SkyUp continues to carry out evacuation flights and deliver humanitarian goods · p. 435 - SkyUp Airlines
SkyUp continues to carry out evacuation flights and deliver humanitarian goods

SkyUp continues to carry out evacuation flights and deliver humanitarian goods

15 Apr 2022

We are making every effort to resume operations and continue our humanitarian mission to carry out evacuation flights and deliver humanitarian aid necessary to support people who remain in Ukraine. 

Evacuation flights

In the first week of April, SkyUp Airlines operated two special flights to evacuate Ukrainians to safe places abroad. As part of the programme adopted by the Portuguese government to receive Ukrainians fleeing the war, on 5 April we carried out Warsaw — Lisbon flight. This flight to Portugal evacuated 183 Ukrainian citizens and 12 of their pets.

We would like to thank the partners who managed to organise the evacuation flight quickly and efficiently:  LS Airport Services S.A., Polish handling company, GALP and TZK companies, which provided refuelling in Lisbon and Warsaw, as well as Viktor Puharsky and the Embassy of Ukraine in Portugal.

On 7 April, Ukrainian refugees went to Israel by our Chisinau — Tel Aviv flight.

We have another evacuation flight Warsaw — Lisbon scheduled for 25 April, and we are getting ready to start an evacuation programme from Poland to Sweden on 26 April.

Humanitarian aid cargo

The whole world is now united in support of Ukraine. Therefore, in addition to the evacuation of refugees, we use the available opportunities to assist in the transportation of humanitarian goods to Ukraine. In April, we delivered almost 52 tons of humanitarian goods from Lisbon and Tel Aviv to Chisinau, Lublin, and Warsaw. The cargo included warm clothes, blankets, diapers, hygiene products, medicines, food, as well as helmets for defenders.  

We organise the transportation of humanitarian goods together with the Logistic Aide Ukraine logistics initiative.


We are ready to engage as much as possible in initiatives in support of Ukraine and call for cooperation to ensure the continuation of the company's operations to restore and support Ukraine's economy. Learn more about opportunities to work with us at