Further to the South: SkyUp opens purchasing tickets to Zanzibar round trip tickets are available with prices starting at $685* per ticket without luggage 24 Sep 2020 2057 #Zanzibar #Kyiv #new_destination
Dubai is getting even closer with SkyUp: 120 tickets at a promotional rate SkyUp invites everyone to celebrate the launch of Dubai destination together: 120 tickets are available at a special price 17 Sep 2020 1828 #Dubai #Kyiv #promo
SkyUp Extends the Summer: Kyiv to Istanbul Flights at a Special Price UPD 09/ 16/2020: Tickets at a special price were sold out on the first day of the promotion. 15 Sep 2020 3232 #Istanbul #special_offer
Now SkyUp passengers can choose: free registration online or paid at the airport Self-registration takes a few minutes, but it allows to speed up airport procedures and reduce possible queues. 21 Aug 2020 40824 #attention #registration