transportation to another airline, etc;
    - Claim means a written request of an interested person for the restoration of rights, compensation for damage caused as a result of domestic or international air transportation, payment of compensation, etc;
    - Flight means a flight of an aircraft (scheduled or unscheduled), which is performed in one direction from the initial point of departure to the final destination of the route;
    - Overbooked Flight means a flight for which the number of passengers who have a confirmed booking and arrived for check-in before the end of the final check-in time exceeds the number of available seats on the flight;
    - Reasonable Measures means adequate measures taken by the carrier to prevent or reduce damage (losses) caused to the passenger;
    - Reasonable Time means a period of time, the reasonable limit of which in the case of air transportation of a passenger (baggage) is two hours or more - for all flights up to 1500 kilometers; three hours or more - for all flights from 1500 to 3500 kilometers; or four hours or more - for all other flights;
    - Route Segment means a part of the transportation between two points, which is an integral part of the full route and is issued on one flight coupon;
    - Service Animals means animals (usually dogs or other animals) that are under the control of a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility and a person accompanying such a passenger in order to provide physical and/or emotional support to a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility, provided that the presence of animals on board the aircraft does not endanger flight safety, does not pose a threat to other passengers and meets sanitary and hygienic standards;
    - Special Drawing Right (hereinafter referred to as SDR) means a unit of account used by the International Monetary Fund (hereinafter referred to as IMF);
    - Special Fare means a fare published by the carrier that has certain restrictions on its application;
    - Special Conditions means the conditions of carriage of passengers and baggage that arise as a result of non-compliance of the provisions of these Regulations with the rules of another country, or if the rules of another country establish a lower level of carriage conditions than those established by these Regulations, or if another country requires compliance with its rules and thus jeopardises the performance of the contract of carriage;
    - Entity Providing Agency Services for the Sale of Air Transportation (hereinafter referred to as the Sales Agent) means a legal entity that carries out activities for the sale of air transportation on behalf of the air carrier or the general agent on the basis of a contract;
    - Fare Standards means the fares established and published by the carrier and the rules for their application;
    - Agreed Stopovers means the points (other than points of departure and destination) specified in the ticket or indicated in the air carrier's schedule as scheduled stopover points on the route of transportation;
    - Charter Flight for Business Purposes means a charter flight for which the entire capacity of the aircraft is chartered by one individual or legal entity solely for its own needs (without the right to sell the capacity to a third party) for the purpose of transporting passengers and/or cargo and is not distributed among other charterers. In this case, the number of passengers transported may not exceed 15 people and the cargo may not exceed 2 tonnes.
    - Family Members means married persons, parents of married persons, children, including adopted children, guardians, grandparents, siblings, grandchildren, dependents recognized by law. The list of persons belonging to family members may be expanded in the air carrier's rules.

    2.1. General conditions of carriage

    2.1.1. These Regulations apply to any international and domestic transportation of passengers and/or baggage for a fee or free of charge.

    2.1.2. These Regulations apply to the passenger travelling on the flight(s) according to the ticket. The designation of the Airline as the carrier for such a flight is a confirmation of the existence of a contract of carriage for such a flight between this air carrier and the passenger specified in the ticket.

    2.1.3. All transportation of passengers and baggage is subject to the rules of the air carrier, as well as the air carrier's fare standards in force on the date of ticket issuance (issuance of an electronic ticket), and if such date cannot be determined, on the date of the beginning of transportation. During the carriage of passengers and baggage, the Regulations, fares, and charges in force on the date of ticket issuance are used.
    The Regulations and fare standards of the Airline, as amended after the date of issuance of the ticket, may not be applied to the contract of carriage of passengers and baggage without notifying the passenger, unless otherwise provided by applicable laws.

    2.1.4. The air carrier has established these Regulations in order to improve the efficiency and quality of transportation that meets quality standards and norms, responsibility for passenger service.

    2.1.5. The air carrier has the right to transport passengers and baggage in respect of which it is impossible to ensure compliance with these Regulations only under special conditions provided for in Paragraph 2.2 of this Section.

    2.1.6. These Regulations shall not be used for the carriage of passengers and baggage carried out under exceptional conditions that do not fall within the normal operations and procedures for organizing the carriage of passengers and baggage.

    2.2. Special conditions of carriage
    In the event of an emergency situation in which the Airline is unable to comply with the provisions of these Regulations in terms of ensuring the general conditions of transportation of passengers and baggage under normal circumstances, the Airline has the right to ensure the fulfilment of its obligations for transportation through the use of alternative means of transportation, in accordance with the procedure established by law.
    The air carrier's rules on the use of special fares and transportation of certain categories of passengers and baggage are special conditions of transportation.


    3.1. Agreement for the carriage of passengers and/or baggage

    3.1.1. Air transportation is performed on the basis of an agreement between the Airline and the passenger. The conclusion of the air transportation agreement and its terms are confirmed by a ticket issued to the passenger by the Airline or a sales agent.

    3.1.2. The ticket entitles the passenger specified in the ticket to travel on the relevant flight(s) and obliges the Airline to carry out the relevant transportation of the passenger and/or their baggage, as well as to provide other services in accordance with the air transportation agreement, except as specified in Paragraph 3.1.4.

    3.1.3. The terms of the air carriage agreement attached to the ticket must contain information for passengers on the limitation of liability during the carriage of passengers and baggage, taxes and fees; the time of the beginning and end of check-in and boarding; information on checked baggage and cabin baggage; the time limits for filing claims for improper carriage of passengers and baggage; information on the prohibition of the carriage of certain items in checked baggage or cabin baggage; the rights of passengers in case of denial of carriage, cancellation of long delay of flight; the address of the Airline, to which passengers can send their appeals; other information that the Airline considers necessary for the passenger.

    3.1.4. A person is not entitled to travel on the flight, and the Airline or a person authorized by the Airline has the right to recognize the ticket as invalid if:
    - the person presents a damaged ticket or a ticket that was amended by someone other than the Airline or its authorized sales agent;
    - it is established that the ticket was purchased with a fake/stolen or invalid payment card (credit card);
    - a person fails to present a ticket containing a flight coupon for the relevant flight, all other unused flight coupons, and a passenger coupon;
    - violation of the sequence of use of flight coupons due to the passenger's fault;
    - the ticket is not issued in the name of the Passenger who submitted it;
    - the ticket is forged or fake;
    - the ticket was purchased from a legal entity or individual who is not a Representative or Agent of the Airline;
    - the fare was incorrectly applied or the passenger did not pay the cost of air transportation in full on the day of the air transportation through no fault of the Airline and/or the sales agent.

    3.1.5. Tickets that are recognized as invalid due to the fault of the Airline shall be reissued at the passenger's request. Tickets that are declared invalid for reasons beyond the control of the Airline are subject to withdrawal without reissue. In all cases, the Airline or a person representing their interests shall draw up a report, the original of which shall be provided to the passenger and a copy of which shall be retained by the Airline.

    3.1.6. A person found on board an aircraft without a ticket or with a ticket that the Airline has recognized as invalid is subject to disembarkation from the aircraft.

    3.1.7. The passenger is obliged to keep the ticket and other transportation documents until the end of the carriage, and in case of a claim - until it is resolved. The ticket and other transportation documents issued to the passenger must be presented at the first request of the authorized persons of the operator (airport operator, handling agent, etc.).

    3.2. Lost or damaged ticket

    3.2.1. In case of loss or damage of the ticket (part of it) by the passenger, the Airline, at the passenger's request, may replace such ticket (part of it) by issuing a duplicate ticket, provided that the passenger signs an agreement on reimbursement in favour of the Airline of losses up to the cost of the original ticket, which the Airline has suffered or may suffer in connection with the use of the original ticket by a third party. If the passenger does not sign such an agreement, the Airline, if it issues a duplicate ticket, has the right to require the passenger to pay its full cost.
    The Airline has the right to charge the passenger for the services of issuing a duplicate ticket, if the loss or damage was not caused by the negligence of the Airline (its agent). In case of loss or damage of a ticket of another carrier, a duplicate ticket is issued only with the written consent of such carrier.

    3.2.2. The Airline has the right to refuse to issue a duplicate ticket to a passenger if
    - the passenger has not signed the agreement provided for and refused to pay for the services of issuing a duplicate ticket;
    - the passenger requests the issuance of a duplicate ticket at the airport on the day of the flight if there are less than three hours before the scheduled departure of the flight or the flight is operated during hours when the airline office that must provide the consent is not open.

    3.3. Prohibition of ticket transfer

    3.3.1. The ticket can be used for transportation only of the person whose name and surname are indicated on the ticket.

    3.3.2. In order to fulfil the requirements of Paragraph 3.3.1, the Airline has the right to require the passenger to identify himself/herself.

    3.4. Ticket validity period

    3.4.1. The ticket validity period includes:
    - general validity of the ticket;
    - validity period for transportation.

    3.4.2. The general validity period of the ticket entitles the passenger to use the ticket for all operations provided for herein, including obtaining a seat for a specific flight and date, refunding the cost of fully or partially unused transportation and other calculations established hereby.

    3.4.3. The total validity period of the ticket covers the period of time from the moment of its issuance until the expiration of the period provided for the receipt of funds for an unused ticket by the rules for applying the Airline's fares.

    3.4.4. A ticket with a guaranteed departure date entitles the passenger and their baggage to be transported from the initial airport, transfer airport, stopover airport or airport of return transportation specified in the ticket only on the day and by the flight specified in the ticket.

    3.4.5. A ticket with an open date entitles the passenger and baggage to be transported from the respective airport only after the reservation is made and the Airline or its authorized person enters the departure date, departure time and flight number into the ticket.

    3.4.6. A ticket issued at a normal fare is valid for transportation within one year from the date of commencement of transportation if part of the ticket is used, or from the date of issue - if the entire ticket is not used.

    3.4.7. A ticket issued at a special fare is valid for transportation only until the date specified in the ticket and under the conditions established by the airline's fare rules.

    3.5. Extension of the ticket validity period

    3.5.1. The validity of the ticket regardless of the type of the applied fare is extended if the Airline:
    - cannot provide a seat for the flight for which the passenger has a confirmed booking;
    - cancels the flight for which the passenger has a confirmed booking;
    - misses the agreed place of stopover;
    - fails to perform the flight within a reasonable time beyond the flight departure time specified in the ticket;
    - by their actions, cause the passenger to miss the connection to another connecting flight for which the passenger has a confirmed reservation and which is indicated on the same ticket as the previous flight;
    - cannot provide service in accordance with the paid class of service, in which case, if the passenger agrees to further transportation, the validity of their ticket shall be extended for the time until the first flight on which there is a seat for such a passenger in the paid class of service;
    - and in case of illness of the passenger or a member of their family travelling with him/her on the aircraft, provided that the relevant certificate of the healthcare institution is presented.

    3.5.2. If the passenger, after the start of the trip, cannot continue it during the validity period of the ticket for transportation due to illness or other circumstances, the Airline extends the validity period of such a ticket until the time when the passenger can continue the trip or until the first flight of the Airline on which there is a seat in the paid class of service after such date and from the place where the trip was interrupted. The fact of illness or other circumstances must be confirmed by the relevant certificate of a health care institution. In this case, the Airline may also extend the validity of tickets of persons accompanying such a passenger.

    3.5.3. In case of death of a spouse or family member of a passenger who has not started the trip, or in case of death of a passenger on the route, the validity of tickets may be extended for persons accompanying such a passenger, as well as the minimum stay at the point of event may be extended. The validity of tickets shall be extended upon receipt of a duly executed death certificate and for a period not exceeding 45 days from the date of the passenger's death. In applying these Regulations, family members of an individual are considered to be their parents and parents of their spouse, their spouse, children of both such individual and their spouse, including adopted children, guardians, grandparents, siblings, grandchildren and other dependents recognized by law. The Airline may also expand the list of persons belonging to the family members of the deceased passenger.

    3.6. Sequence of flight coupons

    3.6.1. The Airline accepts flight coupons only sequentially, starting from the first airport of departure specified in the ticket.

    3.6.2. A ticket in which the passenger violates the sequence of flight coupons use is declared invalid unless it was the fault of the Airline or its authorized agent (sales and/or service).

    3.6.3. The passenger coupon and all unused flight coupons that have not been previously returned to the Airline shall remain with the passenger during the trip and shall be provided to the Airline upon request. In case of violation of the sequence of use of flight coupons due to the passenger's fault, the Airline has the right to refuse to transport and refund the cost of unused flight coupons.

    3.6.4. If a passenger refuses to be transported on one of the route segments, which leads to a violation of the use of flight coupons and wishes to use other route segments or a return flight, the passenger must notify the Airline and reissue the ticket.

    3.7. Class of service

    3.7.1. The Airline provides the passenger with services in accordance with the paid class of service. The Airline (its sales agent) informs the passenger during the booking and/or issuance of the ticket about the service provided in the relevant class.

    3.7.2. The passenger is accepted for transportation in the class of service specified in the flight coupon for the date of the flight and the corresponding flight for which the passenger has a confirmed booking.

    3.7.3. If a ticket is issued without a confirmed booking (booking status other than "OK"), a seat will be booked at the passenger's request during check-in, provided that such a seat is available in the paid class of service on the relevant flight. If there is not enough time to make a booking, the passenger may be accepted for transportation without making a booking.

    3.7.4. The Airline has the right to upgrade or downgrade the class of service for both technical and commercial reasons. In the event of a downgrade, the air carrier shall notify the passenger as soon as possible and offer appropriate compensation.

    3.8. Terms and conditions for presenting tickets for refund of amounts paid

    3.8.1. The ticket may be presented to the Airline for a refund of the amounts paid for partially or fully unused transportation, if such a refund is allowed by the rules of fares application:
    - before the beginning of the transportation, or
    - during the entire period of validity of the ticket for transportation, or
    - within 30 days after the expiration of the validity of the ticket for transportation.
    The Airline, taking into account the circumstances that made it impossible to present the ticket for the refund operation, may extend this period.

    3.8.2. Refunds for unused tickets are made in compliance with the requirements of the rules for applying fares established by the Airline.

