SkyUp suspends flights to Turin · p. 157 - SkyUp Airlines

SkyUp suspends flights to Turin

03 Mar 2020

The airline has suspended flights to Turin from 5 March to an estimated 25 October.

What happens in Italy

Now in Italy, the largest number of the coronavirus COVID-19 cases in Europe is reported.
Neither the WHO nor the international and national competent authorities recommend stopping communication with Italy, and the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry advises to temporarily refrain from traveling only in the provinces of the Italian regions of Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, and Piedmont, where there is the greatest risk of coronavirus infection.
There are no restrictions on the traveling around the country, except for quarantine zones. It is recommended that you follow the rules of personal hygiene: often wash your hands with soap, try not to touch your face with your hands, avoid crowds and close contact with people who have symptoms of respiratory illness.

How low-cost airline changes flight program to Italy

The management of SkyUp Airlines has decided to temporarily suspend flights to Turin, a direction that is in the zone of growth of a new coronavirus cases in Italy. These changes take effect on 5 March.
“We have big plans for Italy. This year, the flight program provides for more than 10 destinations from Kyiv and regions. But we cannot ignore the current situation and people's concerns, therefore, we’re reducing air traffic with the country until the situation is back to normal”, said Yevhenii Khainatskyi, CEO of SkyUp Airlines.

What will happen next with flights to Turin

Turin is a tourist attractive region. This direction is popular, and the air carrier is interested in its development. Once the situation stabilizes, SkyUp plans to resume suspended flights.

What SkyUp offers to passengers of canceled flights

Passengers who have purchased tickets for canceled flights must apply for a refund or agree with the carrier the possibility of rebooking on alternative flights of the carrier.
If tickets were booked on the airline’s website, you need to email on [email protected] with the corresponding request for a refund or for a change of direction in a free format. Spain, Portugal, Italy are not available for rebooking. All other options are available for individual discussion.
If the tickets were purchased through an agent network or through specialized services, then you must contact the salespoint for a refund.