Open the world with SkyUp: 21 countries and more than 60 destinations in the summer programme we’ve already started selling tickets 25 Nov 2020 1994 #new_destination
Have a chance to take advantage: SkyUp offers special rates for tickets to Istanbul from Lviv and Odesa Sales start on November 18, 2020. The number of special price tickets is limited. 18 Nov 2020 1044 #Istanbul #Lviv #Odesa #Ukraine #Turkey #promo
SkyUp expands its flight program to Istanbul now also from Lviv and Odesa 03 Nov 2020 1628 #Lviv #Odesa #Istanbul #Ukraine #Turkey #new_destination
Saw off summer in the sky: SkyUp shares August news and novelties The digest contains August figures, new services and products for passengers, our plans for the winter season. 10 Sep 2020 1525 #digest