    3.8.3. The expiration of the period does not deprive the passenger of the right to file a claim against the Airline.

    3.9. Abbreviations

    3.9.1. The name of the Airline may also be indicated in the ticket (itinerary receipt) in the form of the IATA code of the Airline (U5) or the ICAO code of the Airline (SEU).

    3.9.2. The Airline (its sales agent or handling agent) shall inform the passenger during the booking (check-in) of the full name of the Airline, which is indicated in the ticket in the form of a code:
    U5 - IATA code of the Airline;
    SEU - ICAO code of the Airline.

    A stopover on the route is allowed provided that it is previously agreed with the Airline and indicated on the ticket.
    If the passenger has a ticket issued at normal fares, stops during the validity period of the ticket are allowed at any point of the route.
    If the passenger has a ticket issued at a special fare and makes a stopover, the passenger may be charged an additional fee for this.


    5.1. The fares used are the fares established and published by the Airline or on behalf of the Airline (or if not published, then calculated in accordance with the fare standards of the Airline) for the flight or flights from the place of departure to the place of destination indicated in the ticket, which are valid on the day of payment for the ticket for the corresponding class of service.
    Each fare provides for the rules of its use, which establish the validity period of the ticket, the conditions for using the fare and refunds for the unused part of the transportation, other conditions and may include surcharges to the fare, which are its integral part. The rules for applying fares are approved by the head of the Airline and posted on the website of the Airline and are available to passengers for review.

    5.2. Fares do not include transport services between airport terminals and between airports and city terminals.

    5.3. Airport charges (fees) for the provision of services to passengers during their service at the airport are set and approved in accordance with the current legislation and must be published in a form available for review.

    5.4. Airport charges (fees), taxes and fees established by the state of the airport of departure/destination, charges (taxes) of the Airline are not included in the fare, but together with the fare constitute the full cost of transportation. The Airline and the sales agent charge a fee for the registration of air transportation and for the refund operation. The fee for the operation of issuing the carriage is not included in the ticket price and is paid separately.

    5.5. Airport charges (fees), taxes and fees established by the state of the airport of departure/destination, charges (fees) of the Airline established for the use of any services or equipment may be included in the cost of transportation or paid separately with the provision of a document confirming payment for these services.


    6.1. Booking requirements

    6.1.1. Booking a seat on an aircraft and a carriage container for the carriage of excess baggage for a specific flight and date is a prerequisite for the carriage of passengers and excess baggage by air.

    6.1.2. For booking purposes, ABS/GDS are used. Seats and tonnage can be booked via landline and mobile communications, the Internet, specialized self-service machines, etc. The main condition for the use of such booking methods is the reflection of the completed booking in the Airline's booking system.

    6.1.3. Booking is made within the terms and in the manner established by the carrier and published on its website or in another way determined by the carrier.

    6.1.4. The Airline or its sales agent who made the booking informs the passenger (their representative) about the conditions of application of the fare at which the booking was made, the terms of payment and ticket issuance and about changes in the schedule as soon as possible. The passenger who makes a booking via the website must read this information independently. The Airline must enter information about changes in the flight schedule into the ABS/GDS no later than 8 hours before departure. Otherwise, the sales agent is not responsible for timely informing the passenger about changes in the airline's flight schedule.
    The obligation to inform passengers in the event of changes in the flight schedule less than 8 hours in advance is imposed on the Airline.

    6.1.5. Until the passenger (their representative) has paid the full cost of transportation, the booking is considered provisional and, if necessary, may be cancelled with a notice to the passenger.

    6.1.6. In case of non-payment of the cost of transportation by the passenger (their representative) within the period set by the Airline (its sales agent), the booking is cancelled without notifying the passenger.

    6.1.7. If a passenger does not arrive for the flight (for check-in or boarding - "NO-SHOW") for which he/she has a confirmed booking and does not inform the Airline about changes in their travel before check-in, the Airline has the right to cancel the booking for the following segments of the route or for the return flight.

    6.2. Personal data of the passenger

    6.2.1. During the booking, the passenger shall provide the Airline or its sales agent with the necessary information about their personal data and special conditions of transportation. In addition, during the booking, the passenger is obliged to provide the Airline or its sales agent with reliable information about their phone number, address and other possible backup contact for timely notification and informing the passenger.
    In the absence of proper communication with the passenger, which is documented by the Airline and the communication company, the passenger is responsible for the consequences of untimely notification and information about changes in transportation. It is prohibited to enter the contact details of the sales agent instead of the passenger's contact details in the booking. The sales agent is responsible for the absence of the required personal and contact details of the passenger in the booking.

    6.2.2. If the passenger refuses to provide the information required for the booking, the booking will not be made.

    6.2.3. By providing their personal data during the booking, the passenger thereby authorizes the Airline and gives their consent to the processing, storage and transfer of their personal data to third parties for the purpose of booking or re-booking transportation, servicing flights and passengers, receiving additional services, organizing baggage search and preventing/detecting fraud with transportation documents, providing information assistance on entry/exit along the route of transportation and accompanying the passenger.

    6.3. Provision of a seat

    6.3.1. Seat booking can be made with or without assigning a specific seat to a passenger on board the aircraft.

    6.3.2. The Airline has the right to change the seat assigned even after the passenger has boarded the aircraft for security and technical reasons.

    6.3.3. If a ticket is issued with an open departure date, seat booking is carried out on a general basis, subject to the availability of seats on the flight.

    6.3.4. If a passenger has a ticket with an open departure date and requests a seat, and the Airline does not have such a possibility, the Airline or an authorized sales agent must offer the passenger to make a booking for the next flight available seats.

    6.3.5. The priority and extraordinary right to board a flight is determined in accordance with the current EU and Malta legislation and determined by the Airline Operation Manuals.

    6.4. Reconfirmation of the return flight booking

    6.4.1. The Airline has the right to require the passenger to re-confirm the return flight. Flights on which the procedure of return flight confirmation is introduced are established by the Airline. The passenger must be informed about the need to confirm the return flight.

    6.4.2. Re-confirmation of the return flight is not required if the return flight is scheduled less than 72 hours in advance or the booking is made for the flight less than 72 hours before the scheduled departure time. If the passenger has several segments of the flight route, the confirmation is made for each segment.

    6.4.3. The Airline must inform the passenger when and how to re-confirm.
    Failure of the passenger to comply with the Airline's requirements for reconfirmation of the booking entitles the Airline to cancel the unconfirmed booking, but not earlier than 72 hours before the scheduled departure of the flight.

    6.5. Booking and sale of transportation via the Internet

    6.5.1. You can book a ticket via the Internet using the websites or sales agents.

    6.5.2. Placing an order is a confirmation that the user agrees to the terms and conditions of the air transportation agreement, is familiar with the rules and conditions of the Airline, as well as the terms and conditions of the fares.

    6.5.3. After making a booking and paying for the transportation, the user is sent an itinerary receipt (Itinerary/Receipt) and the terms of the contract of carriage between the passenger specified in the itinerary receipt and the Airline to the email address specified in the booking.

    6.5.4. The passenger may not cancel a self-paid and completed reservation via the Internet. This operation is carried out by the Airline or the sales agent, provided that the passenger submits an application for a refund.

    6.5.5. The Airline and its sales agent, through whose website the booking was made, are obliged to timely inform the passenger about changes in the booking made by the Airline. The Airline must enter the information about changes in the booking into the ABS/GDS no later than 8 hours before the departure. Otherwise, the sales agent is not responsible for the timeliness of informing the passenger about changes in the booking.


    7.1. Passengers servicing at the airport

    7.1.1. The airport operator or handling agent shall provide passengers at the airport with visual and/or acoustic information on:
    - time of departure and arrival of the aircraft;
    - place, time of the beginning and end of check-in;
    - delays or cancellations of flights and reasons for delays and cancellations;
    - methods and routes of transfer between airport terminals or travel between airports and from the airport to the city;
    - rules and procedures for passing aviation security control of passengers, their hand luggage and baggage;
    - general rules for the fulfilment by passengers of requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and epidemiological, veterinary and sanitary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with applicable laws;
    - location of the mother and child's room, law enforcement post, information desk, first aid post, toilet, etc.;
    - place of baggage collection and actions of the passenger in case of delay, damage, or destruction of baggage.

    7.1.2. All announcements are made in English and the language of the country from which the flight is operated.

    7.1.3. At the airport, the Airline or the handling agent provides:
    - check-in of passengers and baggage for carriage;
    - ground transportation of passengers and their baggage to the place of parking of the aircraft and organizes boarding of passengers into the aircraft and loading of their baggage;
    - organizing the disembarkation of passengers from the aircraft and unloading of their baggage, their ground transportation to the relevant terminal of the airport of arrival, and baggage delivery;
    - informing about flight delays/cancellations no later than 10 minutes before the scheduled arrival time of the aircraft.

    7.1.4. The start and end times of passenger and baggage check-in and boarding times are set by the airline considering security procedures and may differ depending on the airport of departure and arrival.

    7.2. Passenger service on board the aircraft

    7.2.1. The Airline shall provide passengers on board the aircraft with a range of services depending on the type and equipment of the aircraft, flight duration, time of day during which the flight takes place, and the class of service specified in the ticket. The scope of services and the procedure for their provision are determined by these Regulations.

    7.2.2. The Airline shall provide:
    - equipping the passenger cabin of the aircraft with technical means and systems to ensure passenger safety; maintaining the appropriate temperature regime in the cabin, means of individual use for passengers (individual lighting, fan, table for meals, system of seat belts, oxygen masks, etc;)
    - maintaining the proper sanitary and hygienic condition of the aircraft cabin;
    - serviceability and completeness of equipment, inventory and passenger service facilities;
    - availability of seats for passengers with children;
    - accommodation of persons transported on stretchers and passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility (if provided for by the design of the aircraft);
    - providing services that create comfort and correspond to the duration of the flight.

    7.2.3. The Airline shall have trained personnel on board the aircraft in sufficient numbers to provide passenger services, including first aid, and to ensure flight safety.

    7.2.4. The Airline shall provide the following free services on board the aircraft:
    - Assistance to passengers during boarding or disembarkation to/from the aircraft (finding a seat, placing hand luggage, etc.);
    - information and reference service - timely and accurate information of passengers on the rules of conduct on board the aircraft, services provided (paid, free of charge), flight conditions, use of safety and emergency equipment, location of personal protective equipment and inflatable slides in the aircraft cabin, location of main and emergency exits, conditions for leaving the aircraft in emergency situations;
    - first aid;
    - use of toilet rooms;

    7.2.5. Passenger service on board the aircraft may be provided in the following classes:

    - first;
    - business;
    - premium or comfort (improved economy);
    - economy class.

    7.2.6. Meals and drinks are provided on board the aircraft in accordance with the standards established by the Airline and according to the order for meals and drinks paid by the passenger.

    7.2.7. The Airline may provide additional services to the passenger in flight. The list of additional services, the procedure for their provision and payment are established by the rules of the Airline. The Airline informs passengers about additional services by posting relevant information on the website

    7.3. Safety requirements on board the aircraft

    7.3.1. The aircraft is equipped with the necessary set of emergency rescue equipment and means of emergency evacuation of passengers in an emergency.

    7.3.2. The maximum number of persons on board an aircraft shall not exceed the number of seats and seats equipped with seat belts.

    7.3.3. Before take-off, landing and in special cases, passengers are required to fasten their seat belts, and flight attendants are required to check the fastened and correctly tightened seatbelt for each passenger. Children under two years old who are transported without a separate seat are placed on the lap of an adult passenger, who must hold them firmly with his or her hands and secure them with special belts attached to the adult's seat belt, or securely fastened in a car-seat (if it is approved for air travel).

    7.3.4. On each flight, flight attendants shall:
    - timely and correctly inform passengers about the location of safety and emergency equipment and the rules for its use;
    - familiarize passengers with the safety instructions;
    - during boarding and accommodation of passengers in the aircraft, carefully observe the requirements for placing luggage,
    - in emergency situations, maintain self-control, and confidence in their actions and in themselves; the actions of flight attendants should be clear, their voice calm, and their words convincing;
    - before boarding and disembarking from the aircraft, check the correctness of the stairs;
    - before take-off and landing of the aircraft, check the correctness of installation and reliability of fastening of equipment and inventory;
    - prevent passengers from moving around the cabin when the "Fasten seat belts" display is switched off.

    7.3.5. Cradles for infants must be installed after take-off and after the "Fasten seat belts" display is switched off and removed no later than when the "Fasten seat belts" display is switched on before the aircraft lands (if provided for by the aircraft design).

    7.3.6. The Airline ensures safety in the cabin, proper and reliable placement of hand luggage, baggage, removable equipment, soft goods, and service items.


    8.1. Carriage of passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility

    8.1.1. The Airline or the sales agent has no right to refuse to book seats to persons with disabilities or reduced mobility, except as specified in Paragraph 8.1.2. The Airline and the handling agent have no right to refuse to board the aircraft to persons with disabilities or reduced mobility in the presence of a valid ticket and booking, except in cases specified in Paragraph 8.1.2.

    8.1.2. The Airline, sales agent, handling agent may refuse to confirm the booking or board the aircraft to a person with disability or reduced mobility, as well as require such person to be accompanied by another person who is able to provide the necessary assistance:
    - if the size of the aircraft or its doors makes it impossible to board the aircraft or transport a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility.
    In case of refusal to confirm the booking for the reasons specified herein, the Airline and the sales agent shall first of all make every effort to offer such person an acceptable alternative transportation option.

    8.1.3. Passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility who were denied boarding the aircraft for the reasons specified in Paragraph 8.1.2, as well as any person accompanying a passenger with disabilities or reduced mobility, the Airline shall, first of all, offer a refund of the ticket price or a change of route in accordance with Paragraph 15.2.2. No compensation will be paid in this case. The right to a return flight or a change of route is granted subject to compliance with all safety requirements.

    8.1.4. The Airline and the sales agent are obliged to publish on their website in English, as well as in other languages if necessary, the rules of safety, escort and conditions of transportation of passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility, as well as any restrictions on their transportation or transportation of vehicles, taking into account the technical capabilities of the aircraft.
    The tour operator and sales agent must inform the passengers about the safety rules, escort and restrictions for flights involved in complex trips, trips and tours that they organize and/or offer for sale.

