Now SkyUp passengers can choose: free registration online or paid at the airport · p. 206 - SkyUp Airlines

Now SkyUp passengers can choose: free registration online or paid at the airport

21 Aug 2020

Starting from September 1, 2020, for domestic flights, and from October 1, 2020, also for international ones, issuing boarding passes at SkyUp check-in desks in the airports becomes paid service. Passengers can register free online using user's personal room on the airline's website. Self-registration takes a few minutes, but it allows to speed up airport procedures and reduce possible queues. The latter is of particular importance for cutting the risks of coronavirus infection.

Issuing a boarding pass at the airport will cost 18 euros.

Paid check-in is introduced for passengers of regular flights. Charter passengers, as before, will be able to check in free of charge both online and at the airport. In addition, there are groups of passengers for regular flights exempt from registration fees:

  • People over 65 years old. Confirming document: passport.
  • Persons with I and II disability group status. Confirming document: certificate of the recipient of state social assistance for a disabled person.
  • ATO/JFO participants. Confirming document: ATO/JFO participant certificate.

Online check-in via personal room on the SkyUp website is a convenient and free of charge way to issue the boarding pass. Online check-in opens 48 hours in advance and closes 3 hours before departure.

Online registration is easy. It is enough to go to the SkyUp website and open your personal room. If you don't have it yet, you can easily create it. It is enough to enter in the required field the email address that was indicated when buying tickets, add a password, and all bookings will immediately become available, as well as the ability to issue an online check-in for the flight. Those who purchased a ticket from a tour operator or at an air ticket office should contact either the place of purchase of the ticket, or use “My ticket” section and also register a personal account.

Firstly, paid check-in will be valid only at those airports where a free alternative to online check-in is already available. Currently this list includes:

  • Boryspil International Airport, Terminal D (KBP)
  • Zaporizhzhia International Airport (OZH)
  • International airport “Lviv” named after Daniil Halytsky (LWO)
  • Odessa International Airport (ODS)
  • Kharkiv International Airport (HRK)
  • Kherson International Airport (KHE)
  • Larnaca International Airport (LCA)
  • Naples International Airport (NAP)
  • Ben Gurion International Airport (TLV)
  • Tirana Mother Teresa International Airport (TIA)

We also remind that tourists who have purchased package tours can also check in online at the following airports:

  • Hurghada International Airport (HRG)
  • Sharm El Sheikh International Airport (SSH)
  • International airport “Tivat” (TIV)

The list of the airports will be constantly updated, so check the information on the SkyUp website in “Passengers” – “Check-in at the airport” section.