Refund of tickets with departure date during the quarantine period: SkyUp offers a 120% promotional code UPDATED 24 Apr 2020 17348 #attention
Cargo transportation: SkyUp Airlines is developing a new line of business For this, the company received all the necessary licenses and permits, as well as reconfigured 7 aircrafts of its passenger fleet. 23 Apr 2020 5811 #Cargo
SkyUp postpones the resumption of its flights: the government has extended the quarantine until May 11, 2020 SkyUp postpones the renewal of scheduled flights until May 11, 2020 due to a nationwide quarantine extension. 23 Apr 2020 4684 #attention
More than 100 flights and over 20 thousand passengers: SkyUp summarize the operation of returning Ukrainians home For 9 days, from March 19 to March 27, 2020, SkyUp Airlines operated more than 100 special flights to 30 countries around the world to allow Ukrainians and foreigners with a residence permit in Ukraine to return home. 31 Mar 2020 6889 #attention