    8.1.5. In case of refusal to make a booking or board an aircraft to a person with a disability or reduced mobility for the reasons specified in Paragraph 8.1.2, the Airline, sales agent or service agent shall immediately inform such person of the reason for the refusal and, at the request of the person who was refused to make a booking or board the aircraft, provide an additional written notice of the reasons for the refusal within five working days from the date of receipt of the request.

    8.1.6. The airport operator, together with the airport users and with the involvement of organizations representing the interests of persons with disabilities or reduced mobility, shall determine the locations of arrival and departure points to/from the airport terminal building or within the airport, where passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility could freely report their arrival and request the necessary assistance. Departure and arrival points may be located in the same or different locations.
    At the designated locations of arrival and departure points, basic information about services, location of service points, etc. should be posted in a format accessible to passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility.

    8.1.7. In order to ensure the rights of passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility when using air transportation services, airport operators and the Airline must establish groups (services) to assist persons with disabilities or reduced mobility. Such groups (services) can be either permanent (for example, at airports with a large volume of passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility) or temporary (shifts organized from among employees for specific cases of servicing passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility).

    8.1.8. The passenger is obliged to decide on their ability to use air transport before the start of the journey, taking into account their health condition. The Airline must provide relevant information about the flight in a form accessible to the passenger.

    8.1.9. The Airline and sales agents shall take all necessary measures to ensure that all their points of sale, including during sales by telephone and mobile communication, the Internet, provide information on assistance to passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility provided by the Airline, the conditions and procedure for ordering such assistance.
    Upon receiving a request for assistance to a person with a disability or reduced mobility, a sales agent shall, within 24 hours of receiving the request, send such a request to the Airline.

    8.1.10. A request for assistance in transporting a person with a disability or reduced mobility must be sent by the sales agent who received such a request or by the passenger (their representative) to the Airline no later than 48 hours before the announced time of departure of the flight.
    The Airline must provide the relevant information at least 36 hours before the announced departure time of the flight:
    - to the airports of departure, arrival and transit;
    - to the servicing Air Carrier, if such a carrier has not made a booking.
    In all cases, except for those specified in this paragraph, the Airline and its sales agent shall provide information as soon as possible.
    If the event that led to the loss of mobility occurred less than 24 hours before the departure or the request for assistance was not made during the booking, the issue of the possibility of transporting the person who lost mobility is resolved promptly by calling the telephone numbers posted on the Airline's website

    8.1.11. After the departure of the flight, the Airline or the handling agent shall as soon as possible send a message to the destination airport about the number of passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility on the flight, indicating the necessary assistance.

    8.1.12. If a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility arrives at the airport for the purpose of air transportation for which he/she has a booking, the airport operator must ensure the provision of assistance specified in Paragraphs 8.1.18, 8.1.19, provided that the request for assistance in the transportation of a person with a disability or reduced mobility is sent to the Airline at least 48 hours before the departure time of the flight indicated in the ticket.
    The request for assistance in the transportation of a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility applies to the return flight if an agreement has been concluded with the Airline for the departure flight and the return flight, and the passenger must be notified of this.

    8.1.13. If it is necessary to use a guide dog or other service animals, the Airline must ensure the transportation of a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility together with a guide dog or other service animal. Passengers accompanied by a guide dog are seated in seats with sufficient space for the guide dog, not far from the emergency exit. Guide dogs and service animals are transported free of charge.

    8.1.14. In case of failure to receive a request for assistance during the transportation of a person with a disability or reduced mobility, the airport operator shall take all possible measures to provide the necessary assistance specified in Paragraphs 8.1.18, 8.1.19.

    8.1.15. The provision of Paragraph 8.1.12 applies if a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility is present at check-in at the time specified by the Airline (tour operator) and notified to the passenger in writing (including by electronic means), or no later than one hour before the departure time of the flight indicated in the ticket.
    Also, the provisions of Paragraph 8.1.12 apply if the passenger arrives at a place within the airport designated for handling passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility:
    - at the time determined by the Airline (tour operator), service agent handling the flights of the Airline, and communicated to the passenger in writing (including by electronic means); or
    - not later than two hours before the flight departure time indicated in the ticket, if the time of arrival at the airport was not reported.

    8.1.16. The airport operator or handling agent shall take measures to ensure that passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility are able to:
    - announce their arrival at the airport, including by means of a "call button" or intercom system in an accessible place and at a level convenient for such passengers, and seek assistance at designated locations within and outside the airport terminal buildings;
    - move from a certain point to the check-in desk;
    - check in and check out baggage;
    - move from the check-in desk to the aircraft with the passage of migration, customs and other procedures;
    - board/disembark from/to the aircraft with the help of lifts, wheelchairs, cabin wheelchairs or other necessary support;
    - move from the aircraft door to their seat;
    - store and retrieve baggage in the aircraft cabin;
    - move from your seat to the aircraft door;
    - move from the aircraft to the baggage claim area and receive baggage with the passage of migration and customs procedures;
    - move from the baggage claim area to the designated control point;
    - move to the gate for boarding a connecting flight in case of transit with assistance in the air and on the ground, as well as, if necessary, within and between airport terminals;
    - move, if necessary, to the toilet room within the terminal;
    - receive information necessary for flights in acceptable formats;
    - temporarily replace damaged or lost vehicles on a similar basis.
    The airport operator must also provide guide dog services, if necessary.

    8.1.17. The airport operator or handling agent shall provide service for all necessary means of transport for a person with a disability or reduced mobility, including wheelchairs with electric drive, subject to 48 hours advance notice and taking into account possible space limitations on board the aircraft and in accordance with the provisions of ICAO, IATA on the transport of dangerous goods.

    8.1.18. If a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility is assisted by an accompanying person, such a person must be provided with the opportunity to assist the passenger with a disability or reduced mobility at the airport, during boarding and disembarkation from the aircraft.
    The Airline must provide a passenger accompanying a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility with a seat on board the aircraft, which is located next to the seat provided to the person accompanied.

    8.1.19. The Airline must ensure the transportation of up to two units of vehicles by each passenger with a disability or reduced mobility, including wheelchairs with electric drive, subject to 48 hours' notice and taking into account possible space limitations on board the aircraft and in accordance with the provisions of ICAO, IATA in the field of transportation of dangerous goods.
    8.1.20. In order to meet safety requirements, passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility are seated in the cabin near the emergency exit so as not to impede the rapid evacuation of passengers from the aircraft.
    The Airline must ensure that such passengers are provided with assistance while moving in the cabin.

    8.1.21. If wheelchairs, other mobility aids or auxiliary devices are lost or damaged during airport handling or transportation on board the aircraft, the passenger who owns such equipment is entitled to compensation for the value of such property.

    8.1.22. Obligations to a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility in accordance with the provisions of this Section may not be limited or not fulfilled.

    8.1.23. The Airline is not responsible for the deterioration of passengers' health or other consequences that may occur due to the passenger's age, mental or physical condition during boarding/disembarking from the aircraft, during the flight or after completion of air and ground transportation within the airport.

    8.1.24. A passenger whose physical condition causes concern to the Airline is allowed to travel by air if he/she provides the Airline with a certificate from a health care institution stating that their physical condition allows traveling by air, and in some cases, that their disease does not pose a danger to others. Such a certificate must be issued no later than 5 days before the date of the scheduled departure.

    8.1.25. Transportation of seriously ill passengers and passengers on stretchers is carried out only when accompanied by a person who will provide care for such a passenger during the flight and with the provision of seat(s) on the aircraft with payment at the fare set by the Airline.

    8.1.26. If the passenger cannot be moved from the stretcher to the seat during the flight, the possibility of their transportation is determined in advance by agreement between the Airline and the person accompanying the passenger on the stretcher.

    8.1.27. The Airline has the right to refuse to transport a passenger on a stretcher if the aircraft does not have the conditions necessary for their transportation.

    8.1.28. The Airline, airport operators and handling agents must ensure that their personnel providing assistance to persons with disabilities or reduced mobility are sufficiently qualified.

    8.1.29. If possible, the Airline, airport operators and handling agents shall designate a separate check-in desk for persons with disabilities or reduced mobility. If possible, the staff of these airport entities should receive appropriate training, including in sign language, including international language.

    8.1.30. Assistance should be provided to passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility without degrading the dignity of the individual and guarantee that this category of passengers receives the services provided for all categories of passengers, taking into account the requirements of flight safety, aviation safety and safety on board the aircraft. Services for the transportation and handling of passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility must be adapted to the needs of such passengers and provided in accordance with the guidance material provided in the Manual on Access to Air Transport by Persons with Disabilities (Doc 9984).

    8.2. Carriage of children and pregnant women

    8.2.1. Infants (INF) under 2 years of age and children (CHD) aged 2 to 12 years are considered children on air transport.

    8.2.2. Children under 2 years of age are carried without a separate seat, and children aged 2 to 12 years are carried in a separate seat.

    8.2.3. Children can be transported both accompanied and unaccompanied by an adult passenger.

    8.2.4. The category "unaccompanied minor" is used for children aged 5 to 12 years for domestic and international transportation.

    8.2.5. At the request of the child's parents or persons performing their duties, children aged 12 to 16 years may be registered as an unaccompanied minor.

    8.2.6. The child's age is determined on the date of the start of transportation from the airport of departure indicated in the ticket.

    8.2.7. Unaccompanied minors are accepted for air transportation provided that the child's parents or persons acting in their behalf fill in the relevant duly executed documents and pay for the services established by the rules of the Airline.
    The Airline that carries an unaccompanied minor shall indicate the following information in the accompanying documents:
    - surname and name(s), passport or identity document number, as well as contact information (country of residence, home address and telephone number) of the unaccompanied minor, the person sending the minor on departure and the person meeting the minor at the destination;
    - surname and name(s), as well as contact information (country of residence, home address and telephone number) of one of the parents or the person performing their duties.

    8.2.8. An adult passenger is allowed to carry no more than two infants - one without a separate seat and the other in a separate seat, with payment for such transportation at the fares established by the Airline for the transportation of children aged 2 to 12 years. An infant for whom a separate seat has been paid for must be transported in a car seat for the carriage of children that is certified for use in air transport. If the passenger does not have such a car seat and does not meet the specified conditions, the Airline has the right to refuse to transport the infant in a separate seat.

    8.2.9. Passengers with children under 2 years old are provided with seats equipped with an additional oxygen mask.

    8.2.10. Pregnant women may be accepted for air transportation provided that their gestation period does not exceed 35 weeks, and in case of multiple pregnancies - 32 weeks.

    8.2.11. Conditions for the carriage of pregnant women, women in labour and newborns are determined by the rules of the Airline, which are available at

    8.2.12. It is not recommended to transport women in labour and newborns in the first 7 days after childbirth. The airline may prohibit the carriage of these categories of passengers.

    8.3. Carriage of deportees and persons denied the right to enter the country

    8.3.1. The Airline is not responsible for the refusal of state authorities to grant a passenger permission to enter the country.

    8.3.2. The passenger must, at the request of the Airline or state authorities, return to the point of departure or other place in connection with the refusal of the country of destination to accept such a passenger, regardless of whether this country is a place of destination or transit, and pay the appropriate cost of transportation in the opposite direction.

    8.3.3. The Airline may use for payment for such transportation any funds from the amounts previously paid by the passenger for the unperformed transportation, which remain at its disposal, or from any other funds of the passenger at the disposal of the Airline.

    8.3.4. Amounts paid by the passenger for transportation to the point where he/she was denied entry or deported from the country of destination are not subject to refund.

    8.3.5. The cost of the ticket for the transportation of deportees shall be paid by the state authorities of the country that made the decision to deport such persons to the country to which the deportation is carried out.

    8.3.6. The state authorities that have made a decision on the transportation of potentially dangerous passengers on passenger flights by air transport shall notify the Airline in accordance with the established procedure at least 48 hours before the departure.
    The Airline must be provided with all information about the presence of potentially dangerous passengers on the flight prior to the commencement of the carriage. If the aircraft is carrying persons in custody, appropriate entries must be made in the flight documents.

    8.3.7. The Airline has the right to refuse to transport potentially dangerous passengers in accordance with Paragraph 10.1 of these Regulations if the documents required for transportation are missing or there are grounds to believe that these persons may pose a threat to the safety of life and health of other passengers or cause damage to flight safety.

    8.3.8. Delivery and boarding of these categories of passengers are carried out before the general boarding of passengers, disembarkation is carried out last after other passengers of the flight have disembarked.

    8.3.9. It is prohibited to serve these categories of passengers with alcoholic beverages and provide them with metal cutlery and hot meals.

    8.3.10. Seats for these categories of passengers are provided only in the rear of the passenger cabin. Whenever possible, potentially dangerous passengers should be separated from other passengers by one or more rows of free seats.

    8.3.11. Potentially dangerous passengers are not accepted for carriage according to the decision of the Airline.

    8.3.12. Deportees shall be accepted by the Airline only for direct air transportation provided that:
    - the relevant state authority that carries out the deportation (departure), at least 48 hours before the flight, has informed and submitted to the Airline notification to the airline and pilot-in-command (flight number, number of deportees, reasons for deportation, presence of deportees who have been prosecuted, presence of infectious diseases and mental illnesses and a list of officials accompanying these deportees, ect);

    8.3.13. Deportees are accepted for air transfer provided that:
    - booking of transportation is confirmed on all sections of the transfer route;
    - transfer is not related to the transition/moving of deportees to another terminal or airport;
    - transfer does not involve an overnight stay at the transfer point, the minimum time for connecting flights cannot be less than the time provided for this airport and should additionally take into account the time for transporting and accommodating such persons at the point of transfer to another flight.

    8.3.14. It is prohibited to separate INAD families during transportation. In the case of transporting large, deported families, it is allowed to exceed the maximum number of civilian deportees per flight. DEPU – no more than 4 persons. DEPA – no more than 2 persons accompanied by at least 3 authorized persons.

