Saw off summer in the sky: SkyUp shares August news and novelties The digest contains August figures, new services and products for passengers, our plans for the winter season. 10 Sep 2020 1555 #digest
SkyUp updates the refund procedure for tickets for canceled flights In a few weeks, we will launch the passenger’s personal balance, to which the money for the canceled ticket will be automatically credited and stored in full. 19 Aug 2020 16485 #important information #personal account
The next five years for SkyUp. How we plan to develop It is time for a change for SkyUp. Despite the difficult challenges of 2020, we continue to develop and move forward. 30 Jul 2020 3529 #SkyUp
You want – you fly: CityBreak on the wings of SkyUp Airlines A new format of short trips now in Ukraine 22 Jul 2020 5067 #CityBreak