SkyUp postpones resumption of scheduled flights with respect to extension of the quarantine period · p. 182 - SkyUp Airlines

SkyUp postpones resumption of scheduled flights with respect to extension of the quarantine period

06 May 2020

At a special meeting on 4 May, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine extended the quarantine in Ukraine until 22 May. Resumption of air traffic is possible only after the ban on passenger traffic has expired, which remains one of the restrictive measures during quarantine.

What passengers have to do

Passengers with tickets for flights up to 22 May, inclusive, are offered the following options:

  • to receive a refund of the ticket price according to the terms of applied tariff. Refunds will be made after the quarantine has ended.
  • to change the departure date at no extra charge. Look for details in this and this news posts.
  • to receive a refund of cancelled ticket in the form of 120% promotional code applied to the amount of the unused part of the booking*. The promotional code can be used when paying for tickets and services for any destination of the airline. More details in the news post.

To get a promotional code or to receive a refund/ change the departure date, send an email to [email protected] if a ticket is purchased on the airline's website. 

To receive a refund/ change the departure date, send a request to your agent if the ticket is purchased through the airline agent network. 

How passenger requests are being processed

Requests for getting a promotional code are processed in turn as they arrive.

Consideration of requests to get a refund for canceled flights will be carried out when the quarantine has ended, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine aimed at preventing the onset and spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)”, which provides for stopping the deadlines established by law for applying for services and the deadlines for the provision of these services, from the date of quarantine start. After quarantine is over, the time period for such deadlines begins to run.

All requests will be processed in turn as they arrive. Even though the reimbursement periods may exceed those stipulated by law and rules of the airline, we want to assure that all payments will be made.

Please keep in mind that currently the airline operates irregular commercial special flights and cargo transportation.

All updates regarding resumption of scheduled passenger flights will be published on in section “News” and SkyUp Airlines Facebook page. Follow us to keep updated with the latest news.  


*The unused part of the booking should be understood as a ticket for a flight, which cannot be completed due to the air passenger transportation ban. For example, you purchased two tickets for flights in one booking (one ticket to the destination and another one back). Of these, you used one ticket, and you could not use the other due to the quarantine. Then, accordingly, the promotional code can be applied to only one unused ticket.