    8.3.15. Persons in custody are accepted for transportation in the amount of no more than one person per flight and accompanied by at least two escorts (authorized persons of the relevant state body).


    9.1. For the carriage of passengers and baggage handling, the Airline or a handling agent in accordance with the contract of carriage provides passenger check-in and baggage handling using automated departure control systems (DCS), except for airports (runways) not equipped with automated departure control systems.
    Passengers can also check-in independently using the Airline's website
    Check-in at the airport is free of charge if:
    - it is provided for by the rules for applying the fare at which the ticket was purchased;
    - it is impossible to check in using the Airline's website
    Otherwise, the Airline may charge an additional fee for check-in at the airport.

    9.2. The passenger is allowed to be transported provided that:
    - having a duly issued ticket;
    - presentation of one of the documents specified in Paragraph 9.5. of this Section;
    - fulfillment of immigration and customs control requirements;
    - passing aviation security control;
    - compliance with the rules of the Airline.

    9.3. The check-in closing time on the Airline's website is set taking into account the time required for the delivery (arrival) of passengers and baggage to the airport of departure, as well as for boarding (loading) the aircraft and passing the administrative procedures and requirements related to border, customs, sanitary and epidemiological, veterinary and phytosanitary, and other types of control.

    9.4. In order to comply with the formalities related to the departure procedure, the passenger must arrive at the place of check-in and checkpoint with the documents necessary for the trip no later than the time specified by the Airline (its sales agent). If the passenger arrives at the check-in point and checkpoint after check-in is over or does not have the necessary travel documents, the Airline may cancel the booking and is not obliged to delay the flight.

    9.5. Passenger check-in and baggage check-in are carried out on the basis of a ticket and one of the identity documents or electronic display of the information contained in these documents.

    9.6. The Airline checks the documents specified in Paragraph 9.5 and in case of international transportation - properly issued visas for entry (transit) in accordance with the requirements of the countries of destination or documents necessary for travel. In case of absence of any document required for travel, the Airline is obliged not to allow the passenger to travel by air.
    In this case, the refusal to fly will be considered voluntary.

    9.7. During check-in, the passenger is provided with a boarding pass, which indicates their surname and name, IATA code or ICAO code of the Airline, flight number, date and time of departure, time of beginning and end of boarding the aircraft, gate number and seat number (if any) on board the aircraft.

    9.8. The end time of boarding the aircraft depends on the peculiarities of the airport, the circumstances of the flight departure and is set by the Airline.
    Passengers receive information about the end of boarding the aircraft directly at the airport of departure.
    In case of delay or non-arrival of the passenger for boarding the aircraft, the Airline has the right not to accept such a passenger for air transportation in order to avoid flight delays. In case of a passenger's delay or failure to arrive for boarding the aircraft, it is considered that the passenger refused to fly voluntarily, unless it was the fault of the Airline or the service agent.

    9.9. During the passenger check-in and baggage handling, all passenger baggage provided for air transportation, except for the items specified in Paragraph 11.2.1 of these Regulations, is subject to weighing.

    9.10. The Airline or the handling agent shall indicate in the baggage claim the quantity and weight of baggage accepted for carriage and issue a tear-off coupon of the baggage identification tag for checked baggage. If the passenger has a ticket in electronic form, the information on the quantity and weight of baggage is indicated electronically in the DCS system.

    9.11. To indicate the special conditions of air transportation of checked baggage, a special warning baggage tag without a number may be attached to the identification baggage tag ("Fragile"; "Priority"; "Live Animals"; "Transfer"; "Wheelchair"; "Unaccompanied Minor" (UM); "Delivery at Aircraft", etc.). The form of baggage tags must comply with IATA Resolutions.

    9.12. After baggage check-in and baggage handling, the Airline is responsible for the integrity and safety of checked baggage.
    The passenger is responsible for the integrity and safety of hand baggage.
    The passenger is responsible for the safety of the baggage with the "Delivery at Aircraft" tag attached to it until it is transferred for loading to the baggage compartment near the aircraft.

    9.13. The fee for air transportation of baggage, the weight of which exceeds the free baggage allowance established by the Airline, is charged in accordance with the fare established by the rules of the Airline. Payment for the carriage of such baggage shall be made by a receipt for payment of excess baggage or a miscellaneous charges order.

    9.14. The conditions for check-in via the website are determined by the rules of the Airline.

    9.15. In case of check-in via the website, the Airline shall provide passengers with the opportunity to check in their baggage at the airport free of charge if the carriage of checked baggage is provided for by the rules of the fare at which the ticket was purchased.



    10.1. The Airline has the right to refuse transportation at any stage of air transportation, cancel the reservation or remove the passenger from the aircraft, if such action is necessary:

    - due to the need to comply with the requirements of the current legislation of the country of departure, arrival or transit;

    10.2. In order to ensure flight safety, the Airline has the right to refuse air transportation at any stage of transportation, cancel the reservation or remove the passenger from the aircraft based on its own reasonable decisions, if:
    - the mental or physical condition of the person gives grounds to believe that the passenger needs special assistance from the Airline, which was not ordered or which the Airline cannot provide under certain circumstances, will cause discomfort to other passengers, will lead to any risk to themselves or other passengers or property of passengers and the Airline;
    - the passenger has failed to comply with the instructions of the Airline related to ensuring flight safety, security, quality and comfort of passenger transportation, creates inconveniences for the transportation of other passengers, and therefore the Airline cannot fulfill its obligations to the passengers on board the aircraft;
    - the passenger behaves in such a way that raises doubts about ensuring flight safety, security during transportation, namely, demonstrates aggressive behavior with the use of threats towards other passengers, employees of the Airline and the crew of the aircraft;
    - the passenger refused to undergo a security check carried out by the security personnel of the Airline, airport or relevant state authorities;
    - the passenger may pose a danger or already poses a danger to other passengers (baggage, cargo) or the aircraft;
    - the passenger has not paid the appropriate fare or fees that must be paid;
    - the passenger has not presented the documents required for travel;
    - the passenger tries to enter the country without a valid entry document;
    - the passenger has damaged or lost their identity documents during the flight, which makes it impossible to identify the passenger;
    - the passenger is in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication;
    - the passenger has previously committed the actions provided for in paragraphs two to eleven of this paragraph, and gives reason to believe that such behavior may be repeated;
    - the ticket presented by the passenger is not valid for transportation, it was purchased from a person other than the Airline or its sales agent, declared lost, stolen, invalid, or has signs of forgery;
    - the passenger has presented a flight coupon that has been damaged or corrected by a person other than the air carrier or its sales agent;
    - the ticket contains the first unused flight coupon, and the passenger starts their journey at any other place of stopover on the route of transportation at a new fare, not regulated in accordance with the air carrier's tariff standards;
    - the person who presented the ticket cannot identify himself/herself as the person indicated in the ticket.
    In all cases of ticket withdrawal, the Airline shall draw up a relevant act, the original of which shall be provided to the passenger, and a copy shall remain with the Airline.

    10.3. The Airline has the right to withdraw the ticket, declare it invalid and refuse to refund its cost if:
    - the ticket was purchased from a person who is not the Airline or its sales agent;
    - the ticket is declared lost, stolen, or has signs of forgery;
    - the person who presented the ticket cannot identify himself/herself as the person indicated in the ticket;
    - the fact that the passenger purchased a ticket using a fake/stolen or invalid payment card has been established;
    - the fare was incorrectly applied or the passenger did not pay the cost of air transportation in full on the day of the air transportation through no fault of the Airline and/or the sales agent.
    The Airline has the right to withdraw the ticket, declare it invalid and refund its cost in accordance with Paragraph 18.2.3 hereof if the validity period of the ticket is violated or the ticket contains the first unused coupon, and the passenger starts their journey at any other place of stopover on the route of transportation at a new fare, not regulated in accordance with the fare standards of the Airline.
    The Airline has the right to withdraw the ticket, declare it invalid and issue a duplicate ticket if the passenger presents a spoiled flight coupon.

    10.4. If a passenger is denied transportation or further transportation for the reasons provided for in Paragraph 10.2, the Airline may notify the passenger in writing that such a passenger will be denied transportation on the flights of the Airline in the future.

    10.5. A passenger who is denied air transportation or further transportation for the reasons specified in Paragraph 10.1. has the right to a forced refund of the funds paid by him/her in accordance with Paragraphs 18.2.1 and 18.2.2 of these Regulations.

    10.6. A passenger who is denied air transportation or further transportation for the reasons specified in Paragraph 10.2. of this Section has the right to a voluntary refund of the funds paid by him/her in accordance with Paragraph 18.2.3 of these Regulations.

    10.7. In case of unreasonable delay of the passenger related to passing the control for the purpose of ensuring the safety of civil aviation, the Airline shall, at the choice of such passenger, provide their air transportation on the next flight or fully reimburse the cost of the ticket or its unused part.

    10.8 The Airline has the right to include passengers to blacklist with further denied air transportation in case of unruly behavior mentioned in Paragraph 10.2.


    11.1. Baggage requirements

    11.1.1. Passenger's baggage is accepted for air transportation at the time of its check-in at the airport of departure, transfer airport, airport of stopover or at another check-in point.

    11.1.2. Depending on their size, weight and characteristics, the passenger's belongings may be carried as checked baggage or unchecked baggage (cabin baggage).

    11.1.3. Items of baggage weighing no more than 32 kg may be carried as checked baggage. The sum of the three measurements of a single piece of baggage (length, width, height) must not exceed 158 cm. Excess baggage, bulk baggage and an item of baggage weighing more than 32 kg are accepted for carriage by air only with the consent of the Airline and if there is a free space on board the aircraft, as well as if the passenger pays for the carriage of such baggage, unless the carriage of such baggage has already been previously agreed with the Airline and paid for. Baggage that does not meet the requirements of this paragraph must be declared by the passenger for air transportation as cargo.

    11.1.4. Information about the maximum amount and weight of baggage accepted by the Airline for transportation without payment is included in the rules for applying fares and is indicated in the rules of the Airline and the contract of carriage provided to the passenger.

    11.1.5. Information on payment for air transportation of excess baggage is provided by the Airline, sales agent and/or service agent when booking air transportation or during passenger check-in and baggage claim.

    11.1.6. Payment for the air transportation of excess baggage is made in accordance with the fare established by the rules of the Airline, which is valid on the day of issuing the miscellaneous charges order or receipt for payment of excess baggage and on the date of departure indicated in the ticket. Such payment may be made in advance with the consent of the Airline when issuing a ticket or at the airport during check-in.
    In case of non-payment of the relevant fares and fees by the passenger, the Airline has the right to refuse to transport excess baggage by air.

    11.1.7. If a passenger checks in baggage for air transportation in an amount actually less than the amount paid by the passenger in advance, the Airline is obliged to refund to the passenger the difference between the amount of money paid and the cost of air transportation of the actual amount of baggage.
    If the passenger checks in baggage for air transportation in an amount actually exceeding the amount paid for in advance, the passenger must pay an additional fee for the transportation of the actual amount of baggage.

    11.1.8. In case of overloading of the aircraft or in the absence of free tonnage, the Airline, having notified the passenger, has the right to transport their baggage on the next flight or on a flight of another Airline as soon as possible.
    The Airline independently determines which baggage will be transported on the next flight or on the flight of another airline.

    11.1.9. The maximum weight and quantity of baggage accepted for air transportation free of charge is determined by the rules of the applicable fare and is specified in the air transportation agreement.

    11.1.10. The Airline is obliged to take measures to carry the passenger and their checked baggage on board the same aircraft, especially if the current legislation requires the presence of the passenger during customs procedures for baggage.
    In case of transportation of checked baggage on board another aircraft, the Airline is obliged, at the passenger's option, to deliver the baggage as soon as possible to the address provided by the passenger in the PIR (Property Irregularity Report) or to reimburse the passenger for the transportation costs associated with the delivery of such baggage in accordance with the requirements of the Airline's rules.

    11.1.11. At the option of the Airline, baggage may be checked in accordance with the baggage weight concept or the baggage piece concept, i.e. a combination of weight, size, number of pieces.

    11.1.12. The Airline is responsible for the safety of baggage from the moment of its registration for air transportation and until the moment of its delivery to the passenger.
    The acceptance of baggage for air transportation by the Airline is confirmed by a tear-off baggage identification tag issued to the passenger and a baggage receipt for the number and weight of items accepted for air transportation. From the moment the Airline accepts the baggage for carriage and until it is issued, the passenger's access to the checked baggage is prohibited, except in cases of its identification or additional care by the relevant authorized services.

    11.2. Conditions of free baggage allowance

    11.2.1. As hand luggage in excess of the allowance set by the Airline, regardless of the rules for applying the fare at which the ticket was purchased, the passenger has the right to transport the following items free of charge: food for the child required during the flight, a baby travel cradle (for children under one year of age), a stroller, a folding wheelchair and/or crutches, special equipment and devices used by persons with disabilities, if, in the opinion of the Airline, there is enough space for this and if it meets safety requirements.
    The total weight of unchecked baggage (cabin baggage), except for the items specified in the first paragraph of this item, is set by the rules of the Airline depending on the rules for applying the fare specified on the website of the Airline

    11.2.2. The Airline has the right to expand the list and total weight of items that are transported free of charge.

    11.2.3. Regardless of the rules for applying the fare at which the ticket was purchased, the Airline may charge an additional fee for transportation of:
    - Passengers' belongings (regardless of their name), size, weight of which does not meet the requirements of the Airline's rules;
    - Passengers' belongings not packed in accordance with the requirements of chapter 5 of this section, regardless of their name and purpose;
    - Household and TV, video, audio, photo equipment, the weight of one item of which exceeds 10 kg;
    - Flowers, plant seedlings, edible greens, dried plants, trees and shrubs with a total weight of more than 5 kg;
    - Correspondence, accompanied by paramedics;
    - Animals (domestic or wild), birds, bees and other wildlife, except for a guide dog accompanying a passenger with a disability or reduced mobility.

    11.2.4. The Airline has the right to expand the list of items for which an additional fee may be charged, regardless of the rules for applying the fare.

