SkyUp will provide special Kyiv – Baku – Kyiv flight · p. 244 - SkyUp Airlines

SkyUp will provide special Kyiv – Baku – Kyiv flight

25 Nov 2020

SkyUp creates a convenient opportunity for direct flights to Ukraine.On November 30, 2020, the airline will provide special Baku-Kyiv flight.

Tickets are already available via website at a price from €270*.

Travel information

  • According to the latest updates of the red and green zones of COVID-19, which were announced by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on November 6, 2020, Azerbaijan remains in the green zone.
  • After entering Ukraine from Azerbaijan, it is not required to self-isolate or conduct a PCR test. However, travelers are required to have a health insurance policy that covers the costs of coronavirus treatment.

To have a comfortable trip and to avoid misunderstandings, we recommend that you additionally check the current rules and requirements before departure. Take care of yourself and discover the world with SkyUp.

We also remind that SkyUp will operate special flight Kyiv – Tashkent (tickets are available at a price of €297*) on November 26, 2020

* The price is valid at the time of publication.