Four hours to reach the Spanish sun: SkyUp made its first flight to Madrid To celebrate the start of flights, SkyUp offers special conditions for purchasing tickets using the promo code AG-PQMAD 18 Oct 2021 712 #Kyiv #Ukraine #Madrid #new_destination
Going for new discoveries: SkyUp starts flying to Saudi Arabia in August Tickets at a promotional price are available on 14 July 14 Jul 2021 2095 #Kyiv #Lviv #Ukraine #Dammam #Jeddah #Riyadh #Saudi Arabia #new_destination #promo
SkyUp meets Baku: the first flight departed from Lviv On July 4, 2021, SkyUp performed the first Lviv — Baku — Lviv flight 05 Jul 2021 696 #Baku #Lviv #Azerbaijan #Ukraine #new_destination
To Thessaloniki from Odesa: a new destination and one-day promotion for tickets SkyUp Airlines continues to develop its regional flight program and create travel opportunities for residents of the entire country 30 Jun 2021 599 #Odesa #Thessaloniki #Ukraine #Greece #new_destination