    11.2.5. The rules of the Airline do not provide for free transportation of checked baggage.

    11.2.6. Checked baggage allowance is specified in the passenger's ticket in accordance with the established rules of application of the Airline's fares.

    11.3. Declared value of baggage

    11.3.1. The passenger has the right to declare the value of their checked baggage.

    11.3.2. The value of checked baggage is declared for each piece of baggage separately. In case of declaring the value of baggage, the passenger must pay the fare set by the Airline in accordance with the Rules for applying the fares of the Airline.

    11.3.3. To confirm payment for the carriage of baggage with declared value, the Airline or an authorized sales agent issues a miscellaneous charges order or a receipt for payment of excess baggage, which indicates the points between which the passenger has declared the carriage of baggage with declared value.

    11.3.4. In case of loss or damage to such baggage, the liability of the Airline is limited to its declared value, unless the Airline proves that the amount claimed by the passenger exceeds the passenger's actual interest in the delivery of the baggage.

    11.4. Group baggage transportation

    11.4.1. At the request of passengers traveling in a group or members of the same family, the Airline is obliged to combine their baggage.

    11.4.2. Combining baggage items applies only to the free baggage allowance. Baggage must be checked in for each passenger separately. Combining pieces of baggage of a group of passengers or members of the same family applies only to the combined free baggage allowance of each passenger.
    Group baggage, with the passenger's consent, is issued for one person authorized by all passengers who is a member of the group of these passengers or family. In this case, the number of pieces and weight of each passenger's baggage must be indicated in the transportation documents.

    11.5. Baggage package requirements

    11.5.1. Each piece of baggage must be packed in a serviceable manner that ensures its safety during air transportation and handling and makes it impossible to cause damage to passengers, crew members, third parties, the aircraft, baggage of other passengers or other property, and also makes it impossible for unauthorized persons to freely/accidentally access the contents of the baggage. The Airline has the right not to accept baggage for carriage as checked if it does not meet the requirements of this paragraph and to require the passenger to pack it additionally.
    The serviceability and proper packaging of baggage is determined by the Airline.

    11.5.2. Baggage that has external damage that does not affect its integrity during air transportation and handling and cannot cause damage to passengers, crew members, third parties, the aircraft, baggage of other passengers or other property may be accepted for air transportation as checked baggage with the consent of the Airline. In this case, the presence and type of damage to the baggage must be indicated in the baggage receipt ("Limited Release" tag) of the Airline or its service agent, which must be confirmed by the passenger's signature.

    11.6. Restrictions on acceptance of items for carriage as baggage

    11.6.1. Items that are prohibited to be included in baggage:
    - Goods, objects, liquid and other substances that may pose a significant risk to the health of passengers, flight safety or property of the Airline or other passengers during transportation, in particular explosive, compressed gases, corrosive materials, oxidizing agents, radioactive materials, magnets, flammable materials, poisonous materials, harmful or irritating substances, as well as any other items and substances defined in The Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284) and/or IATA Dangerous Goods Regulation.
    - Explosives and incendiary substances and devices – explosives and incendiary substances and devices capable of being used to cause serious injury or to pose a threat to the safety of aircraft, including: ammunition, blasting caps, detonators and fuses, mines, grenades and other explosive military stores, fireworks and other pyrotechnics, smoke-generating canisters and smoke-generating cartridges, dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives.

    11.6.2. Items that should not be included in checked baggage:
    - Fragile, soft, and perishable items, money, keys, jewellery, electronic equipment, photo, and video equipment, products made of precious and semi-precious metals and stones, glasses, antiques, works of art, photographs, fur products, technical documentation, business documents, securities, valuables, medicines, medical documentation, identity documents;
    - Goods, items, medicines, the carriage of which is prohibited or restricted by the current laws of any country from, to or through the territory of which the flight will be carried out;
    - Goods that are not suitable for carriage by their nature, weight, size, shape or smell;
    - Live animals, except as provided for in paragraph 12.2.
    In case of putting these items in checked baggage, the Airline is not responsible for their safety.

    11.6.3. Items that are recommended to be carried in hand luggage: Fragile, soft and perishable items, electronic equipment (photo and video equipment, computer equipment, data storage media), software, money, keys, jewelry (precious and semi-precious metals and stones), glasses, antiques works of art, photographs, fur products, technical documentation, business documents, securities, medicines in the required quantity for the duration of the trip, medical documentation, passports and other identity documents, unique or irreplaceable items, other valuable items.

    11.6.4. Items that may be accepted for carriage as checked baggage with the prior consent of the Airline: Firearms (including combat, hunting, sporting), pneumatic, gas weapons, pistols and revolvers designed to fire cartridges equipped with rubber or similar bullets, edged weapons of all kinds and structurally similar products, ammunition and spare parts for weapons, as well as training, training, museum, souvenir, collectible and prop weapons if a natural or legal person has the appropriate permit for their storage, carrying and transportation, shotguns and pistols for underwater hunting.

    11.6.5. The passenger has the right to include in the checked baggage their household items, alcoholic beverages, non-radioactive medical supplies and toiletries, including containers with medical aerosols and other items and substances permitted for carriage in limited quantities in accordance with The Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284) or with the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations and in the amount permitted by the relevant regulatory authorities.

    11.7. The right to refuse to accept baggage for carriage

    11.7.1. Checked baggage of a passenger who does not show up for boarding the aircraft is subject to mandatory unloading from the aircraft.

    11.7.2. The Airline has the right to refuse to accept baggage as checked in if it is not properly packed in suitcases with locks or other appropriate containers that ensure safe transportation of baggage and its handling using conventional means of cargo handling.

    11.7.3. The Airline has the right to refuse to transport or further transport as baggage the items specified in Paragraphs 11.6.1.-11.6.3 if it finds out on the basis of relevant documents that such items contain any prohibited materials or items.
    The Airline is not responsible for the items that the passenger refused to accept as baggage.

    11.8. The right to search

    11.8.1. In order to ensure flight safety and track the items specified in Paragraphs 11.6.1 and 11.6.2, the Airline has the right to require the passenger to undergo security control carried out by the aviation security services of the Airline, the airport and to provide baggage for inspection, and has the right to inspect or arrange for the inspection of baggage in the absence of the passenger. If the passenger is unwilling to fulfil such a requirement, the Airline may refuse to transport the passenger and/or baggage.

    11.8.2. The Airline is not responsible for damage caused to the passenger or their baggage in case of detection during the inspection, for example: (X-ray or other method of screening) regarding the safety of items prohibited for carriage, except in cases of negligence of the Airline.

    11.8.3. The Airline or the service agent ensures the implementation of the procedure for identifying checked baggage of passengers who did not board the aircraft or left it before departure.

    11.9. Unaccompanied baggage

    11.9.1. At the passenger's request and with the consent of the Airline, baggage may be issued as unaccompanied baggage.

    11.9.2. For the purpose of the transport of unaccompanied hold baggage, the following may be considered as factors beyond the passengers’ control:
    a) the passenger was denied boarding and he did not volunteer to give up his seat;
    b) the passenger and/or his/her baggage was re-routed onto another flight and it was not at his request;
    c) the baggage failed to transfer between two flights due to unforeseen reasons, causing it to miss the departing flight;
    d) there was a malfunction of the baggage system, causing the baggage to miss the departing flight;
    e) the baggage was loaded onto an aircraft other than that for which it was checked in;
    f) the airline decides not to load or unload a bag for operational reasons and the passenger has not influenced the decision by changing his travel itinerary.
    In the case of points c) – f), the air carrier shall establish that the passenger did travel on the flight on which he was checked in. If the passenger did not travel on the flight on which he was checked in, then the baggage shall be subjected to the appropriate security controls for unaccompanied hold baggage.

    11.9.3. Air transportation of unaccompanied baggage is documented by an air waybill, carried out in accordance with the rules of air transportation of goods approved by the Airline, and paid for in accordance with the fares for the transportation of goods established by the Airline.

    11.10. Hand baggage

    11.10.1. The following items are accepted as hand baggage: items that have the weight and dimensions established by the rules of the Airline and specified in the passenger's ticket in accordance with the applicable fare, which allows them to be safely placed in the cabin on the baggage racks or under the seat.
    It is forbidden to place hand baggage and items permitted for carriage in the aisles of the aircraft cabin.

    11.10.2. Items that do not meet the requirements for hand baggage established by the Airline or that are not allowed to be carried in the passenger cabin of the aircraft are subject to the rules for checked baggage.

    11.10.3. Hand baggage must not contain:
    1) Guns, firearms and other devices that discharge projectiles - devices capable, or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury by discharging a projectile, including:
    - firearms of all types, such as pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, toy guns, replicas and imitation firearms capable of being mistaken for real weapons, component parts of firearms, excluding telescopic sights, compressed air and CO 2 guns, such as pistols, pellet guns, rifles and ball bearing guns, signal flare pistols and starter pistols, bows, cross bows and arrows, harpoon guns and spear guns, slingshots and catapults;
    2) Stunning devices — devices designed specifically to stun or immobilize, including:
    - devices for shocking, such as stun guns, teasers and stun batons, animal stunners and animal killers, disabling and incapacitating chemicals, gases and sprays, such as mace, pepper sprays, capsicum sprays, tear gas, acid sprays and animal repellent sprays;
    3) Objects with a sharp point or sharp edge — objects with a sharp point or sharp edge capable of being used to cause serious injury, including:
    - items designed for chopping, such as axes, hatchets and cleavers, ice axes and ice picks, razor blades, box cutters, knives with blades of more than 6 cm, scissors with blades of more than 6 cm as measured from the fulcrum, martial arts equipment with a sharp point or sharp edge, swords and sabres;
    4) Workmen’s tools — tools capable of being used either to cause serious injury or to threaten the safety of aircraft, including:
    - crowbars, drills and drill bits, including cordless portable power drills, tools with a blade or a shaft of more than 6 cm capable of use as a weapon, such as screwdrivers and chisels, saws, including cordless portable power saws, blowtorches, bolt guns and nail guns;
    5) Blunt instruments — objects capable of being used to cause serious injury when used to hit, including:
    - baseball and softball bats, clubs and batons, such as clubs, blackjacks and night sticks, martial arts equipment;
    6) Explosives and incendiary substances and devices — explosives and incendiary substances and devices capable, or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury or to pose a threat to the safety of aircraft, including:
    - ammunition, blasting caps, detonators and fuses, replica or imitation explosive devices, mines, grenades and other explosive military stores, fireworks and other pyrotechnics, smoke-generating canisters and smoke-generating cartridges, dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives.

    11.10.4. It is also prohibited to bring on board the aircraft in hand baggage any liquids, aerosols and gels (pastes, lotions, liquid/solid mixtures and the contents of pressurized containers, such as toothpaste, hair gel, drinks, soups, syrups, perfume, shaving foam and other items with similar consistencies) with a capacity of more than 100 ml (grams) in one bottle (tube). The total volume of these substances in carry-on baggage packed in containers with a capacity of up to 100 ml (grams) should not exceed 1 liter (kg) per passenger. In the case of using equipment for screening liquids, aerosols and gels, their volume for air transportation is not limited.

    11.10.5. The passenger is responsible for hand baggage during the entire carriage.


    12.1. Carriage of baggage in the passenger cabin

    12.1.1. The Airline has the right to accept for carriage in the cabin of the aircraft the items specified in Paragraph 11.6.2 hereof and requiring special precautions during air transportation or special handling conditions.

    12.1.2. Items that the passenger considers unsuitable for carriage in the cargo compartment of the aircraft are accepted for carriage in the passenger cabin only upon prior agreement with the Airline. The passenger pays for the carriage of such items according to the Airline's fares and depending on the number of passenger seats required for its carriage.

    12.1.3. The weight of one non-standard piece of baggage transported in the cabin of the aircraft should not exceed 80 kg, and its dimensions should allow placing the baggage on a separate passenger seat(s). The packaging of baggage carried in the cabin of the aircraft must ensure its proper fastening on the passenger seat(s) and meet sanitary standards.

    12.1.4. Delivery to the aircraft of baggage to be transported in the cabin, its loading, placement in the cabin, unloading and transportation within the airport terminals shall be carried out by the passenger or upon their prior order and payment for these services to the relevant airport services.

    12.2. Carriage of animals

    12.2.1. Transportation of dogs, cats by air is subject to permission from the Airline during the booking before the start of transportation. Animals must be properly placed in containers/cages and have valid vaccination certificates and health certificates, permits for importation into the country of destination or transit. Animals must be clean, tidy and free from unpleasant odours. The Airline has the right to determine the method of transportation and limit the number of animals allowed to be transported on one flight.

    12.2.2. Transportation of animals accepted as checked baggage together with a container and food must be paid for as an additional service for which the passenger must pay the appropriate fare in accordance with the Rules for applying the Airline's fares established by the Airline.

    12.2.3. Service dogs that assist employees of state authorities, rescue teams are transported free of charge together with containers and food for their nutrition. Such transportation must be agreed with the Airline in advance.

    12.2.4. It is allowed to carry in the passenger cabin of the aircraft:
    - service dogs accompanied by a dog handler;
    - service animals, including guide dogs for blind and deaf passengers, provided that the animals are wearing a collar and muzzle; and
    - small animals (cats and dogs) for emotional support (maximum weight of animal 10 kg).
    - small animals, the weight of which together with its means of transportation (cage) does not exceed 10 kg.
    A service dog or guide dog must be at the feet of the dog handler/passenger.
    The passenger is responsible for the animal that is transported in the passenger cabin.

    12.2.5. No more than 4 containers with live animals are allowed to be transported on the flights of the Airline.
    The size of the container for the carriage of live pets in the passenger cabin of the aircraft should not exceed 115 cm in the sum of three dimensions.
    The container with live animals during air transportation must be placed under the seat. The container with a live animal must not be placed on the baggage racks or on a separate passenger seat.

    12.2.6. Animals weighing more than 10 kg with the means of transportation (cage) are transported in the baggage and cargo compartments of the aircraft (except for guide dogs and service dogs).

