Be sure to wear a mask and follow the crew's instructions: SkyUp reminds the rules of conduct on board · p. 253 - SkyUp Airlines

Be sure to wear a mask and follow the crew's instructions: SkyUp reminds the rules of conduct on board

10 Dec 2020

Due to the pandemic and new travel conditions around the world, SkyUp Airlines has updated the rules of conduct on board, as well as strengthened the control by the crew members over their observance.

From now on, among other things, failure to comply with the requirement to remain in the mask during the flight is considered a violation of the rules of conduct on board. To passengers who refuse to wear a mask, as for other violations, the airline has the right to apply appropriate sanctions: from verbal reprimands to forced landing at the nearest airport, surrender of the offender to the police and refusal of air transportation for several years.

Passenger: not only rights but also responsibilities

When a passenger buys a plane ticket, he agrees to interact with the airline for a certain period of time while the flight is taking place. For our part, we always strictly adhere to our obligations: the airline takes care of the safety of the passenger throughout the flight, and the passenger can count on the protection of the crew in case of threat to his life, health or dignity.

At the same time, the passenger assumes the following obligations:

  • adhere to discipline and rules of conduct on board;
  • follow the instructions and recommendations of the crew members;
  • fasten seat belts when the "fasten seat belts" display is on;
  • wear a mask throughout the flight.

What you should not do on board the plane

We would like to remind our passengers once again that it is strictly prohibited onboard:

  • to show disrespect, insult, show aggression or commit violence against other passengers and crew;
  • remove the mask, except when eating and drinking;
  • consume alcoholic drinks, other than those offered by the crew on board, and smoke (including electronic cigarettes);
  • damage the property of the airline, etc.

Such actions endanger the safe performance of the flight and are a violation of the rules of conduct on board.

What response mechanisms are used in the airline

In case of violations, the crew members act as follows:

  • make a verbal remark to the offender;
  • in case of non-fulfillment of the requirement, a written warning is given (made in two copies);
  • if the violation continues, restraining measures may be applied (temporary restriction of freedom of movement).

In the future, the airline has the right to apply to law enforcement agencies and / or with a claim in court. And then the offender should be prepared for the following consequences:

  • to reimburse the costs incurred by the airline as a result of the offense;
  • to refuse further air transportation on SkyUp Airlines flights for up to 3 years (inclusion in the "black list") with the possible transfer of information to other carriers;
  • to maximum publicity of the incident in the media and on the Internet.

You can read more about the rules of conduct on board here.

Why we do it

Air transportation is an area where safety is an absolute priority. For us, these are not just words. We make sure that your trip is safe and peaceful. For example, wearing a mask on board an aircraft, as in all public places, is extremely important. Taking care of your health is as much a part of flight safety for you and others as a fastened seat belt and compliance with other rules of conduct on board. That is why we will respond tougher to violations of the rules of conduct on board and are looking forward to your understanding on this matter.

See you on board!