Everything you need in a few clicks: along with a SkyUp ticket, you can order a Covid-19 testing · p. 390 - SkyUp Airlines

Everything you need in a few clicks: along with a SkyUp ticket, you can order a Covid-19 testing

01 Nov 2021

For the convenience of passengers who need to take a Covid-19 test to travel abroad, return to Ukraine or take an internal flight, SkyUp Airlines and partners have created a joint service. When booking tickets on the airline's website or in a personal account after registering at skyup.aero, you can order a PCR test and/or a rapid antigen test for active bookings.

How to place an order for taking a Covid-19 test 

On the official website of the airline skyup.aero, a passenger can book a Covid-19 testing through PCR or a rapid antigen test. There are two options to order the service:

  • when booking tickets on the airline's website. To do this, you must select the appropriate option from the list of additional services during filling in passenger data
  • add an option to an already purchased ticket in the passenger's personal account

When placing an order for the service, you must enter the personal data of the passenger who needs to take the test, select the type of testing (PCR or rapid antigen test), the address of the laboratory, the date and time of testing from the available.

Upon payment, a message with a voucher and an individual order number will be sent to the specified email address and contact phone number.

Important notice! The passenger's balance is not available to pay for the service order. You can pay for it only online with a bank card when booking.

In case of difficulties when placing an order for testing, you must send a request to [email protected].

How to take the test

To complete the procedure of collecting respiratory material for testing, the passenger must appear at the selected address in the laboratory at a specific date and time. During the visit, you must provide the voucher received by email and fill out the form.

What a passenger gets when ordering a testing service on the SkyUp website:

  • quick and convenient booking of the required service without additional time-consuming searching for a laboratory and making an appointment
  • purchasing a service from a reliable provider, medical organizations operating in accordance with the current licenses of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and belonging to the list of laboratories approved by the Ministry of Health authorized to transfer the Covid-19 test results to stop self-isolation through the Diy Vdoma application

How to cancel a service if necessary

To cancel the PCR/antigen testing service and issue a refund, the passenger must send a request to the email specified in the order voucher.

Important notice! In the event of a refund, the agent's commission (in this case, SkyUp Airlines) charged to the passenger during ordering the service for the information and consulting services provided is not refundable.

Along with ordering a testing service for Covid-19, SkyUp Airlines passengers can also get the insurance necessary for the trip from the carrier's partner, VUSO insurance company.

Travel comfortably and safely, and discover the world with SkyUp.