    12.2.7. The passenger is responsible for providing all documents required for the carriage of animals under the current legislation of the country of departure, destination or transit. In the case of transportation of animals, the passenger is responsible for such an animal and ensures the provision of the necessary documents required by the current legislation. The Airline is not responsible for the injury, loss, illness or death of such animals in case of refusal to import them into the country of destination or transit, unless such damage was caused by the negligence of the Airline.

    12.2.8. If the passenger fails to comply with the conditions of Paragraphs 12.2.1-12.2.7, the Airline has the right to make the final decision on air transportation or refusal to transport animals (birds) at its own discretion during the check-in process.


    13.1. Scheduled flights are operated in accordance with the aircraft schedule drawn up by the Airline, published in the ABS/GDS and posted on the Airline's website Upon request, the Airline may issue an advertising schedule to inform the public.
    The Airline, by placing data in the ABS/GDS, guarantees that the information placed by it or provided for placement in other automated systems is accurate, reliable and comprehensive.

    13.2. The Airline is not responsible for errors and omissions in the schedule or other published flight schedule of other airlines.

    13.3. The ground handling agent and/or airport operators have the right to issue a combined schedule of all air carriers operating flights to/from the airport.

    13.4. The flight departure time and type of aircraft specified in the flight schedule or other published flight schedules of the Airline, except for the departure time specified in the ticket, are not guaranteed and are not a mandatory condition of the air transportation agreement.
    The Airline has the right to change the time of departure of the flight, and must inform the passenger in a timely manner.

    13.5. The Airline has the right to change the type of aircraft without notifying the passenger.

    13.6. The Airline or the service agent (airport operators) shall provide passengers at the airport with visual and/or acoustic information (if technically possible) regarding
    - time of departure and arrival of the aircraft;
    - place, time of the beginning and end of check-in;
    - place, time of beginning and end of boarding the aircraft;
    - flight delays or cancellations and the reasons for the flight delay (cancellation).


    14.1. The Airline may delay or cancel a flight both for commercial reasons and for reasons beyond its control.

    14.2. The Airline takes all necessary measures to avoid delays in the transportation of passengers and baggage.

    14.3. In case of emergency circumstances, the Airline has the right to cancel or delay the flight or cancel a previously confirmed reservation without notifying the passenger. In other cases, the Airline or its sales agent is obliged to notify the passenger of the flight delay or cancellation no later than three hours before the start of check-in.
    The Airline must enter information about the delay or cancellation of the flight into the ABS/GDS no later than 8 hours before the departure. Otherwise, the Airline shall independently inform the passenger about the delay, cancellation of the flight or cancellation of the reservation and is responsible for the timeliness of informing the passenger.
    In case of emergency circumstances, the Airline may make landing at an airport not provided for in the flight schedule. In this case, transportation to the airport where the passenger was supposed to arrive on the flight specified in the ticket is carried out at the expense of the Airline.

    14.4. In the event of a flight delay, the Airline independently or through a handling agent (airport operator) informs passengers by available means at the airport of departure every 30 minutes about the estimated time of the flight delay and the expected time of its departure.

    14.5. In case of delay beyond reasonable time or cancellation of the flight, the Airline shall notify the authorized civil aviation authority of the reasons for the delay (cancellation) of the flight and the services provided to passengers during such delay or cancellation no later than 12 hours after the departure of the delayed flight or the decision to cancel the flight.

    14.6. In case of registration of transportation with different tickets and the passenger incurs losses related to being late to the transfer point to continue the journey, the issue of compensation for losses by the Airline that delayed the flight is considered in the claim procedure.


    15.1. The procedure for applying compensation

    15.1.1. The provisions of this section apply to passengers (scheduled and charter flights) who are denied transportation against their will or whose flight is cancelled or delayed, provided that the passenger has a confirmed reservation for the relevant flight, except in the case of cancellation specified in Section 14 of the Airline's Regulations, and is present for check-in at the time stipulated by these Regulations and specified in writing (including electronic means), or, if the check-in time is not specified, no later than 45 minutes before the specified departure time, or booked a flight that was delayed/postponed by the Airline or the aircraft charterer (tour operator) to another flight, regardless of the reasons.
    In the event of denial of transportation, cancellation or delay of a flight, regardless of the duration, passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility and persons accompanying them, as well as unaccompanied children, in accordance with this section, are entitled to assistance in the first place.

    15.1.2. The provisions of this section do not apply to passengers travelling free of charge or at a reduced cost, which is directly or indirectly unavailable to other passengers, but these provisions shall apply to passengers who are issued tickets in accordance with the Airline's frequent flyer program (loyalty program), if any.

    15.1.3. If the Airline pays compensation or provides services provided for in this section, no provision of these Regulations may be interpreted as limiting its right to claim compensation by way of recourse from any person, including third parties, in particular, for claims for compensation by a tour operator or other person with whom the Airline has entered into an agreement. Accordingly, no provision of these Regulations may be interpreted as restricting the rights of the tour operator or third parties other than the passenger with whom the Airline has entered into an agreement to claim reimbursement or compensation from the Airline in accordance with the law.

    15.1.4. The distances specified in this section are measured using the orthodromic route distance method.

    15.1.5. In the event of obligations to passengers on a flight operated on the basis of a codesharing agreement, the actual carrier is responsible for providing services and paying compensation. If the number of passengers with a confirmed booking exceeds the number of available seats in the block, the Airline that made the resale shall provide the service and pay compensation.

    15.1.6. In case of failure to pay the compensation provided for in this section at the airport where the denial of air transportation or cancellation of the flight occurred, the payment of compensation provided for in this section shall be made upon a written request of the passenger.

    15.1.7. A flight is considered to be completed if it is transferred to another air carrier that ensures the transportation of all passengers of the transferred flight on a specially organised flight.
    A change of departure or arrival airfield within the same administrative-territorial unit cannot be considered a flight cancellation.
    Unless the flight is cancelled by the Airline, the flight is considered cancelled if the departure is delayed for more than 48 hours.

    15.2. Compensation to passengers in case of denial of air transportation

    15.2.1. If the Airline reasonably expects that passengers will be denied boarding, it first seeks volunteers who are willing to cancel their confirmed reservation in exchange for the remuneration agreed between the passenger who voluntarily refuses to board the flight and the Airline.

    15.2.2. In addition to the remuneration, the Airline offers the passenger a choice:
    - reimbursement of the cost of transportation within seven days, which must be paid in cash, electronic bank transfer, bank orders or bank cheques or (with the passenger's consent in writing) in the form of traveller's cheques and/or other services, the full cost of the ticket at the price at which it was purchased, for the unused part of the ticket and for the used part or parts of the ticket if the flight no longer meets the needs of the passenger, and to provide (if necessary) a return flight to the original point of departure at the first opportunity;
    - or a change of route, which should be carried out under appropriate transport conditions: to the final destination at the earliest possible time or to the final destination at a later time at the request of the passenger and subject to availability of seats.

    15.2.3. The passenger's transportation from the airport where the denied transportation occurred to the airport from which the alternative route offered by the Airline begins, and from the airport of alternative landing to the airport where the passenger was supposed to arrive on the flight for which he/she was denied transportation, is carried out at the expense of the Airline.

    15.2.4. If there are no passengers who agree to voluntarily refuse to travel on this flight or their number is insufficient, the Airline has the right to refuse to transport the passenger against their will.

    15.2.5. If passengers are denied transportation against their will, the Airline shall pay them compensation in the following amounts:
    - EUR 250 - for flights up to 1500 kilometres;
    - EUR 400 - for flights over 1500 to 3500 kilometres;
    - EUR 600 - for flights over 3500 kilometres.
    When determining the distance, the last point is taken as the basis, where the refusal to transport or non-performance of a previously scheduled flight for which at least one seat is booked will delay the arrival of passengers at the scheduled time.

    15.2.6. The Airline has the right to reduce the amount of compensation specified in Paragraph 15.2.5 of this Chapter by 50% if the passenger is offered a replacement of the route of transportation to their destination by alternative flights, the arrival time of which does not exceed the scheduled time:
    - two hours - for flights up to 1500 kilometres; or
    - three hours - for flights with a distance of more than 1500 to 3500 kilometres; or
    - four hours - for flights not specified in the second and third subparagraphs of this paragraph.
    The distance specified in this subparagraph shall be measured using the orthodromic route distance method.

    15.2.7. Payment of compensation does not release the Airline from the obligation to offer the passenger a choice of services and reimbursement of expenses specified in Paragraph 15.2.2 and Paragraph 15.3.5.

    15.3. Compensation to passengers in case of flight cancellation

    15.3.1. In case of flight cancellation, passengers are offered services in accordance with Paragraph 15.2.2 and compensation in accordance with Paragraphs 15.2.5 and 15.2.6. The passenger is entitled to compensation if he/she was not informed about the flight cancellation:
    - two weeks before the scheduled departure time;
    - or in the period not more than two weeks and not less than seven days before the scheduled departure time and a change of route is proposed that will allow departure from the point of departure not later than two hours before the scheduled departure time and arrival at the final destination not later than four hours after the scheduled arrival time;
    - or less than seven days before the scheduled time of departure and a route change is proposed that will allow departure from the point of departure no later than one hour before the scheduled time of departure and arrival at the final destination no later than two hours after the scheduled time of arrival.

    15.3.2. When cancelling or delaying a flight, the Airline shall provide passengers with an explanation of the reasons for the cancellation or delay upon request. If it is necessary to ensure timely transfer of transfer passengers to connecting flights, the Airline shall offer them alternative routes of transportation as soon as possible.

    15.3.3. The Airline is not obliged to pay compensation in accordance with Paragraphs 15.2.5 and 15.2.6 if it can provide evidence that the reason for the cancellation of the flight was due to extraordinary circumstances or force majeure that could not have been prevented even if all measures had been taken.

    15.3.4. Proof of the facts of informing the passenger about the rules and conditions of transportation, the procedure for booking seats on flights, fares, taxes (fees), the schedule and time of the flight is assigned to the Airline, its sales agent, travel operator and other authorized organizations, etc. at the place of conclusion of the air transportation agreement.

    15.3.5. If the flight is cancelled by the Airline and the passenger continues the journey on another flight(s) or on another route, passengers are offered and provided free of charge:
    - meals and refreshments according to the waiting time for the new flight;
    - hotel accommodation in cases where passengers are forced to wait for departure for one or more nights or if the additional waiting time for departure is longer than expected;
    - ground transfer on the route airport - hotel - airport;
    - two telephone calls, or telex, fax or e-mail messages, if the airport technical conditions allow for this.

    15.3.6. The Airline pays special attention to the needs of passengers with disabilities or reduced physical capabilities and persons accompanying them, as well as the needs of children, including those travelling unaccompanied.

    15.4. Provision of services to passengers in case of flight delay

    15.4.1. The Airline provides passengers with food and refreshments according to the standards established by it and the opportunity to make two free calls or send a telex, fax or e-mail message, if there are technical conditions for this, in case of a flight delay of:
    a) two hours or more from the scheduled departure time of a flight with a distance of 1500 kilometres or less;
    b) three hours or more from the scheduled departure time of a flight with a range of more than 1500 to 3500 kilometres;
    c) four hours or more from the scheduled departure time for all flights not specified in subparagraphs a), b) of this paragraph.
    If the delayed flight is postponed to the next day after the day of its operation, provided for in the schedule and indicated in the ticket, the Airline provides passengers with hotel rooms, meals and provides a transfer on the route airport - hotel - airport.

    15.4.2. If the flight delay exceeds five hours, passengers are offered services in accordance with Paragraph 15.2.2.

    15.5. Compensation to passengers for changing the class of service

    15.5.1. The Airline does not require any additional payment if it places a passenger in a class of service higher than the one specified in their ticket.

    15.5.2. If the Airline places a passenger in a class of service lower than the one indicated in their ticket, the Airline shall reimburse the passenger within seven days:
    - 30% of the applicable fare for all flights with a distance of 1500 kilometers or less
    - 50% of the applicable fare for all flights with a distance of more than 1500 to 3500 kilometers; or
    - 75% of the applicable fare for all other flights not specified in the second and third subparagraphs of this paragraph.

    15.5.3. Compensation for placing a passenger in a class of service lower than the one indicated in their ticket is calculated for the segment in which the downgrade was made by the method of pro-rata distribution.


    16.1. If Baggage is delayed for more than 24 hours on an outbound flight, a reasonable amount on essential items may be spent, for a maximum of three days. To claim this allowance, passengers must submit a claim in writing within 21 days of the relevant flight. All claims must be supported by documentary evidence (e.g. receipts) of the necessary purchases made. In any case, such compensation is limited to the amount of EUR 50 (or the equivalent in another currency).

    16.2. Reimbursement is offered to the passenger if the baggage does not arrive at the destination together with the passenger, if the destination is not the passenger's place of permanent residence.


    17.1. During check-in, the Airline shall provide passengers with legible and clearly visible information of the following content: "If you are denied transportation or your flight is cancelled or delayed for at least two hours, ask at the check-in counter or boarding gate for a written notice stating your rights, in particular, with regard to receiving compensation and assistance."

    17.2. The Airline, if it refuses to carry or cancels a flight, shall provide each affected passenger with a written notice setting out the rules for providing passengers with compensation and assistance. The Airline provides the same notice to a passenger whose flight is delayed for at least two hours. The contact information for sending inquiries regarding violations of the passenger's rights to compensation or assistance is indicated in the notice.

    17.3. Appropriate alternative means of information should be used at the airport of departure/arrival to inform deaf people and people with impaired vision and other significant health problems that make it difficult or impossible for them to independently read visual or acoustic information.


    18.1. General refund procedure

    18.1.1. Refunds for an unused ticket (part of it) are made at the place of purchase of the ticket or at the head office of the Airline (the Airline's sales office) and in the currency in which the ticket was paid for.
    Refunds in the representative offices of the Airline in other countries are made in accordance with the legislation of the country of location of the representative office.
    If the payment was made by electronic means of transferring funds (by bank card), the funds are refunded to the payment card from which the payment for the ticket was made.

    18.1.2. The amount of funds refunded for an unused ticket (part of it) depends on the used fare and tariff standards of the Airline and the type of refusal from transportation (voluntary or forced).

    18.1.3. Refunds are made on the basis of an unused (fully or partially) transportation document, an order for various charges, a receipt for excess baggage.

    18.1.4. Refunds are made:
    - to the person indicated on the ticket - in case of payment for transportation in cash or by bank transfer;
    - to the account of an enterprise, institution, etc. - in case of payment by bank transfer;
    - to the account of the holder of the bank card used to pay for the transportation (in case of termination of the bank's activity, the funds may be transferred to an account in another bank);
    - to the sponsor who paid for the transportation, in case of issuing a ticket on the basis of a prepaid ticket advice (PTA).
    Refunds are made upon presentation of identity documents and documents confirming the right to receive the amounts of money specified in Paragraph 18.1.3.

    18.1.5. The Airline shall make a refund on the day of termination of the air transportation agreement (presentation of tickets to the ticket office at the place of their issuance, receipt by the Airline of information from the passenger regarding the desire to refund the unused air transportation issued by an electronic ticket), and if it is impossible to refund on the day of termination of the air transportation agreement - at another time as agreed by the parties, but not later than within seven days.
    The refund period is calculated from the day following the day when the Airline or the sales agent receives the documents required for the refund operation.

    18.1.6. A written request for a refund must be submitted by the passenger.

    18.2. Refunds

    18.2.1. A forced refund or rebooking without penalties is made in the following cases:
    - cancellation, postponement, delay of the flight for which the passenger had a seat booked and a ticket issued;
    - incorrect execution of transportation documents due to the fault of the Airline or agent;
    - change of class of service or type of aircraft;
    - inability to provide the passenger with a seat in accordance with the booking;
    - failure of the Airline to provide connection with a flight for which the passenger has a confirmed booking and which is indicated on the same ticket as the previous one;
    - denial of transportation due to non-payment by the passenger of the fare, state fees, taxes or charges (tariffs) in case of changes in fares or rules of their application compared to those in force on the day of departure of the passenger from the initial airport indicated in the ticket;
    - use by the Airline of its right to refuse transportation for the reasons set forth in Sections 10.1, 10.7 hereof;
    - death of the passenger or members of their family or illness of the passenger or members of their family travelling with him/her, in case of availability of duly executed supporting documents;
    - in other cases of refusal of the passenger from air transportation or refusal of the Airline to transport the passenger, which occurred due to the fault of the Airline.

    18.2.2. In the case of a forced refund, the amount of money returned to the passenger shall be equal to:
    - if no part of the ticket was used - an amount equal to the full cost of the ticket at the price at which it was purchased;
    - if any part of the ticket was used - an amount equal to the fare for the unused part of the one-way transportation and unused state fees, taxes, airport charges (fees) and unused charges (fees) of the Airline from the place where the refusal of transportation occurred to the place of destination. The amounts provided for herein shall not include the amounts of compensation provided for in Section 15 of the Regulations.

    18.2.3. In case of a voluntary refund, i.e. if the passenger wishes to refund the amount paid for the ticket and such refund is allowed by the rules for applying tariffs, such amount is calculated in accordance with the fare standards of the Airline. In addition, the passenger is refunded the amount of all unused state fees, taxes, airport charges (fees) and charges (fees) of the Airline.

    18.2.4. In case of a refund for an unused ticket or a part of it, including a forced one, the fee for air transportation is not refunded, except in the case of a refund due to the fault of the Airline. The fee for the refund operation in case of forced refund is not charged.

    18.3. The right to refuse a refund

    18.3.1. The Airline has the right to refuse a refund, except for all unused state fees, taxes, airport charges (fees) and charges (fees) of the Airline if:
    - the application was submitted by the passenger after the expiration of the validity period of the ticket specified in Section 3.4, as well as in other cases provided for by these Regulations;
    - the ticket is purchased at a special fare and the rules for its use do not provide for a refund (in case of purchasing a ticket at such a special fare, the passenger must be informed by the Airline (its sales agent) about this at the time of booking and a corresponding note must be made in the ticket).

    18.3.2. In case of loss of the ticket, the refund is made by:
    - the airline - the owner of the ticket form ("contract carrier") - if the ticket was issued under an interline agreement;
    - the Airline - the actual carrier - if the ticket was issued on the letterhead of the airline operating the flight.
    A refund can be made if the lost ticket (or part of it) was not used or changed and no refund was made for it.

    18.3.3. The Airline has the right to charge a penalty (fee) from the amount of refunded funds, which is established by the Airline for such cases.

    18.3.4. Funds for a duplicate ticket and for a lost ticket are refunded in a claim and/or court procedure.
    Similar rules are established for refunds in connection with the loss of a miscellaneous charges order, receipt for excess baggage.

    18.3.5. Refusal to refund the passenger does not deprive the passenger of the right to file a claim with the Airline or a lawsuit in court.


    19.1. The passenger's behaviour on board the aircraft must comply with the Airline's Regulations and not pose any danger or threat to other passengers, property, aircraft or the crew of the Airline.
    The passenger has no right to interfere with the crew during the performance of their official duties and must follow the instructions of the aircraft commander and the crew to ensure the safety of the flight, the aircraft and the safe, efficient and comfortable flight of passengers. The passenger must refrain from behavior that may cause or causes dissatisfaction of other passengers.

    19.2. In order to ensure flight safety, the Airline has the right to prohibit or restrict the use of electronic equipment, mobile phones, laptop computers, portable recorders, portable radios, CD players, transmitting devices, including radio-controlled toys, portable radios, etc. on board the aircraft (except for artificial hearing devices and cardiac pacemakers).

    19.3. On board the aircraft, the passenger may not be in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication or under the influence of any other substance that may cause danger or pose a danger to other passengers, belongings, the aircraft, or its crew. Consumption of any alcoholic beverages on board the aircraft is allowed only in the amount offered by the Airline.

    19.4. Regardless of the flight distance, smoking on board the aircraft is prohibited.

    19.5. If the passenger does not comply with the provisions of Paragraphs 19.2 - 19.4 of this Section, the Airline has the right to take such measures as required by the situation according to Airline Security Program and which the Airline considers necessary to prevent such behavior. Such measures may include restriction of the passenger's movement on the aircraft, disembarkation of the passenger, refusal to board the aircraft at any point along the route of transportation and transfer of the passenger to local state authorities for appropriate measures of influence.

    19.6. If the passenger does not comply with the provisions of this Section or acts in any other way without complying with the Rules, the Airline has the right to refuse to provide further transportation to the passenger.

    19.7. If due to the prohibited behaviour of the passenger the Airline was forced to take certain actions that entailed additional expenses, the passenger is obliged to reimburse the Airline for such expenses in accordance with the current legislation.


    20.1. These Regulations apply to air transportation carried out in accordance with commercial agreements between air carriers (known as codesharing agreements, agreements on the mutual use of interline transportation documentation), even if the ticket specifies an air carrier other than the one that actually carries out the transportation. If any such commercial agreement exists, the Airline (its sales agent) must provide the passenger with information when booking the transportation regarding which air carrier is the contractual carrier and which actually provides the transportation. When the passenger checks in for the flight, this information is provided by the actual carrier or its authorized handling agent at the airport of departure.

    20.2. If the passenger has entered into an air transportation agreement with the provision of additional paid services, the Airline shall be liable to the passenger for failure to provide such services, which is limited to the amount paid for the services not provided.


    21.1. Air transportation carried out by several successive air carriers shall be considered a single transportation if, from the beginning of transportation, these air carriers considered such an operation as a single transportation and such transportation was issued with a single ticket.

    21.2. The air carrier that issued the ticket or the first air carrier indicated in the ticket or in the composite ticket is not responsible for the transportation that occurred on the section(s) of transportation of another air carrier(s), including in terms of delays in the transportation of passengers or baggage.

    21.3. In the event of destruction, loss, damage, or delay in the carriage of baggage, the passenger has the right to file a claim or file a lawsuit against the first or last air carrier, as well as against the air carrier that performed the carriage during which the destruction, loss, damage, or delay in the carriage of baggage occurred.

    21.4. If it is impossible to determine the air carrier that carried out the transportation during which the destruction, loss, damage, or delay in the transportation of baggage occurred, the air carriers involved in the transportation will be jointly and severally liable to the passenger.


    22.1. The period of time of air transportation does not include any transportation by ground, sea (river) transport carried out outside the airport area. However, if such transportation is carried out pursuant to the contract of carriage for the purpose of boarding, disembarking, loading, delivery, reloading, any damage, until the contrary is proved, is considered to be the result of an event that occurred during the period of air transportation. If, without the passenger's consent, the carrier fully or partially replaces the carriage, which, according to the agreement of the parties, must be carried out by air, with carriage by any other means of transport, such carriage by another means of transport shall be deemed to be carried out during the period of air transportation.

    22.2. In the case of mixed transportation carried out partly by air and partly by any other means of transport, the provisions of these Regulations, taking into account Paragraph 22.1 of this Section, shall apply only to transportation by air.

    22.3. Any provision of these Regulations does not prohibit the parties in the case of mixed transportation to include in the ticket provisions relating to transportation by other means of transport, provided that the provisions of these Regulations will apply only to transportation by air.

    22.4. Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 22.1 of this Section, the Airline may offer transportation by other means of transport only as an agent of the carrier by other means of transport, including if such transportation is indicated in the ticket under the code of the airline.

    The liability of the Airline for any improper transportation of the passenger, destruction, loss, damage, delay in baggage transportation that occurred during the period of transportation by such other means of transport shall be reimbursed in the amount limited to the amount paid by the passenger for such transportation.


    23.1. The provisions of this Section shall apply when the air carrier (hereinafter referred to as the Contract Carrier) as the main party enters into a contract of carriage with the passenger or with a person acting on behalf of the passenger, and the actual carrier (hereinafter referred to as the Actual Carrier) as the authorized contract carrier carries out all or part of the carriage, but is not a successive carrier in respect of such part within the meaning of Section 21 hereof.

    23.2. In the case of transportation provided for in Paragraph 23.1 of this Section, the contract carrier shall be subject to these Regulations, and the actual carrier shall be subject to these Regulations only in respect of the air transportation that it performs.

    23.3. The amount of liability of the actual carrier and the contract carrier is limited by the rules established by these Regulations.


    24.1. When concluding an agreement with a customer, the Airline operating charter flights shall ensure the provision of services and reimbursement provided for by these Rules.
    The Airline shall conclude an agreement for air transportation separately with each passenger. The issues of reimbursement to the Airline of expenses related to the delay or denial of transportation shall be reflected in the agreement between the Airline and the customer of the charter flight (block seats).
    Tickets for charter flights are considered invalid until the date of payment of the charter flight cost to the Airline that actually performs the flight.
    Refunds and confirmation of the booking are made in accordance with the terms of the agreement concluded between the Airline and the customer of the charter flight.

    24.2. Tickets for charter flights are valid only for air transportation on the dates and for the flights specified in the tickets. Depending on the availability of seats, the charter flight customer may change the departure and return dates of the flight, provided that such changes are agreed by the flight customer (tour operator - the contracted carrier) with the passengers and the actual carrier (flight operator - the Airline).

    24.3. The provisions specified in Subparagraphs 3.4, 3.5 of Section 3; Sections 4, 5; Subparagraphs 6.1, 6.4 of Section 6; Section 18 hereof do not apply to charter transportation.


    25.1. Travel Documents

    25.1.1. The passenger is responsible for obtaining all the documents necessary for the trip, in particular visas, permissions, certificates, etc., as well as for fulfilling the requirements of the legislation regarding the departure, entry, transit of the country of departure, arrival, and transit. The Airline is not responsible for the consequences of non-compliance by the passenger with the requirements of the laws of the countries of departure, arrival, and transit, or if the passenger does not have the necessary travel documents.

    25.1.2. At the request of the Airline, the passenger is obliged to present to the authorized persons of the Airline, representatives of the relevant state authorities all documents for departure, entry, transit, health status and other documents that are required by applicable laws and allow the Airline to make and keep copies of the documents or otherwise store the data contained in the relevant documents. The Airline has a right to deny transportation to a passenger who does not observe applicable laws or whose documents are not properly issued.

    25.2. Denial of entrance to a country

    25.2.1. The Airline is not responsible for the refusal to the passenger to enter the country.

    25.2.2. The passenger is obliged at the request of the Airline or state authorities to pay the corresponding fare for return transportation, if he/she is requested to return to the point of departure or another place due to the refusal of the destination country to accept such a passenger regardless of whether this country is the destination or transit country. The Airline may use funds to pay for such transportation from any funds previously paid by the passenger to the Airline and remained at the disposal of the Airline for unused transportation, or any passenger's funds that are at the disposal of the Airline.

    25.2.3. The Airline has the right not to return the amounts paid by the passenger for the transportation performed to the place where the passenger was denied entry, or the point of deportation.

    25.3. Responsibility of the passenger

    25.3.1. If the Airline is required to pay or deposit any amount, pay a fine, or provide a financial guarantee due to the fact that the passenger has not complied with the requirements of the applicable laws of the country of departure, arrival and transit, or has not submitted the necessary documents for the trip, or presented fake documents, or documents containing false information, the passenger must, at the request of the Airline, reimburse it the amount paid or deposited and the other related expenses of the Airline.

    25.3.2. The Airline has the right to use to cover such expenses any funds previously paid by the passenger to the Airline, which remained at the disposal of the Airline for unused transportation, or any funds of the passenger at the disposal of the Airline or may refuse to carry out transportation if the passenger has not reimbursed the Airline for such expenses.

    25.4. Customs clearance, security controls, border control and other types of control

    25.4.1. When performing international air transportation, passengers, their checked baggage, and cabin baggage must be subjected to security controls and border control, as well as other types of control at the request of customs and other authorities.

    25.4.2. When performing domestic air transportation, the passengers, their checked baggage, and cabin baggage must be subjected to security controls and other types of control at the request of other authorized bodies.

    25.4.3. Personnel of the Airline, airport operators and handling agents who have direct contact with passengers should be trained in the prevention of human trafficking. Cabin crew should be trained in the prevention of human trafficking, taking into account the guidance provided in the Guidelines for Training Cabin Crew on Identifying and Responding to Trafficking in Persons.


    26.1. Death and bodily injury to passengers. Damage to baggage

    26.1.1. The Airline is liable for damage that caused the death or bodily injury to a passenger only if the event that caused the death or bodily injury occurred on board the aircraft or during boarding or disembarking of the passenger on/from the aircraft.

    26.1.2. The Airline shall be liable for damage caused in case of destruction, loss or damage to checked baggage only if the event that caused the destruction, loss or damage to the baggage occurred on board the aircraft or when the Airline was responsible for the safety of checked baggage (however, the Airline is not liable for damage to the baggage due to its defects, qualities or flaws). The Airline is responsible for damage caused by its fault or the fault of its employees or service agents to unchecked baggage, including personal belongings of the passenger.

    26.1.3. If the Airline acknowledges the loss of checked baggage or if checked baggage has not arrived within 21 days from the date when it was supposed to arrive, the passenger may file claims against the Airline arising from the terms of the carriage agreement and the provisions hereof.

    26.2. Reimbursement by the Airline for damage caused as a result of a delay in transportation

    26.2.1. The Airline is liable for damage caused by delays in air transportation of passengers and baggage, however, the Airline is not liable for damage caused by delays if it proves that it, its employees and sales and/or handling agents have taken all possible measures to avoid damage, or that it (they) did not have the opportunity to take such measures.

    26.2.2. For improper transportation of passengers and baggage, the Airline shall reimburse only the actual damages proved by the passenger, but within the limits of liability for damage established hereby.

    26.3. Exemption from reimbursement for damage

    26.3.1. If the Airline proves that the negligence, wrongful act or omission of the person claiming compensation or the person from whom its rights originated caused or caused the damage, the Airline shall be fully or partially released from liability to the person claiming compensation, in the amount of to whom such negligence, wrongful act or omission has caused harm or its occurrence.

    26.3.2. If a claim for damages caused by the death or personal injury of a passenger is made by a person other than the passenger, the Airline shall be released in whole or in part from liability insofar as it proves that the negligence, other wrongful act or omission of that passenger caused or caused damage.

    26.4. Compensation in case of death or injury to passengers

    26.4.1. The Airline may not exclude or limit its liability for damage that caused the death or bodily injury of a passenger, under the conditions specified in Paragraph 26.1 of this Section, to the amount of 128821 SDR for each passenger.

    26.4.2. The Airline is not responsible for damage that caused the death or bodily injury to the passenger and the amount of which exceeds the amounts specified in Paragraph 26.4.1 of this Section, under the conditions specified in Section 26.1, if the Airline proves that:
    - such damage was not caused due to negligence or other unlawful act or omission of the Airline or its employees or handling agents; or
    - such damage was caused solely due to the negligence or other wrongful act or omission of a third party.

    26.4.3. The Airline must immediately, but not later than within 15 days after the identification of the individual entitled to compensation, make an advance payment that may be necessary to meet urgent financial needs. In the event of the passenger's death, the advance payment shall not be less than 16,000 SDR.

    26.4.4. When issuing a ticket, the Airline shall ensure that the passenger is provided with the main provisions governing the liability of the Airline to the passenger and for their baggage in writing. In addition, the Airline shall provide the passenger with a written notice of the applicable limits of the Airline's liability for the passenger and baggage.

    26.5. Limits of liability for damage caused by delay

    26.5.1. The liability of the Airline for damage caused as a result of a delay in the air transportation of passengers on any flights is limited to the amount of 5346 SDRs for each passenger.

    26.5.2. The liability of the Airline in case of destruction, loss, damage or delay in the transportation of checked baggage is limited to the amount of 1288 SDR (for the minimum free baggage allowance established by the authorized civil aviation authority) for each passenger. The Airline shall not be liable for damage caused by the delay if it proves that it, its employees and service agents have taken all measures that could be necessary to avoid damage, or that it was impossible for it (them) to take such measures.

    26.5.3. The provisions referred to in Paragraphs 26.5.1, 26.5. 2 shall not be applied if it is proved that the damage is the result of an action or inaction of the Airline, its employees or service agents committed with the intention to cause damage or due to criminal negligence and with the knowledge that damage may be caused as a result of such actions, provided that in case of such action or inaction of an employee or service agent it is also proved that this employee or agent acted within the scope of their duties.


    27.1. General provisions on the procedure for making claims and filing complaints

    27.1.1. Any claim for improper transportation of the passenger or baggage must be submitted in writing directly to the Airline and delivered or sent within the time period stipulated by the Montreal Convention before engaging third parties to claim on behalf of passenger. For the purpose of admissibility, the claims must be addressed to the Airline in writing, and accompanied by all necessary documents confirming the passenger's rights to claim reimbursement depending on what the claim is for, including a ticket (itinerary receipt), boarding pass, fiscal receipts for services (except for taxi services), excess baggage payment receipt, baggage identification tag tear-off coupon, PIR (Property Irregularity Report), DBR (Damage Baggage Report), certificates of delays and other documents that may speed up the processing of claims. The amount of the claim must be proved by the person concerned.
    Inadmissibility of the claim must be communicated to the claimant within thirty (30) days from receipt of claim, supported by the appropriate clarifications. If a claim is sent without the requested and/or necessary documents and/or information specified herein, the Airline shall send the passenger notification of proper information and/or document request within thirty (30) days from receipt and registration of the claim. The Airline shall inform the passenger of the terms for consideration of the claim after receiving the missing documents and information.
    Standard terms for consideration of the claim are two months. At the request of the competent civil aviation authority, an entity that provides paid services to the public as an intermediary for receiving reimbursement from the Airline provided for by these Regulations shall provide the original document(s) confirming the authority, including a copy of the passenger's identity document and payment details.

    The Airline has the right to not consider claims submitted by a third party if the claim is not accompanied by the appropriate documentation, duly signed, and properly confirming the authority of the third party to act on behalf of the passenger. Clause 27.1.1. above will not apply to passengers who do not have the capacity to submit claims themselves. The legal guardian of a passenger who lacks capacity may submit a claim to the Airline and receive the payment on the passenger’s behalf. The Airline may request evidence that the legal guardian has authority to submit a claim and receive the payment on the passenger’s behalf. A passenger may submit a claim to the Airline and receive the payment on behalf of other passengers on the same booking. The Airline may request evidence that the passenger has the consent of other passengers on the booking to submit a claim and receive the payment on the other passengers’ behalf. Passengers are not prohibited by provisions of these Regulations from consulting legal or other third-party advisers before submitting their claim directly to the Airline.

    27.1.2. The Airline is obliged to consider the claim and notify the claimant of its satisfaction or rejection with justification within the prescribed terms as may be from time to time provided for by the Laws of Malta.

    If other airlines took part in such transportation, the term for consideration of the claim may be extended, taking into account the current rules for resolving claims of such carriers.
    If the Airline fails to respond within the time prescribed, or passengers are unhappy with the response, passengers may engage third parties to claim / receive payment on their behalf.
    27.1.3. A claim for reimbursement for damage caused by the Airline during air transportation may be filed in accordance with the conditions and limits of liability provided for by the Montreal Convention without prejudice to the rights of others to appeal to a court.

    27.1.4. Claims about the liability of the Airline during international transportation for improper transportation of passengers or baggage must be filed at the choice of the claimant to the court at the location (registration) of the Airline, at the place of its main activity (head office) or at the place where the company through which the air transportation agreement was concluded is located, or to the court of the place of destination of transportation within two years from the date of arrival at the destination, or from the date when the aircraft should have arrived at the destination, or from the date when the transportation stopped.
    Claims for the liability of the Airline regarding improper transportation of the passenger can be filed within the time period established by the applicable law without prior filing a claim against the Airline.

    27.1.5. The total amount of reimbursement for damage shall not exceed the limits of liability established hereby.
    The contract Airline, the actual Carrier, sales and/or service agents who acted within the scope of their duties are liable for the damage caused by them in an amount not exceeding the applicable limits of liability established hereby.

    27.1.6. If claims for reimbursement for damage specified hereby are addressed to the employee or a sales and/or handling agent of the Airline, he/she is entitled to refer to the conditions and limits of liability to which the Airline itself has the right to refer if proves that he/she acted within their official duties.

    27.1.7. In case of the death of the person responsible for the damages, a claim for damages shall be filed in accordance with the provisions of the Montreal Convention against persons who legally represent him/her or dispose of the property of that person.

    27.1.8. A claim for reimbursement for damage that occurred during the air transportation performed by the actual carrier may be filed, at the option of the passenger, to the actual carrier or to the contract carrier, or to both carriers simultaneously.

    27.1.9. Recalculation of the amounts indicated in the SDR into national currency is carried out in accordance with the value of currencies in the SDR.

    27.1.10. The assignment of any right to compensation, damages or refund shall only be valid where the right is assigned to: natural persons that are registered in your flight booking as additional passengers and/or, if you are a member of a travel group, to other passengers of this travel group and/or, where the customer is a minor or otherwise not legally competent, to their guardians. In all cases such assignment shall be subject to a prior written notice to the Airline made by the passenger with the name of the future assignee.

    27.1.11. In all other cases the assignment of any right to compensation, damages or refund against the Airline to third parties shall be invalid. This prohibition of assignment does not apply where assignment or subrogation of the claim is required by law.

    27.2. Procedure for filing complaints and claims regarding improper transportation of the passenger

    27.2.1. If a claim is made or a complaint is filed to reimburse for damage caused by a delay in the carriage of a passenger, the amount of compensation is limited to the amount specified in Paragraph 26.5.1 hereof. The amount of the claim must be proved by the person concerned.

    27.2.2. Claims for the liability of the Airline for damage caused as a result of death or bodily injury must be filed at the choice of the claimant to one of the courts specified in Paragraph 27.1.5 of this Section.
    Claims for the liability of the Airline regarding improper transportation of the passenger can be filed within the time period established by the applicable law without prior filing a claim against the Airline.

    27.2.3. The right to reimbursement for damage is lost if the claim for liability is not filed within the time limit according to the Montreal Convention from the date of arrival at the destination point, or from the date when the aircraft was supposed to arrive, or from the date of termination of the transportation.

    27.2.4. In case of a claim against the Airline for a refund for the check-in operation at the airport due to the inability to check-in using the website, the obligation to prove the opposite shall be borne by the Airline.

    27.3. Procedure for filing complaints and claims regarding improper transportation of the baggage

    27.3.1. Receipt of checked baggage by the person entitled to receive it without making any claims presupposes, until proven otherwise, that the baggage was delivered in proper condition and in accordance with the shipping document or a record stored by other means of information storage.
    The passenger must prove the opposite by filling out a Property Irregularity Report (PIR) before leaving the airport baggage claim or a Damage Baggage Report (DBR).

    27.3.2. In case of improper transportation of checked baggage, the passenger must send a claim to the Airline immediately after detecting damage, loss of part of the baggage contents or no later than seven calendar days from the date of receipt of checked baggage.
    In case of delay in baggage transportation, the claim must be filed within 21calendar days from the date when the baggage was placed at the disposal of the passenger.

    27.3.3. Claims for loss of baggage shall be filed with the Airline after the baggage is declared lost. Baggage is considered to be lost if it is not found as a result of the search within 21 calendar days from the date following the date when the baggage was supposed to arrive at the destination. In this case, a claim against the Airline must be filed within two years from the date of arrival of the aircraft at the destination or from the date when the aircraft was supposed to arrive at the destination, or from the date when the transportation was terminated.

    27.3.4. The liability of the Airline for destroyed or lost baggage is limited to the amount specified in Paragraph 26.5.2 hereof.

    27.3.5. If a claim is made for damage to the baggage packaging, the expenses for its repair are subject to reimbursement. If it is impossible to use the damaged baggage packaging further, the compensation shall be paid for its value, which is confirmed by the person concerned.
    The Airline is not responsible for the following types of baggage damage:
    - broken wheels and legs of suitcases, bags, etc.;
    - lost straps and loops;
    - minor scuffs or scratches, damage caused by excessive filling of the suitcase;
    - damage to the handle of a suitcase or bag;
    - damage to fragile items or perishable products;
    - damage to items that are not properly packed.

    27.3.6. If a claim is made for reimbursement of partially lost baggage weighing up to 1 kilogram, the weight indicators specified in the recommended practice of IATA 1751 (Annex A) may be used to reimburse the cost of partially lost baggage.

    27.3.7. If a claim is made for reimbursement of damage caused as a result of a delay in baggage transportation, the amount of reimbursement is limited to the amount specified in Paragraph 27.5.2 hereof. The amount of the claim must be proved by the person concerned.

    27.3.8. In the absence of the claims specified in Paragraphs 27.3.2, 27.3.3 of this Section, no claims against the Airline for improper baggage transportation shall be accepted during international air transportation, except in cases of fraud by the carrier.


    28.1. The provisions of this section are applied to the Airline and its sales and/or service agents involved in issuing tickets.

    28.2. The Airline, its sales agent in the office of transportation registration is obliged to place such information in a visible and accessible place for consumers:
    - its full name, location;
    - copies of the documents (licenses, certificates, attestations) regarding the performance of air transportation (sale of air transportation);
    - Book of comments and suggestions.
    When issuing tickets, the Airline and its sales agent are required to inform the passengers and provide in writing the terms of the contract (of the Airline for which the ticket was issued), the rules for applying fares according to which the ticket was purchased, administrative formalities during the trip on a certain route, important messages regarding the transportation of dangerous substances in baggage and cabin baggage, other messages that the Airline considers necessary to bring to passenger's attention.
    In the case of the sale of air transportation using the website, this information is communicated to the passenger electronically through the website using which the air transportation is reserved.
    Carrying out promotions, the Airline must provide consumers with full information about the cost of transportation, which should include the amount of the fare and all state taxes and fees, airport charges/fees and charges/fees of the Airline.
    By paying for a ticket for a flight of the Airline the passenger agrees to all the terms of the air transportation agreement and the rules of the Airline.

    28.3. These Regulations and contact information, including the contacts of a 24-hour help desk, are published on the website of the Airline